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"Shining India, Swaggering India" - Times of India

With half the Populace below Poverty Line, there is not much cause to SWAGGER.

You should read the article before commenting, it says that the rich and powerful are "swaggering", not the ordinary Indian.

This video below, describes the mind-set perfectly.

This is a video clip from a recent Indian movie, in which India apparently has a lot of "white servants" and "white beggars" all over the place. Pay special attention to 2:15 in the clip, in which there are several white American teenage girls begging on the streets of India, begging the rich Indians to give them a few rupees.

India In 2030 - YouTube

Its a racist and dumb movie. I am sure there are movies every nation makes that are racist and dumb, including China. This movie has nothing to do with how Indians think, because I am an Indian and definitely don't think like this.
They are not just swaggering; they are being the biggest uncivilized pricks in the world. One billion dollar house lording over a slum in the mid of Mumbai where people starve? Hello??

You should read the article before commenting, it says that the rich and powerful are "swaggering", not the ordinary Indian.

Its a racist and dumb movie. I am sure there are movies every nation makes that are racist and dumb, including China. This movie has nothing to do with how Indians think, because I am an Indian and definitely don't think like this.
I deleted most of the article in the repost due to length and just bolded the part I wanted to draw attention to. I've seen that rising arrogance amongst the Indian expats and guest workers here myself. One actually went so far as to tell me "We are here because Singapore needs us. We are better for these jobs than anyone else. India is the leader in IT"

Our response is "No. Let's not even compare India and Singapore. You are here only because those companies rather slash their costs by 2/3 and pay way less for you guys than what they would for a Singaporean."

Just stop trying to lord over others based on your recent success guys, which hasn't been much anyway. I know you fired some missile somewhere and that made news, quite a few other military achievements too. But your HDI ranking is real low and any kind of comparison with the genuine Asian success stories like China, Taiwan or Singapore is pointless. You can be cocky, I'm not saying no, but stick to the Pinoys or even the Indonesians if u want please. Don't try it with those who are better, ESPECIALLY if you are going to their country to earn a living. I hope Indians do realize this and wake up if they wish to see themselves play a bigger role on the global scale.

So a few expat Indians tell you things and you start hating the whole nation of over a billion people? Does not sound like proper logic to me. Sounds a bit unfair to me, if I might say so.
This thread is nothing but a magnet to Chinese trolls...who will start racial abuse of indians at the first chace they get...

But they f88king dont see that thread was opened by an Indian and the article written by Indian in an Indian news paper..that means ..in this country we have the right to criticize and discuss ..coming from a CCP brainwashed country does not give u credibility at all..

And @CD....the mega troll, stop posting the same video again and again. Only shows what kind of desperate person u r...no matter how many times u post such videos or cr@p....we still will be very proud of India..and will still not change what we Indian members think about u..that u r nothing but 50 cent poster with lot of free time in hand and in desperate need of a way to boost ur confidence..try harder mate

I guess arrogance flows in veins of chinese..and only way they can feel good about themselves is by posting same thing again and again
They are not just swaggering; they are being the biggest uncivilized pricks in the world. One billion dollar house lording over a slum in the mid of Mumbai where people starve? Hello??

Again, read the article before commenting. The article is a pretty harsh look at the why these rich and powerful Indians behave like pricks. You are simply typing comments that have already been covered in the article. Neither are you contributing something new nor are you providing any new insightful ideas to the topic. You are simply echoing the sentiments already mentioned in the article.
Really? How do they insult Singapore, a much wealthier, cleaner, safer, and more civilized country?

If I tell you a few examples, you would be ROFL.

We always do constant upgrading projects of our infrastructure. Be it the busstops, public telephone booths, roads, maintenance is done several times a year, inclusive of repair works. I had one chap from India who actually asked me "What the hell is wrong with you people?? Why do u need to keep breaking down and rebuilding even busstops?? U have nothing else to do..blahh blaah.."...and he went on to talk about India for the next 5 mins. Mind you, that busstop was leaking like hell.

Then they have complaints over the food. They claim outright our cuisine is bland, tasteless and they don't comprehend how humans can actually eat this trash - okay...so we are trash eating animals now..coming from a nationality that can't even feed or clothe itself adequately back home, really rich

I can keep going on and on man, till I write a 10000 word essay on it, and I would have still just covered the tip of the iceberg. Just go into google and do a search for "Indian FT in Singapore" or "Indian ah neh in Singapore". There'll be a whole load of articles to read about.

Worst of it all is when they come and tell us, they have the god-given right to stay in our country and do what they want because they are better than us in their professions and we are not competent. Well here's a fact, I've worked with Indians before on a couple of projects and all I got was a bunch of squabbling and disorganized group. Totally opposite to the Singaporean crowd and also the Taiwanese group I had the pleasure of working with in the army. We are highly organized, pragmatic and we get things done. They don't perform on all 3 levels.

And their attitude to our service staff. I've seen Indians abusing Singaporean customer service staff in public, thinking it works here like how it does in India. No, it doesn't. We treat our service staff with respect. Get used to it and adapt, or I'll be the first one to show u the way to the airport.
Lets see if MODs delete these comments.:coffee:
They are not just swaggering; they are being the biggest uncivilized pricks in the world. One billion dollar house lording over a slum in the mid of Mumbai where people starve? Hello??

hey dumb @$$...if u cant talk in civilized way then get the f**k away from key board..

If I tell you a few examples, you would be ROFL.

We always do constant upgrading projects of our infrastructure. Be it the busstops, public telephone booths, roads, maintenance is done several times a year, inclusive of repair works. I had one chap from India who actually asked me "What the hell is wrong with you people?? Why do u need to keep breaking down and rebuilding even busstops?? U have nothing else to do..blahh blaah.."...and he went on to talk about India for the next 5 mins. Mind you, that busstop was leaking like hell.

Then they have complaints over the food. They claim outright our cuisine is bland, tasteless and they don't comprehend how humans can actually eat this trash - okay...so we are trash eating animals now..coming from a nationality that can't even feed or clothe itself adequately back home, really rich

I can keep going on and on man, till I write a 10000 word essay on it, and I would have still just covered the tip of the iceberg. Just go into google and do a search for "Indian FT in Singapore" or "Indian ah neh in Singapore". There'll be a whole load of articles to read about.

Worst of it all is when they come and tell us, they have the god-given right to stay in our country and do what they want because they are better than us in their professions and we are not competent. Well here's a fact, I've worked with Indians before on a couple of projects and all I got was a bunch of squabbling and disorganized group. Totally opposite to the Singaporean crowd and also the Taiwanese group I had the pleasure of working with in the army. We are highly organized, pragmatic and we get things done. They don't perform on all 3 levels.

And their attitude to our service staff. I've seen Indians abusing Singaporean customer service staff in public, thinking it works here like how it does in India. No, it doesn't. We treat our service staff with respect. Get used to it and adapt, or I'll be the first one to show u the way to the airport.

yawn..yawn.. good story...but unbelievable....

TRY harder ........
So a few expat Indians tell you things and you start hating the whole nation of over a billion people? Does not sound like proper logic to me. Sounds a bit unfair to me, if I might say so.

What you don't understand is that Singaporeans as a whole do not really think or worry much about India due to our limited ties. Whatever impression we have of India, it is going to come from these expats and the minority few who have business dealing with India. And the impression we get on the whole has been negative.

Yes you are right, a few expats don't speak for a billion, but these are the people who are carrying the face of your nation abroad anyway. And these are the people who are supposedly the products of the better schools in your educational system. It is only natural that we expect them to have higher standards, but they have largely been disappointments.

I'd really suggest u take those comments in your stride, because most of us here are aware of all these. No use in trying to hide the character flaw prevalent in many Indians abroad.
I guess arrogance flows in veins of chinese...

Firstly, people are not born arrogant just because they are of a certain race. :wave: Yes, not even ethnic Chinese, who apparently according to you have "arrogance in our blood".

Secondly, did you even see that video? You can't match that level of arrogance, especially considering the current state of India (i.e. more poverty than Africa).

It's almost the exact opposite of reality.
What you don't understand is that Singaporeans as a whole do not really think or worry much about India due to our limited ties. Whatever impression we have of India, it is going to come from these expats and the minority few who have business dealing with India. And the impression we get on the whole has been negative.

Yes you are right, a few expats don't speak for a billion, but these are the people who are carrying the face of your nation abroad anyway. And these are the people who are supposedly the products of the better schools in our educational system. It is only natural that we expect them to have higher standards, but they have largely been disappointments.

I'd really suggest u take those comments in your stride, because most of us here are aware of all these. No use in trying to hide the character flaw prevalent in many Indians abroad.

The better products of our educational systems dont work in minimum wage construction projects in Singapore. They are uneducated labourers. If I had to form opinions of ALL Singapore people of lets say my interaction with people like yourself, I would consider all Singaporeans to be low-life racists, who make up arbitrary stories on the internet to support their irrational hatred. But I dont think of all Singaporeans to be of low character value as yourself. Problem is not with Indians or Singaporeans, problem is frankly a person like yourself with low character. Its that easy.
Firstly, people are not born arrogant just because they are of a certain race. :wave: Yes, not even ethnic Chinese, who apparently according to you have "arrogance in our blood".

Secondly, did you even see that video? You can't match that level of arrogance, especially considering the current state of India (i.e. more poverty than Africa).

It's almost the exact opposite of reality.

hey high IQ chinese..India also has bigger population than whole of Africa continent..and i think we have done pretty good considering we got independence in last 65 yrs and with a lot less resource in hand....without committing cultural genocide on its people(the great leap)

so why dont u use ur high IQ in things other than world class trolling...

And about the video....when i saw the video..i remembered that the video was made by some one like u...high IQ guy
The better products of our educational systems dont work in minimum wage construction projects in Singapore. They are uneducated labourers. If I had to form opinions of ALL Singapore people of lets say my interaction with people like yourself, I would consider all Singaporeans to be low-life racists, who make up arbitrary stories on the internet to support their irrational hatred. But I dont think of all Singaporeans to be of low character value as yourself. Problem is not with Indians or Singaporeans, problem is frankly a person like yourself with low character. Its that easy.

Say all you want and defend your countrymen for all you want mate, personally I don't give a hoot. Your countrymen, your lack of manners, ultimately it's your problem. When you are in our country, you follow what we do and you adapt, not the other way round. Most Singaporeans are awakening to this and more Indians are realizing they are not welcome here. Call me a racist for all u want mate, it won't affect me one bit because in my opinion, I'm a concerned citizen looking out for my own country and people. I don't really care what an Indian thinks about me.

And no, I was not talking about the Indian laborer guest workers we are having here on minimum wage. I was referring to the expats working in IT and engineering, many who have gotten their degrees here, and many more with Indian certificates. They are the ones who come in with wives and kids in tow and it is they who are projecting a negative image.

You are in Canada anyway, so you don't have to worry about it. The Indians here are the ones who need to worry. Better they adapt before they start witnessing backlashes like what they saw in Australia.
Firstly, people are not born arrogant just because they are of a certain race. :wave: Yes, not even ethnic Chinese, who apparently according to you have "arrogance in our blood".

Secondly, did you even see that video? You can't match that level of arrogance, especially considering the current state of India (i.e. more poverty than Africa).

It's almost the exact opposite of reality.

Stop pretending like racism is something that only exists in India. That movie was a racist movie and was wrong. But, everyone knows of Chinese racism towards blacks.

Growing Up Black In China - YouTube

China Set To Ban Blacks & Mongolians - YouTube
indian people are extremely arrogant and unlikeable people.
this is known worldwide, just look at other countries, they will tell you indians are very uncivilized humans.

they boast and spew hate on others like calling chinese people 'chinks'.

indians rub many people the wrong way, its the way indivudual indians act, behave in public, show their uppish arrogance and smugness.

bottomline is indians are hard to like. they laugh at others while they themselves are so backwards and primitive. its the equivalent of an african laughing at a rich person for not being able to afford an expensive food item.
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