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Sheriff: Student plotted TX college attack, fantasized about stabbings

Our house fell apart in 1971. Now what is left is on fire. I think we should worry more about our own house rather than whose else is falling apart.

Place is called FORUM where we discuss various topics of national and International significance.....lets not try to be a buzz kill....Going by your logic we should remove all American, Bangladeshi, Arab,Chinese,Indian and European sections and ban all the foreign members because since we are facing tough times so we dont have the right to discuss others :cheesy:.......since we cant discuss them then lets not be a source of discussion for them either....hence all foreign members shall be banned from defence.pk :omghaha:
And I bet this guy is busier and wealthier than you are...

US Immigration Lawyer in Pakistan - Karachi Branch Office

Let US 'rot' away...:lol:
Just like the American society your grey matter is also deteriorating.....so may I suggest kindly dont guess about others becuase with that you will only wind up embarrassing yourself. As for the link you provided, all I see is a Pakistani American providing immigration consultancy services................should I remind you the size of American diplomatic missions in Pakistan? :sick:

@gambit; many of the guys posting here are folks who walked through his doors and paid to make him busy and wealthy! :lol:
Yes Gambit listen to these deluded Bhaarteez who think they know more about Pakistan than Pakistanis themselves.....candidly speaking I dont blame them OBSESSION can be very cruel on ones nerves:chilli:
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Place is called FORUM where we discuss various topics of national and International significance.....lets not try to be a buzz kill....Going by your logic we should remove all American, Bangladeshi, Arab,Chinese,Indian and European sections and ban all the foreign members because since we are facing tough times so we dont have the right to discuss others :cheesy:.......since we cant discuss them then lets not be a source of discussion for them either....hence all foreign members shall be banned from defence.pk :omghaha:

That is not my decision Sir. I am only a student member. It is seniors like you who can provide the input to Mods and Admin for whatever they decide is best for their forum, not me.

My only point was that I would not be worried about a stabbing incident so much so as to conclude that USA is morally decaying, specially when our own beloved country has nothing particular to cheer about at present. However, please feel free to do so, but you would be wrong in my book.
That is not my decision Sir. I am only a student member. It is seniors like you who can provide the input to Mods and Admin for whatever they decide is best for their forum, not me.

My only point was that I would not be worried about a stabbing incident so much so as to conclude that USA is morally decaying, specially when our own beloved country has nothing particular to cheer about at present. However, please feel free to do so, but you would be wrong in my book.
When they can assume the role of "international police"and go around dictating others....we have every right to point finger at them, when they cannot correct themselves, how can they correct others? Sorry your logic and arguement are utterly flawd....i as a member here represent my views and not of my countrys, so when I post something and its judged according to my nationality......this not only defies forum ethics but leads to counterproductive arguements. This is exactly why mods donot allow derailment of threads....If the topic is about Oranges we shouldnt be discussing mangoes just because we have personal bias towards mangoes.
When they can assume the role of "international police"and go around dictating others....we have every right to point finger at them, when they cannot correct themselves, how can they correct others? Sorry your logic and arguement are utterly flawd....i as a member here represent my views and not of my countrys, so when I post something and its judged according to my nationality......this not only defies forum ethics but leads to counterproductive arguements. This is exactly why mods donot allow derailment of threads....If the topic is about Oranges we shouldnt be discussing mangoes just because we have personal bias towards mangoes.

Whether or not they can correct others I don't know, but I do know that they sure can inflict a lot of damage.
Pakistani society has seen that, but these things for the most part aren't emanating from the society, the widespread killings are attributed to TTP and insurgency. As far as separatist rebellion, a weak dying BLA insurgency you mean?

If you want to talk about widespread killings, US has a higher murder rate than Pakistan in any format or way you look at it, raw numbers, percentage of population, etc.

Because you're comparing Apples to Oranges, Pakistan facing armed insurgency, US isn't facing armed insurgency but ordinary people committing violent acts.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is a war going on in NW Pakistan and yet US still has higher homicidal rates.

By your own link, homicidal rates in Pakistan are almost twice that of US.


And according to UNO, it has been about the same since 1995, no WOT then.
Just like the American society your grey matter is also deteriorating.....so may I suggest kindly dont guess about others becuase with that you will only wind up embarrassing yourself. As for the link you provided, all I see is a Pakistani American providing immigration consultancy services................should I remind you the size of American diplomatic missions in Pakistan? :sick:
Yeah...I see Americans, sick of the 'rot' in America, lines up outside the Pakistan Embassy begging for passage to the 'paradise' that is Pakistan.
When they can assume the role of "international police"and go around dictating others....we have every right to point finger at them, when they cannot correct themselves, how can they correct others?
Here is where you are wrong...Badly wrong...

In inter-state relationships, state deals with each other as if one human being deals with another human being. Regardless of how a person treats you, nicely or badly, do you focus on how his cells are acting inside his body? No. You focus on how he shook your hand, how he looks at you while speaking to you, his body language, his manners, and his speech.

Just like Pakistan or China or Russia or Timbuktu or any country on the map, the US is filled with diverse personalities, from the righteous who does not hesitate to sacrifice himself, to the criminals who will not hesitate to do the worst to a fellow human being. Who is going to report behaviors that are expected of civilized and humane people? No one. But because civilized and humane behaviors are expected, uncivilized and inhumane behaviors will be news worthy. It serves to alert society that not all is well and that civilized and humane people needs protection in order to preserve said society. For everyone of these aberration in the US, literally tens of thousands humane acts go unnoticed and unrewarded.

Threads like this one serves only one thing: Provided a quasi-pornographic area for people like you to masturbate to and to temporarily distract you from the mess that you are living in.
Yeah...I see Americans, sick of the 'rot' in America, lines up outside the Pakistan Embassy begging for passage to the 'paradise' that is Pakistan.
While America was busy messing with others houses her own house got robbed and overweening "patriots" like you are in denial. ......its a pity that out of your inflated superiority complex you are blinded to the reality.
Here is where you are wrong...Badly wrong...

In inter-state relationships, state deals with each other as if one human being deals with another human being. Regardless of how a person treats you, nicely or badly, do you focus on how his cells are acting inside his body? No. You focus on how he shook your hand, how he looks at you while speaking to you, his body language, his manners, and his speech.

Just like Pakistan or China or Russia or Timbuktu or any country on the map, the US is filled with diverse personalities, from the righteous who does not hesitate to sacrifice himself, to the criminals who will not hesitate to do the worst to a fellow human being. Who is going to report behaviors that are expected of civilized and humane people? No one. But because civilized and humane behaviors are expected, uncivilized and inhumane behaviors will be news worthy. It serves to alert society that not all is well and that civilized and humane people needs protection in order to preserve said society. For everyone of these aberration in the US, literally tens of thousands humane acts go unnoticed and unrewarded.

Threads like this one serves only one thing: Provided a quasi-pornographic area for people like you to masturbate
to and to temporarily distract you from the mess that you are living in.
There is nothing "interstate" about attacking a country under false pretences.....you have established this hogwash of yours on 'idealist dreams' and I very well can see why would you feel the need to so(when you are going to mislead why not do it with panache)......when you openly defy global bodies for world peace....the true intentions are too obvious to be swayed by the lies you have spewed. Taking an example from recent history USA has been openly supporting rebels in Syria and Libya.....just like it supported Taliban and Saddam hussain once. So to say USA is on the good side would be as wrong as saying Atheists are not bigots.
Threads such as this one gives an equitable insight into the "American Life" and serve to convey an important message that 'all that glitters is not gold'.........thou I understand your exasperation at us.....we have been exposed to the reality about USA and given to your Imperious sense of Americanism you must troll about others to protect your self from facing the truth.....Your example is that of a man when diagnosed with cancer starts cursing at the doctors that they might get it too.
There is nothing "interstate" about attacking a country under false pretences.....
And how does this related to a mentally deranged individual? You strained at gnats to conflate the two and in the end, you ended up looking ridiculous.
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