Hang on. Let's take it one step at a time. I understand your anger; been there, done that, got called a traitor to my country for my pains.
There is a trend now, lately, for the right-wingers to say this kind of utterly stupid thing: if you don't like what's going on, why don't you go to Pakistan? As if a Muslim Indian can't question what's going on; what would those schmucks have said to a caste Hindu asking the same difficult questions? They change their angle of attack, so to speak, to misuse a technical term, and accuse the dissentient of being a Commie; never a Communist, the abuse of choice is Commie. For Dalits, the standard (and fiscally untrue) answer is, you are getting a subsidised education out of the taxes that I pay, so shut up and concentrate on learning and studies, don't you dare ask political questions.
That is a trend for any dissent expressed by any Muslim anywhere, or any other, including Christians, caste Hindus seen to be in the wrong camp or Dalits.
Coming to Kashmir, it's complex. But for this discussion and for the present exchange of posts, let me remind you that Kashmir has been jerked around by a fuddled political class, who to this date don't know what to do, even when meaning well, and by the indifferent bureaucrats who couldn't care less about the citizens of India but just want to get to their full retirement age and get their creature comforts. Any people dying along the way they classify as road kill.
On specifics, since they are largely illiterate buffoons, the right wing thinks that the answer is to 'open up' Kashmir, allow Indian citizens the same rights they have everywhere else in India, and drag Kashmir and the Kashmiris kicking and screaming into the main stream.
The sad part is that they probably mean well (most of their vocabulary is so hate-filled, one can't make out when they are genuinely emotionally engaged and angered, and when they are channeling George S. Patton).
There are a thousand things wrong with their stance, but as you said a post or two earlier, no point in reasoning with them. The shortest way to shut them up is
- Tell them that the Kashmir Constitution does not allow land to be sold to outsiders, and it has nothing to do with 370;
- Tell them that this is not unique to Kashmir, but that the same rule is applied to Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Arunachal, to my certain knowledge, perhaps one or two more.
Honestly spending more effort than this, except for fact-obsessed pedants like me, is not worth it.