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Sheikh Rashid's nephew arrested in blasphemy case - transferred to Faisalabad


Elite has taken the batoon from the british..they know the system and how to crush it

Use few educated people to control the rest under the fear of economic repurcussions

This is how they controlled india

The summary is "punjab police"

All over the media "kala kanoon" "kala kanoon" was repeated, the political class did this on purpose, tried to play with the people sentiments. They are doing this again, these same politicians were calling those who did blasphemy as brothers and now using it against Pti. Sick people, I am starting to believe these people would do absolutely anything to stay in power, selling Pakistan would be without a thought.
Why sell the goose that lays the golden egg

What people need to understand is elite wants pakistan to survive and thrive as long as they are beneficary of it
Come on dude, let's keep baseless name calling like Zionist etc to a minimum. He is pissed because he loves his country. Anyone who disagrees with you doesn't automatically become a Zionist.

Also, for a thousandth time, don't think anyone here is against the army as an institution. Just the perpetrators of this regime change. In fact the common man believes there is grass root support in the army for IK.
look at the Norwegian flag lol- he is actually a pro Zionist Pakistani (yeah right?)
Why don't you get together with the ttp bla and the injuns, together you can bring down the PA, that is your best chance best of luck ducky 🐤

why would I need to when your Supreme leader bajwa is already bringing the army down for doggy biscuits by his handlers in Washington?

I'm almost positive the CIA has pictures of Bajwa naked with a tranny, otherwise he's just the biggest cuck alive.

why would I need to when your Supreme leader bajwa is already bringing the army down for doggy biscuits by his handlers in Washington?

I'm almost positive the CIA has pictures of Bajwa naked with a tranny, otherwise he's just the biggest cuck alive.


Don't project your deviant fantasies on the great Bajwa Sahib. LoL
If we Pakistanis fail to get rid of the imported regime and their local facilitators, Pakistan will be sent 30 years back again. Do you want to go back to 2007's Zardari, Kayani era when Drone attacks were rampant? CIA agent Raymond davis killing young men in streets of Lahore..Go back in 1990's you get Nawaz goverment siphoning money off Pakistan, draining our billions $ in reserves, practically destroying all instutions by appointing their Darbaris.

Now, It is a make it or break it moment for us.

Iran genuine goverment was overthrown like PTI govt in 1950's, it took them 30 years to get rid of foreign elements, western slaves from their system.

Alhamdolillah, our situation is pretty much better and sorted out, we know our goals, the snakes within us are visible in plain sight, we just need to organize and focus our energy on one single objective: Sovereign Pakistan without traces of British East India Company (samraaj).

May Allah help us achieve our righteous goals, ameen.
No fan of imran but everybody can see dollar and plot loving generals and their treason against the nation. inshaAllah this confrontation between cleanshaves ruling elite of pakistan ,Will pave the way for islamic parties when the dust settles. God works in mysterieus ways! Imran as a politicians is lesser of An evil compared to other cleanshave politicians so hé Will get my support for confronting these currupt generals and their political allies.
Sellout Bajwa biggest shame on Pakistan. I guess Jatts should start wearing bangles now cuz of this fruit cake..hahaha

Don't forget to wish your daddy Donald lun a happy eid. :lol:

You're the yank, so I guess he is your daddy. Nuff said

No fan of imran but everybody can see dollar and plot loving generals and their treason against the nation. inshaAllah this confrontation between cleanshaves ruling elite of pakistan ,Will pave the way for islamic parties when the dust settles. God works in mysterieus ways! Imran as a politicians is lesser of An evil compared to other cleanshave politicians so hé Will get my support for confronting these currupt generals and their political allied.

Hahahahahahahahah 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄
My ancestors fought the Sikhs the Afghans and the British and their descendents are now serving in the Pak Armed Forces.

You and the injuns are together in hating the PA good luck to you and your new friends, but be prepared to be disappointed, as your new brothers have learned destroying the PA is harder than it seems.
Your record of fighting Aghan, Sikhs and Birtish is less than stellar, your lot lost all those wars...

After fighting all these groups, your people did what they do best, surrendered and joined the enemy to suppress your own people...

Ghulam ibn-e-ghulam ibn-e-ghulam..

Little wonder a few thousand British were able to rule the whole subcontinent with millions of beghariat born slaves.
why would I need to when your Supreme leader bajwa is already bringing the army down for doggy biscuits by his handlers in Washington?

I'm almost positive the CIA has pictures of Bajwa naked with a tranny, otherwise he's just the biggest cuck alive.

Maybe the picture is of Bajwa with @Rafi , why else would he be defending Bajwa like his life depends on it?
Maybe the picture is of Bajwa with @Rafi , why else would he be defending Bajwa like his life depends on it?
He's probably related to him, so I can't blame him if he has to defend him. But in his heart he knows what a begairat Mr neutral is.
Cool don't forget to vote, but for many people they will never vote for IK again because of his fan boys antics.

IK needs a full mandate for 15 years so he can do his work. Establishment should support him because an opportunity like this will not come again. All other politicians are incompetent criminals who can't be trusted.

Work with him and introduce the presidential system, abolish the 18th amendment and make Pakistan what it should have become.
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