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Sheikh Rashid's nephew arrested in blasphemy case - transferred to Faisalabad

IK needs a full mandate for 15 years so he can do his work. Establishment should support him because an opportunity like this will not come again. All other politicians are incompetent criminals who can't be trusted.

Work with him and introduce the presidential system, abolish the 18th amendment and make Pakistan what it should have become.
:rofl: So everyone becomes ghulam of IK for 15 years? wo jo kahay karey baki sab bhaar mein jayien? Which PTI post you are holding? :laugh:
I doubt patwaris will mind this..
They dont claim sharif arent corrupt..
There problem was why a person who has some claims in corruption on him is with IK۔
Now since all corrupt are offical together patwaris seem relaxed

سب کچھ کھا کر تھوڑا لگاتا بے ہے

You guys should read yout history
I would suggest read shahab nama to understand the pre 1970 politics and well post 1970 politics everyone knows

But elite mocking pakistanis isnt new

The only thing new is burger people reaction this time..however, the elite have been assured by the butcher of lahore that he can handle it..and punjab police is ready for it

They think a few rubber bullets and burger people will stay home

And i have to agree with them
Sad but generally agree- but I think PTI fans are over reacting. IK has not taken a swipe at the army- we don’t need a civil war as it would just suit the ambition of our neighbor to the east.

This is Pakistan’s Erbakan moment where Erbakan of Turkey in the 90s, where Erbakan praised the army during the soft coup. IK has done the same. And without ever taking a swipe, he has come out immensely more popular. All is going well. Things are going to be okay. People should just come to the Islamabad March as they are called to do so.
:rofl: So everyone becomes ghulam of IK for 15 years? wo jo kahay karey baki sab bhaar mein jayien? Which PTI post you are holding? :laugh:

15 years is enough time for him to clean the system and correct Pakistan's course financially and ideologically. By that all the Sharif's and Zardari's will have been purged from politics and people becoming more self aware, ready for true democracy.

We have had 30 years of these incompetent families, they have made Pakistan into a laughing stock and they promote this minion culture where everyone has to suck up to a Sharif or a Zardari for favours.

یہ ناک چڑھا کر نتھلے پھلا کر پتلیاں سکیڑ کر انگلی کھڑی کرنا یہی تو ہے اصل لیڈر کی نشانی بزدلو الیکشن کراؤ
15 years is enough time for him to clean the system and correct Pakistan's course financially and ideologically. By that all the Sharif's and Zardari's will have been purged from politics and people becoming more self aware, ready for true democracy.

We have had 30 years of these incompetent families, they have made Pakistan into a laughing stock and they promote this minion culture where everyone has to suck up to a Sharif or a Zardari for favours.
Seems like you are securing your job for 15 years because you are some PTI worker. Itna asaan hai tou can you make me PM for 15 years, I will do better job. I am very honest and know better than IK because when IK was forming govt and allying with MQM/PMLQ I knew it will not work and that is exactly what happened. If I knew this simple thing how come IK didnt?
15 years is enough time for him to clean the system and correct Pakistan's course financially and ideologically. By that all the Sharif's and Zardari's will have been purged from politics and people becoming more self aware, ready for true democracy.

We have had 30 years of these incompetent families, they have made Pakistan into a laughing stock and they promote this minion culture where everyone has to suck up to a Sharif or a Zardari for favours.

This is the plan , I'm surprised no one has picked up on this yet... too emotional to see the bigger picture.
Seems like you are securing your job for 15 years because you are some PTI worker. Itna asaan hai tou can you make me PM for 15 years, I will do better job. I am very honest and know better than IK because when IK was forming govt and allying with MQM/PMLQ I knew it will not work and that is exactly what happened. If I knew this simple thing how come IK didnt?

I want Pakistan to win, I will do this shit for free :lol:

If he has a full mandate he won't need to do this and all these parasitic parties will be purged from the system. PMLN and PPP will also cease to exist. Ethnic and provincial politics will finish.

New parties will emerge with a national outreach with good capable leaders who do not make the headlines with their controversies and incompetence and form a true opposition.
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مسئلہ سعودیہ میں ہوا اور سزا پاکستان میں؟ یہ کونسا پٹواری قانون ہے؟
Because PDM+ has no presentable public support left in Pakistan, they need secterian mobs who can counter the massive support PTI has, while the american stooges implement their masters' agenda. At the moment even secterian parties sensibly not buying PDM+ bullshit.
People of Pakistan need to stay focused on the foreign instigated regime change, their local boot lickers, and their agenda. Distractions will be too many, of too many types though, in time to come.
I want Pakistan to win, I will do this shit for free :lol:

If he has a full mandate he won't need to do this and all these parasitic parties will be purged from the system. New parties will emerge with good capable leaders who do not make the headlines with their controversies and incompetence and form a true opposition.

PMLN and PPP will also cease to exist.
No PTI is not perfect party. Buzdar as CM was controversial. Many Ministers in IK cabinet were corrupt and IK kept them. No one resigned after Murree Tragedy and other incidents during PTI government.

Even IK admitted his mistakes. PTI wasted year on IMF decision and eventually they went to IMF.

Pakistan is not some playground for PTI. Every citizen should have right to become PM. 15 years rule is illogical. 5 years are enough to move in some direction.
Let us focus on End of May , Election call and National March called by Imran Khan
Maintain the focus on what is the objective

Blasphemy is not applicable as people were only addressing Cherry Blossom (Showbaz)
No PTI is not perfect party. Buzdar as CM was controversial. Many Ministers in IK cabinet were corrupt and IK kept them. No one resigned after Murree Tragedy and other incidents during PTI government.

Even IK admitted his mistakes. PTI wasted year on IMF decision and eventually they went to IMF.

Pakistan is not some playground for PTI. Every citizen should have right to become PM. 15 years rule is illogical. 5 years are enough to move in some direction.

Right now Pakistan is a playground of Sharifs and Zardaris. I would look the other way if they are good at what they do but they are totally inept and corrupt. Only family members can rule. Might as well be a monarchy or North Korea. This isn't democracy.
PTI is dead, it will never get into power again mark my words, IK can do his mujra for the rest of his miserable life, and his fascist ball suckers can go to he'll.

No Norwegian is a self professed pro Israel person, he is in favor of establishing diplomatic relations with Israel

Establishment is also in favor of relations with Israel. I hope you're aware of that.
No PTI is not perfect party. Buzdar as CM was controversial. Many Ministers in IK cabinet were corrupt and IK kept them. No one resigned after Murree Tragedy and other incidents during PTI government.

Even IK admitted his mistakes. PTI wasted year on IMF decision and eventually they went to IMF.

Pakistan is not some playground for PTI. Every citizen should have right to become PM. 15 years rule is illogical. 5 years are enough to move in some direction.
PTI should have nominated ATM aleem khan or cheeni chor JT

Pakistan should have lsitened to IMF and devalued rupee to 200, alas he didnt, for one i was in favour of doing so..yeah sure poor would have been crushed but being an adult mean taking responsibility of electing corrupt people

Muree tragedy was bad someone should have been fired but what i dont get is why didnt someone got presdential jinnah award for killing terroists in model town and thosuands of more terroists infants/kids/men in KPK via drone attacks..

Right now Pakistan is a playground of Sharifs and Zardaris. I would look the other way if they are good at what they do but they are totally inept and corrupt. Only family members can rule. Might as well be a monarchy or North Korea. This isn't democracy.
Junaid safder disagree
He states his son isnt yet been crowned
Establishment is also in favor of relations with Israel. I hope you're aware of that.

We keep contacts with them to prevent direct conflict with them, also intel agencies do this.

Iran has also clandestine contacts with Israel and the US to keep conflict in check.

But Norwegian is an open apologist for Israeli actions against Palestinians.
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