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Sharif vs Sharif

That list has been repeated often, but is full of crap claims. If Gen Musharraf's era was so great, why did it collapse, landing Pakistan in a even bigger disaster?
u can honestly ask any of ur Noon league friend he will tell you the same thing told u .. he collapsed due to lawyer moment and lal majsid operation ....lal masjid operation was sensationalized by the media .. make him seem like a devil who killed innocent girls ... the same geo news reported sankroon bachiyan mari gayain ..later proved no girl died
u can honestly ask any of ur Noon league friend he will tell you the same thing told u .. he collapsed due to lawyer moment and lal majsid operation ....lal masjid operation was sensationalized by the media .. make him seem like a devil who killed innocent girls ... the same geo news reported sankroon bachiyan mari gayain ..later proved no girl died

What you said only goes to show that even a dictator is no match for public opinion. That also means the Generals should learn to respect the will of the people expressed via elections. Always.
NS is pro-negotiation to reach a settlement. The real supporters of the Taliban are the those in the Army who wish to use them for later use.

No doubt there are some elements with in the armed forces who are sympathetic to Taliban, but it is Nawaz Sharif who belongs to the same mentality and ofcourse are backed by Saudi Arabia.
Reported. :D


Besides, if Pakistan can keep it own jihadis within its own borders, the rest of the world would not be so concerned.

jihadis that Merica spent billions on arming and equipping, the same jihadis that the US is supporting in Syria, your just another dumb Yank, that is baffled by an atlas. I pity you vcheng - your whole existence is a joke.

Now we all know you got a green card, but come on there is a limit to brown nosing.
jihadis that Merica spent billions on arming and equipping, the same jihadis that the US is supporting in Syria, your just another dumb Yank, that is baffled by an atlas. I pity you vcheng - your whole existence is a joke.

Now we all know you got a green card, but come on there is a limit to brown nosing.

Like I said, as long as Pakistan keeps them contained within its own borders, the world would have no problems.
Like I said, as long as Pakistan keeps them contained within its own borders, the world would have no problems.

And the world is also worried about US support for Jihadis in Syria, many on Capital Hill are describing ISIS as more of a threat than AQ ever was. The US and it's Saudi allies are responsible for, come on admit, by the way - when did you get your green card, and how soon after did you spit on the motherland that bore you.
And the world is also worried about US support for Jihadis in Syria, many on Capital Hill are describing ISIS as more of a threat than AQ ever was. The US and it's Saudi allies are responsible for, come on admit, by the way - when did you get your green card, and how soon after did you spit on the motherland that bore you.

ISIS will cause mayhem from Algeria to Pakistan in the next few years. Borders will change and a few million dead will pay the price. That may not be a bad thing when all is said and done.
ISIS will cause mayhem from Algeria to Pakistan in the next few years. Borders will change and a few million dead will pay the price. That may not be a bad thing when all is said and done.

Saying hello - to your inner fascist - worry about the inevitable blow back to uncle Sam, looks like US is going to be getting militarily involved in Iraq again.
Saying hello - to your inner fascist - worry about the inevitable blow back to uncle Sam, looks like US is going to be getting militarily involved in Iraq again.

275 soldiers to protect the Embassy, that is all. Let the fighting continue for a while.
275 soldiers to protect the Embassy, that is all. Let the fighting continue for a while.

Come on bud, when did you get your green card, me thinks 10 years ago, I'm right ain't I.
VCheng, the lone warrior here. have been taking a lot of hits lately :) Anyways, lets call a spade a spade. One can abide by the law or cant just as someone can be pregnant or not....there is no such thing as in between or grey area. what I mean to say is that ppl commenting here are old enough to see whats right and whats wrong and still they are advocating as per their personal affiliation or a vendata or maybe just prejudice which never has much reason.

p.s.Vcheng.....are you associated with an automotive pakistani forum as well?
VCheng, the lone warrior here. have been taking a lot of hits lately :) Anyways, lets call a spade a spade. One can abide by the law or cant just as someone can be pregnant or not....there is no such thing as in between or grey area. what I mean to say is that ppl commenting here are old enough to see whats right and whats wrong and still they are advocating as per their personal affiliation or a vendata or maybe just prejudice which never has much reason.

p.s.Vcheng.....are you associated with an automotive pakistani forum as well?

Speaking the truth is not a popularity contest. Personal attacks are against the rules, but their selective application allows them to be targeted against the "unpopular" posters (like me?) but no matter, it is all good. :D

Back to the topic, the article posted in the OP does make some very good observations based on the historical record and the present situation.

PS: May be! :D

Come on bud, when did you get your green card, me thinks 10 years ago, I'm right ain't I.

What has my residency status to do with the deployment of 275 US soldiers? Or with the topic of this thread?
Expecting miracles, are we not, and way too early?!

You can’t undo the misgivings of past all too soon, nor can one erase the past because it is not soothing enough for the senses of some.

It’s a history that runs for 30 years when we have had a military rule, and another 30 years when there has been indirect influence, and even today the political class lines up in-front of the generals to show their allegiance. The government then doesn’t just comprise of the political class, but a significant part is the bureaucracy, and for long they have in most cases looked up to the men in uniform, of course the business community be least over looked who again have had contact and used their stature to have their way. It is way too complex a system, and at the end, the gun lies with the military, not the guys seeking votes.

I will agree with Balixd, there have been different methods for other countries, for us, we need to accept the role played by the military, and also that, if not for ever, definitely over the next few years, they have play a role. Accepting this very significant fact will help us shape our policies better. A simple question pops my mind, are the politicians trusted enough by the majority? No, Pew Research Center sets the popularity graph as politicians least popular, then the men in uniform and eventually the religious class, who are the most popular. Yes, the armed forces have a self-preservation attitude above all, but why disregard the fact, definitely not at the cost of the interests of the country.

What you mention and are arguing VCheng, that will take time to happen, things evolve over time, so will our governance system, you are rushing to a judgement all too soon. I am of the opinion, we need at least 20 years of unhindered democratic rule for us to be back on track the way you are expecting things to shape up today, during which time, hopefully the PTI would have also had a go at the federal level, I say that not because I am their fan bay, but because they have a popularity bulge amongst the youth, and after them having a shot, people, per se, would have got more realistic with their expectations, the military would have got confident about the ability of our political class across the board, more importantly 20 years of democratic rule would have meant a complete crop of military elite used to political administrators, and a civilian rule.

Have patience, things will shape up well!
The article got it wrong, it is Sharif vs Zaheer the last rotten left over egg from musharraf gang
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