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Sharif raises Kashmir issue at UN, blames India

Hmmm, I haven't seen his speech so cant say if I agree with him or not. I will say this, he knows one of the few ways to get people's support is by using the Kashmir card.
UNITED NATIONS: Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Friday made an emphatic call for resolution of Jammu and Kashmir conflict as imperative for peace, security and economic uplift of South Asians, saying the region must proceed with more "dialogue and diplomacy" following missed opportunities including cancellation of last month's Pakistan-India talks.

In a wide-ranging address to the 69th UN General Assembly, applauded for its depth, the prime minister laid out Pakistan's vision for peaceful relations in the region. In this respect, he also stressed to the 193-member world body that Afghanistan - currently passing through political and security transitions - should become a "pivot of strategic cooperation, rather than of rivalry."

Prime Minister Sharif also underscored Pakistan's commitment to highest standard of nuclear safety and said the country is following a policy of reliable deterrence but cannot be oblivious to the "emerging security scenarios and buildup of armaments."

Islamabad, Nawaz Sharif said, is striving to overcome challenges of terrorism - which he condemned in all its forms and manifestations - and sketched out some of the economic and energy policies his government is pursuing for welfare of its people.

"We have determined that regional peace and security, political stability in the country, the rule of law and social justice are absolutely crucial for the realization of these goals. Above all, we will continue to work for the promotion and protection of human rights."

With regard to challenges in the form of extreme weather patterns harming economies, he said: Pakistan has directly experienced such a calamity only recently. The monsoon floods in Pakistan have killed hundreds of people, displaced millions, destroyed and damaged homes, livelihoods, infrastructure, cattle and crops.

"We are mobilizing all our resources and ingenuity to provide relief and to ensure recovery."

"The international community should intensify its efforts to move from awareness to commitments to actions on climate change, which is playing havoc with the economies, particularly in the developing countries."

Speaking in the regional security context, Pakistan aspires to build a peaceful neighborhood by pursuing a policy of constructive engagement, he said.

"In South Asia, our people have missed opportunities for prosperity because of unresolved conflicts. We have a choice today: continue with the status quo or to seize the moment to resolve all outstanding issues and free up our shared energies for cooperation. To take this course of high statesmanship, we need more, not less, dialogue and diplomacy. We need to respect each other's rights and sensibilities. We must have relationships based on equality, mutual respect and transparency."

"We were disappointed at the cancellation of the Foreign Secretary-level talks. The world community, too, rightly saw it as another missed opportunity," he said in a reference to India's unilateral cancellation of talks, which were to be held in August.

"Pakistan is convinced that we must remain engaged in the dialogue process for settling disputes and building economic and trade relations. Let us not ignore the dividends of peace."

He reminded the global gathering of leaders that more than six decades ago, the United Nations passed resolutions to hold a plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir and that the people of Jammu and Kashmir are still waiting for the fulfillment of that promise.

"Many generations of Kashmiris have lived their lives under occupation, accompanied by violence and abuse of their fundamental rights. Kashmiri women, in particular, have undergone immense suffering and humiliation.

"For decades, attempts have been made, both under UN auspices and bilaterally in the spirit of the Lahore Declaration, to resolve this dispute."

"The core issue of Jammu and Kashmir has to be resolved. This is the responsibility of the international community. We cannot draw a veil on the issue of Kashmir, until it is addressed in accordance with the wishes of the people of Jammu and Kashmir," he said.

"Pakistan is ready to work for resolution of this problem through negotiations. Our support and advocacy of the right to self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir is our historic commitment and a duty, as a party to the Kashmir dispute," he added.

About Pakistan's western neighbour Afghanistan, the Prime Minister noted that the country is going through momentous security, political and economic transitions.

"As always, Pakistan stands in solidarity with the fraternal Afghan people. I congratulate the people of Afghanistan over the successful completion of the electoral process and offer our warm felicitations and good wishes to the new Afghan leadership."

"It is our earnest hope that these landmark processes would culminate in the emergence of a stronger, more stable, and unified Afghanistan. We also hope that the process of inclusive Afghan-led and Afghan-owned reconciliation would move forward, contributing to greater harmony, stability and prosperity in Afghanistan," he added.

Pakistan, he said, remains committed to forging a deeper bilateral relationship with Afghanistan on the basis of equal security and shared prosperity. "Our two nations confront common challenges, which call for greater cooperation and understanding between our two nations.

"Afghanistan should become a pivot of strategic cooperation, rather than of rivalry. In the past year and a half, we have consciously reached out to Afghanistan to address difficult issues and build on convergences. We have made headway in this effort."

The prime minister told the top diplomatic forum Pakistan continues to host, for the past 30 years, millions of Afghan refugees on its soil.

This is the largest refugee caseload in the world, he said and added, the international community must maintain and enhance support for the repatriation of these refugees and provide for their reintegration in Afghanistan.

On the issue of drug trafficking, he said, it is important to pursue a comprehensive approach to eliminate poppy cultivation, reinforce border security, and interdict criminals.

"Pakistan is mainly a victim of drugs transit and trafficking. Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan and other states in the region, together with the UN, should step up their efforts to fight this menace."

Referring to the ongoing operation Zarb-e-Azb, he said,Pakistan has launched a massive operation to eliminate terrorism.

“Complementary counter-terrorism measures on the Afghan side of the border are essential to achieve optimal results."

Turning to the Middle East, the prime minister said this past summer, the people of Gaza were subjected to mass atrocities by Israel. "We condemned the indiscriminate killings of civilians - which amounted to genocide. From this platform, I once again convey Pakistan's condolences and sympathies to the people of Palestine over their continuing plight."

"We welcome the ceasefire between Gaza and Israel. But next steps must also be taken. The blockade of Gaza must be lifted, Palestinian prisoners freed and illegal settlements halted. The United Nations should facilitate a just and lasting solution of the Palestinian issue, based on the relevant UN resolutions."

Speaking about the Syrian conflict, he said Islamabad "calls on all parties in Syria to renounce military and militant means and hold dialogue to restore peace and stability in their historic land."

"The emergence of new militant entities in the Middle East once again illustrate that terrorism is a global threat.

This primitive force in Iraq and Syria is an aberration, which has no sanction of any religion. It must be countered with unified and resolute will."

He said: "We condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

We are fighting terrorism planted on Pakistan's soil. Our valiant soldiers are laying down their lives to take out terrorists and tear down their evil networks. The entire nation is behind them."

In the past 13 years, as a frontline state, Pakistan has given enormous sacrifices in blood and resources, the Prime Minister said. Over 50,000 people have lost their lives and thousands have suffered serious injuries and the economy has lost hundreds of billions of dollars in direct costs and denied investment opportunities, he added.

"Yet, in this fight, each time a soldier falls, another takes his place proudly. It is the resolve of our nation to fight this scourge to the finish."

At the same time, Islamabad has made a plan of action for the relief and rehabilitation of nearly one million internally dislocated persons, he said. This includes a strategy to prevent return and resurgence of militancy and creation of a safe environment for the local population.

Nawaz Sharif said, "It is important to counter the narrative of extremists. Inter-racial tensions and defamation of religions provide fertile ground for conflict. Constructive and serious dialogue among religions is essential to promote understanding, tolerance and harmony. We remain committed to the UN-led efforts to support these objectives."

The prime minister reaffirmed Pakistan's strong commitment to peacekeeping, saying it is rooted in the country's foreign policy "and in our belief that every nation should contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security."

He said Pakistan will pursue a policy of nuclear restraint and credible minimum deterrence.

"As a responsible nuclear weapon state, we will continue to support the objectives of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation; and pursue a policy of nuclear restraint and credible minimum deterrence."

"Pakistan is not participating in any arms race in the region. Yet we cannot be oblivious to the emerging security scenarios and buildup of armaments. We too, have the obligation to maintain a robust and reliable deterrence," he added.

He reiterated the need for an "inter-linked mechanism for pursuing nuclear restraint, conventional equilibrium and conflict resolution. To promote stability, we are prepared to explore new Confidence Building Measures."

Pakistan, he said, has maintained the highest standards of nuclear safety and security. "At the last Summit at The Hague that I attended, Pakistan's recent nuclear measures, especially the establishment of a Centre of Excellence, were appreciated."

He said, "Pakistan is a State with advanced nuclear technology, with an experience of more than 40 years. We are a mainstream partner in the international non-proliferation regime. Pakistan also has a stringent national export control system that is fully harmonized with international export control regimes. Though a non-member, we are abiding by their guidelines."

He said: "Pakistan ought to be a part of these export control regimes, especially the Nuclear Suppliers Group. Pakistan also qualifies for full access to civil nuclear technology, to overcome its energy shortages and spur economic growth."

Regarding the ongoing UN reform, he said, it must be comprehensive.

"We support a reform of the Security Council that would reflect the interests of all members' states - small, medium-sized and large - and not the ambitions of a few. There should be no new permanent seats in the Council. This will be contrary to the democratic character of this world body. We want the Council to become more representative, equitable, accountable and transparent."
PM call for settlement of Kashmir dispute
Sharif raises Kashmir issue at UN, blames India for ‘another missed opportunity’ - Latest Kashmir News & Analysis - - Kashmir Dispatch

India is truly an evil country oppressing Kashmiris, Naxals, northeast and religious minorities. The world's biggest exporter of terrorism and threat to regional peace.
India is truly an evil country oppressing Kashmiris, Naxals, northeast and religious minorities. The world's biggest exporter of terrorism and threat to regional peace.

Still in school...........
India is truly an evil country oppressing Kashmiris, Naxals, northeast and religious minorities. The world's biggest exporter of terrorism and threat to regional peace.

Is below 15+ is allow in PDF..??
He has no confidence how to deliver speech in U.N, i say this is very fragile speech like talking from written script. Just look his speech:what: He need some classes and he need to learn basics of communication, & how to talk with audience.
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He has no confidence how to give speech in U.N, i say this is very fragile speech like talking from written script. Just look his speech:what: He need some classes and he need to learn basics of communication, & how to talk with audience.

Maybe the problem is there was no audience.
Its always heart warming to see Indian a***s burning whenever Pakistan shatters their dream of Kashmir being an atoot ang of their toilet less superpower.

In fact it would have been even better if pm shareef would have said we have fought three wars over Kashmir and won't hesitate a second before getting into a fourth one if Kashmiris are denied right to self determination for long and he should have quoted Scotland as an example.
Maybe the problem is there was no audience.
Nobody takes him seriously, everybody knows his past, kargil issue, his attack on parliament & supreme court, corruption, 73 NAB cases, Mehran bank scandal, even he & his brother bought judges ,proved evidences available, still there are some blind follower which is good for India.
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