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Sharia Scare Shakes UK: 'Law of the land go to hell'

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Yes.. Including worst kind of fanatics from all over the world who have a safe haven there to preach their bigotry.. No wonder Somalia attracts a lot of tourists from London these days...

Its upto British govt. and the citizens to decide whether they want to make it a vibrant multicultural city or, Islamic Republic of Londonistan..
I dont see any evidence of londonstan in everyday life. If you mean loads of muslims here, yes there are, but also loads of hindus, sikhs, christians and non religious people. Small incidents happen here and there but by and large its a vibrant 'british' multicultural city.
Newspapers tend to exaggerate the issue.
Since you joined in Nov '12 maybe you haven't seen this, but these threads pop up regularly.

Every time some loony fringe of Muslims does something in the West , these threads come up about the evils of Muslims,

and makes me wonder that despite being a resident of UK .. a regular mosque goer....a religious congregation visitor...why i never ever came across people like him in all those years...
Then its the job of valuable contributors such as yourself to distinguish between propaganda and fact.

I am not denying that it is fact. If it's happening, it's happening.

These people are damaging a community's name and hence must be condemned.

Mainstream Muslim leaders have been condemning everything from terrorism to fanatic behavior, but the Western media doesn't find it useful to publicize it.

Also, what is the practical effect of such condemnations? If the police refuses to take action for whatever reasons, that's that.

and makes me wonder that despite being a resident of UK .. a regular mosque goer....a religious congregation visitor...why i never ever came across people like him in all those years...

I am sure they exist. You can always find fanatical behavior in every community if you look.

The issue is whether the mainstream media reports it, or ignores it.
I am not denying that it is fact. If it's happening, it's happening.

Mainstream Muslim leaders have been condemning everything from terrorism to fanatic behavior, but the Western media doesn't find it useful to publicize it.

Also, what is the practical effect of such condemnations? If the police refuses to take action for whatever reasons, that's that.

I am not denying that it is fact. If it's happening, it's happening.

Mainstream Muslim leaders have been condemning everything from terrorism to fanatic behavior, but the Western media doesn't find it useful to publicize it.

Also, what is the practical effect of such condemnations? If the police refuses to take action for whatever reasons, that's that.

There was huge gathering of muslims in that same country. A good opportunity to condemn such characters.

What was the practical effect of anti Vietnam war movements?

When it is perceived that people do condemn it in strong numbers, the space for propaganda becomes limited.
I am sure they exist. You can always find fanatical behavior in every community if you look.

The issue is whether the mainstream media reports it, or ignores it.

They are presented as representing all of us...
No matter if there are zero point something percentage of them.....
Thats why i say,its a propaganda machine...

Actually i had even complained to BBC that why they always and persistently show our bad people and our bad points while never show our good things...

I have yet to get a reply.
They are presented as representing all of us...
No matter if there are zero point something percentage of them.....
Thats why i say,its a propaganda machine...

Actually i had even complained to BBC that why they always and persistently show our bad people and our bad points while never show our good things...

I have yet to get a reply.

bad news sells. btw its usually the tabloid media than bbc who is the culprit here.
There was huge gathering of muslims in that same country. A good opportunity to condemn such characters.

What was the practical effect of anti Vietnam war movements?

When it is perceived that people do condemn it in strong numbers, the space for propaganda becomes limited.

The anti-war movements would achieve all of ZIP if the media ignores them or portrays them as hooligans.

Everything -- EVERYTHING -- is about media clout and media manipulation. Muslims have none, while the anti-Muslim crowd infests Western media, so every time one loon in a million does something stupid, the Western media will make it into a main event.

They are presented as representing all of us...
No matter if there are zero point something percentage of them.....
Thats why i say,its a propaganda machine...

Actually i had even complained to BBC that why they always and persistently show our bad people and our bad points while never show our good things...

I have yet to get a reply.

Of course, the Western media is infested with anti-Muslim bigots.

I remember a BBC show "Make me a Muslim" which was supposed to showcase moderate Muslims. So, do they show Muslim businessmen and Muslim merchants interacting with the main community? Of course not. They dug out the most alien looking morons, strutting around the streets wearing long Arabic robes and speaking with thick accents, to represent the face of "British Muslims".
The anti-war movements would achieve all of ZIP if the media ignores them or portrays them as hooligans.

Everything -- EVERYTHING -- is about media clout and media manipulation. Muslims have none, while the anti-Muslim crowd infests Western media, so every time one loon in a million does something stupid, the Western media will make it into a main event.

agreed. But does this mean that there should be no condemnation?

It means that this community should become even more active in condemnation. There have been many cases of child exploitation and criminal activities that have been given full propagandist coverage.

The western media is not just propagandist, but it is also silly. Out of all the problems, they love to spread hate against a particular community.

However, that community should not be absolved of its responsibilities.
agreed. But does this mean that there should be no condemnation?

It means that this community should become even more active in condemnation. There have been many cases of child exploitation and criminal activities that have been given full propagandist coverage.

The western media is not just propagandist, but it is also silly. Out of all the problems, they love to spread hate against a particular community.

However, that community should not be absolved of its responsibilities.

Again, I ask you: Let's say you are a Muslim community leader. What would you do?

Would you hold a press conference to condemn? What if the major media ignore you and don't show up?

Would you go to Hyde Park and make a speech? Lots of people do that and you would be one in hundreds.

Would you convince a few hundred people to march through London? The media will portray it as a disturbance. If some idiot taunts your crowd (and there's always a few around), and one of your marchers does something stupid, all the media will focus on the incident and ignore the hundreds of peaceful marchers.

Bottom line, the media can (and will) twist anything and everything to suit their agenda. If Muslims had adequate representation in the media, there would be chance that a balanced narrative might emerge, but that is not so.
agreed. But does this mean that there should be no condemnation?

It means that this community should become even more active in condemnation. There have been many cases of child exploitation and criminal activities that have been given full propagandist coverage.

The western media is not just propagandist, but it is also silly. Out of all the problems, they love to spread hate against a particular community.

However, that community should not be absolved of its responsibilities.

I happened to see a tv debate on child sex grooming and a muslim gentleman made the same point as I am making. Why would it be the 'community' 's job to police itself. Why should it be held responsible.
Its clearly the police who did not act for many reasons ( not taking offence seriously, fearing being tagged as racist etc).
these incidents have become quite common in UK...
I am not denying that it is fact. If it's happening, it's happening.

Mainstream Muslim leaders have been condemning everything from terrorism to fanatic behavior, but the Western media doesn't find it useful to publicize it.

Also, what is the practical effect of such condemnations? If the police refuses to take action for whatever reasons, that's that.

I am sure they exist. You can always find fanatical behavior in every community if you look.

The issue is whether the mainstream media reports it, or ignores it.
Sure, including the police if the police decide to take actions.

These 'mainstream Muslim leaders' are a funny lot. They sure need a lot of media attention in order for them to be vigilant, or at least appears to be condemning, of fanaticism in the community that made them 'leaders'. But they somehow managed to find a lot of self motivation to be absolutely vigilant about police actions, including quick on the moral condemnations of the police and quick to call the 'Western media'. Then as they successfully shackled the police, they step back and puff themselves up to be 'mainstream' again, letting fanaticism fester in the community they protect.
Sure, including the police if the police decide to take actions.

These 'mainstream Muslim leaders' are a funny lot. They sure need a lot of media attention in order for them to be vigilant, or at least appears to be condemning, of fanaticism in the community that made them 'leaders'. But they somehow managed to find a lot of self motivation to be absolutely vigilant about police actions, including quick on the moral condemnations of the police and quick to call the 'Western media'. Then as they successfully shackled the police, they step back and puff themselves up to be 'mainstream' again, letting fanaticism fester in the community they protect.

What you fail to appreciate is that, unlike the Catholic Church. there is no central authority for Muslims. When we speak of "mainstream Muslim leaders", we are talking about a collection of leaders from various Muslim communities.

I always find it amusing when the Australian media talks about the "leader of the Australian Muslim community". Most Turks, Pakistanis, Indians, Indonesians, etc. would have no clue who that guy is.
The muslims(sunni-sufi-brelvi) have asking the UK gov for years to stop saudi funding of mosques in the UK but they have never done anything about it.
The majority of these kinds of incident scan be traced back to a saudi funded mullah-mosque.
What you fail to appreciate is that, unlike the Catholic Church. there is no central authority for Muslims. When we speak of "mainstream Muslim leaders", we are talking about a collection of leaders from various Muslim communities.

I always find it amusing when the Australian media talks about the "leader of the Australian Muslim community". Most Turks, Pakistanis, Indians, Indonesians, etc. would have no clue who that guy is.
And what you consistently avoid is the reality and truth that we do not live our lives in an intellectual and moral vacuum. I said that before and will continue to say it again.

What this mean is that throughout our lives, we continually seek new perspectives and reaffirmations of current ones when beliefs are challenged and usually it is the LOCAL area that we quickly seek those new perspectives and reaffirmations of the current ones. Leaders may be egotistically self appointed but without followers, they do not stay leaders for long. So what this mean is that leaders are very much influential in terms of providing new perspectives and reaffirmations of current beliefs to their followers and to the community that holds them in esteem.

You are putting forth a lame excuse that not even Muslims can accept when they listen to their local imams, take the sermons home, and yell at their wayward children to obey Allah. Same for the Catholics and Amish for their God. No Catholic is going to run home and call or Google what Vatican say about he/she heard on Sunday Mass.
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