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Sharia Government

Should they be allowed to judge?

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Oct 3, 2005
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United States
You might have seen many reports that most of the Women get "stone to death" for adultery, or they just hang the women without an official court decision.

The leaders of the tribal areas are mostly uneducated who have barely done the high school education. They might have been educated from madarsaas where they mostly learn from Quran and Hadith, and some don't even learn the translation of it, hence they dont know what are the "rules" or guidance of quran is.

But there are some who are modenly educated and have very powerful knowledge of islam and modern life, however sadly they are not found in tribal areas.

Should this kind of local government be allowed in Pakistan? Post your opinions, i will accept both negative side and a positive side. You may not insult molwis or islam, try not to go in religion.

Knowledge from Quran and hadith is the most important thing, we should adopt the Sharia law in our country.

Look at saudi-arabia, If you steal their they cut ur hand off. So I will never risk that.For example A Robbber may think of stealing a diamond, thinking that if he is caught he will just spend 5 years in jail he will take the risk. On the other hand if he thinks that his hand will be cut off, he will think 10 times before going for it.

Thats the reason when you have paryer for jumma, people leave their shop and go for namaaz, everything is open ( i m talkin about saudi).

The Islamic Scholars should implement the sharia law because they know under what circumstances what law applies not some mojo mullah .

PS just to let out readrs know that :
1) forcing woman to wear burka and not letting them go outside the home is not sharia law

2) Having an village jude to allow a woman get raped in front of people because some kind was holding hand with other clans girl is not a sharia law either

3) And many others that I cant post rite now ( It will take me another page)

Points number 1 & 2 are known as jihalat
I don't think that sharia govt. implemented only in particular area.if they want to implement sharia rules, they must implement them on whole govt. either to none!
We should let these mullah's have there own nation...I mean ever since the creation of Pakistan these Mullah's have been eating away at our economy.Move all these mullahs into afganistan then split afganistan into 2 seperate nations....one for the Mullahs the other for the Regular Afgans.That way it will benfit us and Afganistan....... the afgani people wont have to suffer as they have for the last 3 decades and can live in peace and pakistan will finally get a break.

In Pakistan 97% of the population doesnt agree on Sharia govt.(MMA) version.The real Sharia govt. allows you to wear anything you want accept clothes that reveal alot for women.It also gives equal rights to ALL...let them be Jews,Christians,or even Hindus.
that is not called sharia government..

what you are reffering to is called Jirga. it is a council of elders and the wise.

and they do not follow any basic islamic beliefs at all and their decisions are mostly un islamic.

the federal law is Shariah law. but some poeple say this this this should be added..etc etc...and also some stuff has not been added or is difrent due to the situation at the ground. (in the past the Police was faithfull to the kalma now they are faithfull to the currency)
hey sharia means according to the shariat and i dont see anything bad in it
its a good thing they have a sharia gov :)
Originally posted by VisionHawk@Nov 20 2005, 07:27 AM
hey sharia means according to the shariat and i dont see anything bad in it
its a good thing they have a sharia gov :)
[post=3257]Quoted post[/post]​
but most people here are Kids who do not understand the complexity and equality and modernity the sharia goverment brings..

the problem with fully installing such governement now are immense..

many things in sharia are based on trust. and buricrats doent know the word trust. so slowly but surely the sharia gov will be established.

all laws in Pakistan are regulated in light of the shariat so we can say the present law IS sharia law
right if im not wrong the revolounary shariat system and changes was brought by ZIA UR rahman like he replaced interest system by profit loss system introduce ISLAMIAT as a compulsary subject in all the boards of Pakistan and several other changes right

even now all laws in Pakistan are regulated in light of the shariat :PakistanFlag:
This is actually for the other thread which was closed, but relevant here.

(please don't start personal attacks to close this thread like was done for two earlier threads in national pol. issues forum. try a mature, logical discussion for once)

Okay one question?

Can I be beheaded under Shariah for saying 'I don't believe in Allah, I only believe in Krishna' since that'll be considered Shirk?

that doesn't make any sense. i'm not sure about krishna, but historical people like gautam buddh and baba nanak, they were all monotheists who believed in Allah (s.w.t), just with sanskrit name instead of arabic. only thing is buddha and earlier vedic rishis gave the concept of one supreme being the name 'brahm', as the totality of all existence, an extremely impersonal form. but their message was the same, i.e. that we were created by the supreme being, attain salvation from this world and return back to 'Him' in the end. my point is, you can't compared God with mortal people that spread a message of monotheism. best to return to your vedic roots and read what was originally revealed in the Rgveda.

and no there is no compulsion you can believe what you want as long as it doesn't malign Allah or the Prophets. minorities are protected under shariah to the extent that in past they escaped witch hunts and persecution in europe to find safe refuge in muslim lands, where their well being and freedom of belief was protected for centuries thereafter.

Well depends on whose defining Shariah! :coffee:

there is only one definition of Shariah as revealed in the Quran and Sunnah. but perhaps what you mean is what it would look like today. there's no easy answers to that. it has been well over a thousand years since it was last implemented in exactly the same form as the time of our Prophet (s.a.w). but that does not mean we don't strive for it and find ways.

the reconstruction of religious thought by Iqbal should definitely be looked at. to begin with, that book is so complex that i'm not sure anyone comprehensively understood what Iqbal meant except for himself. but still, the idea of Islam and reason being one and the same thing both in spirit and practice, should give some insight on what it should look like in Pakistan.

people misconstrue it to mean some kind of modern 'Islamic democracy'. put more aptly, it rather suggests a pluralistic system of governance with Islam at the core, which openly discusses different ideas that emerge over time, but the consensus on whether that is rejected or incorporated is informed fully by Islamic principles and guidance.

unlike some members, i would not call it 'shariah-compliant'. it's a model that keeps with the times and is dynamic, but evolves with thought-out consideration, toward the ends of removing any distinction between life in society and Islam.

as for those who keep repeating 'four witnesses' thinking it demeans the Shariah, it's better to see it in a logical, practical context if it were to be implemented. as science has advanced exponentially since those times, what stops forensic evidence serving as an unbiased source in addition to witnesses? nothing, except your boxed mentality and narrow view of this matter.

as for the poll, i'm not going to vote as Shariah is a matter of faith and the way people are being named and ridiculed here is quite pathetic. but let me just say that this remains the destiny of Pakistan, and we will achieve it eventually. we're not cowards to demand political separation because we were scared of being in a minority. we've always fought and prevailed against much worse odds in the past. but the whole point of this country is for it to belong every square inch, in dirt, flesh and spirit, to Allah (swt) as sovereign, nothing else.
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