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Share your super natural experiences

I used my shower so I can divide it on several parts. Then I flushed it several times and cleaned up with my toilet brush. Yummy!
You want a supernatural experience???? watch the following clip:

Watch after 1:30 and if you still don’t get puzzled then you have no clue of super natural experiences..

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You want a supernatural experience???? watch the following clip:

Watch after 1:30 and if you still don’t get puzzled then you have no clue of super natural experiences..


Should i laugh? OR should i fear? What should i do after watching this one please recommend some re-action too na..
About the posted video, the fact that the lady smiles in a ghostly place just ruined the video not genuine

As for Paranormal experience:

My mom's brother (my Mammon) , pass away 3-4 years ago. We were given the information with some delay as normally my parents are both faint of heart (Blood pressure etc). But before he passed , I suddenly one day was thinking about him how he was always a hard working man , never asked money from anyone. The fact that he came to mind so close to his passing or who know was infact the day of his passing puzzles me.Riding his bike daily for last 20 years , and I wished I could have offered something to him so he could take a vacation or something like that. In any case later on I learned that he passed away so I gave the funds to his children so they can continue on with their education. I remember he used to ask me so when you will be making a trip back to Pakistan - I never knew that I won't get to see him.


Another story, not long ago I was down , and met someone but in the early days of me meeting the special person , I saw a dream and in that dream I saw that person to to take a shape of a snake's face hissing tongue , I lived with that image for few years and years later the person disappeared and turned out was a "user" so the prophecy or warning turned out right .. but I was not shocked because I had already known it would happen 3-4 years in advance I kinda enjoyed the ride anyways, and always gave the other person a chance to change that image from the dream but in end the dream was true

Few days ago , I had a water bottle , on table I was in my room and notice that the bottle made some crackling noise normally noise that is associated when someone picks up the bottle you know how plastic makes that plastic noise it happened only briefly
I did not made anything out of it and slept , perhaps I might have even drank from it later I really did not care :p they say if you ignore it it goes away :P works for me

Prior to Fukushima , I had a dream - in that dream , I saw that I was in a home , it was my home (a home I never had) then I saw it was close to sea , and notice water levels coming ashore , and suddenly saw that water was hitting the walls and I took a peak from the window , and noticed that water was rising fast. So in my dream , I get out of the home , and then I see a solid bridge , concrete bridge , so I start climbing it and I reach the top of the bridge , and from my vintage point , as clear as any bright day , then I was able to see the sea and noticed , waves approaching the shores , the first waves approached from west and then they take out all establishment below the bridge and then I saw people struggling to get to the bridge on sides. Mysteriously then there is this Erie calm , and then I saw to my self the worse is over .......and that is when the second crisis start
I see a cloud , an unidentifiable object encourage waves to form from East and new waves are being created from the east end now, and I look down , and notice that water has arisen so much and I ask myself , what would happen if a second tragedy hits the same place it just had one tragic even occur just moments ago , I wake up from my dream when I come to realization it was not a natural event and I wake up. This memory was clear as a high definition movie , infact this dream made me fear. The fact that there were two incidents one from east / 1 from west makes me feel it was the duel natural / man man disaster in Japan, and in my dream I away after the second disaster

Another recent event , had been I was scheduled to travel on Weekend by a car .... to a different city , during that time my mother was alone. I had to travel for business reason , and it was urgent that I travel on specific date in order to be there
So I asked for a week extension from company to be there after a week , then next week , its Friday I am suppose to be gone
Sibling of mine is planning a camping trip and my father is also away .. which mean I am along with my mother if I leave then my mother is alone. So I miss this first week and postpone it to next week , and then I am suppose to travel on Friday night ...and something happens and I cancel plans to be out of city. That same night ... my mother has a episode of brain infection a very very rare incident so morning comes , my brother goes out to camping and I wake up and go to my mother's room. She wakes up
The person I see is acting strangely I talk to her she just looks at me in strange manner , and then I see her lose mobility and ability to communicate before my eyes and then 911 call is made after 2 weeks in hospital she gets healthy (there is no medication invented for this). But I remember back the strange events that led to me cancelling out my planned trip which would have netted me substantial figures and what would have happened if no one was there that day. Somehow I stayed back cancelled trip first week and then also that Friday did not travel when I had ticket booked because the symptoms came over night- this is approximately 3 months ago


My most recent dream had been I was heading for my campus , that I left moons ago , and then I get on this train , and then I realize in my dream that there was no train when I studied infact there was not even old railway tracks. So I cannot be going in right direction. Upon which I see the residents of the train and I see a girl she is giving me some strange gestures with her hand lol then I jump of the train and jump on the opposite train running on the other railway tracks , I figure if this train was taking me away from my destination , the other one will bound to bring me back to my desired target this dream happened 1-2 weeks ago.
I was certain now I was going in right direction !!! So this week I closed something big ....was that train vision was a pretext of a deal about to be closed that would help me reach my goals ? I think about it as its quite recent I am glad that I jumped and got on the train going in right direction :P I just need to identify who was that Asian girl that gave me hand gestures in the dream as I don't know her

A while back around 2004-2005 approximately I had a huge set back to a point I contemplated negative things in term of life - obviously I never acted upon it but I remember during that time I had a dream , and in that dream I see a vision that someone was comforting me but she was not human in anyway she was not necessarily human but I did not feel I rejected she sorta gives me a hug she almost seems someone important, and some how I get this message conveyed that if every thing was to end she was there
Now the next morning I woke up I was like wow what was that , I don't know who that was in the dream , it was not like that I did not appreciate her gesture but I clearly had no intentions give up but deep inside I was still thankful for the support and knowing someone was there looking out on my side , but the prerequisite something I was not ready to do but I still thanked the person in my mind
A friend of mine tells me his grand father died in room . after his death no one live in that room . few moth back one of his cousin came from Canada and was given to live in that room . after one days later he became sick and was hospitalized in hospital he became well but when re return from hospital again he became sick so after this they all realized that some thing is wrong in that room . so instead of his cousin he reside there one day and similarly he became sick so all realized some problem there . he also felt after sleeping some one is sitting beside him it was not dream but he felt it .

hearing this incident some of his friend went to visit his house and live in that house . first they didn't face any problem . next they they were given a bed which was the bed where his grand father died . from that day they all were feeling uneasy . so all of them thought to check what happens at night . they install a electromagnetic identifier and found it bump when it is near the bed so they break the bed and found some tabiz and some writing in arabic . it was black magic ????
A friend of mine tells me his grand father died in room . after his death no one live in that room . few moth back one of his cousin came from Canada and was given to live in that room . after one days later he became sick and was hospitalized in hospital he became well but when re return from hospital again he became sick so after this they all realized that some thing is wrong in that room . so instead of his cousin he reside there one day and similarly he became sick so all realized some problem there . he also felt after sleeping some one is sitting beside him it was not dream but he felt it .

hearing this incident some of his friend went to visit his house and live in that house . first they didn't face any problem . next they they were given a bed which was the bed where his grand father died . from that day they all were feeling uneasy . so all of them thought to check what happens at night . they install a electromagnetic identifier and found it bump when it is near the bed so they break the bed and found some tabiz and some writing in arabic . it was black magic ????


I am going to tell three stories about my elder uncle's family who used to live in our village and maintained my grand fathers agricultural property ( farms) there.....

My cousin is 4 years older than me.. He was around 20 when this incident happened! A friend of him was going through psychological / nervous break down... According to that boy, A female Genie ( pori in Bengali/hindi) used to visit him...... One day my cousin made fun of that boy, ridiculed about his super natural experiences....... that night my cousin went to bed, but he got up from bed in the midnight after realizing someone has turned off the fan! He turned it on and slept again thinking someone from the family might have done this.... But after some time he woke up again saw the fan is turned off again. when he moved his head around, he saw a whitish shape of a person passing through the window................. he screamed but it was vanished...... later that boy told my cousin that it might be that genie.. he was there when he made fun of the genie and the boy!!!!

My grand father built a mosque, a madrassa and adjacent graveyard in village .. My elder uncle had to live in village to look after those and his farms.... His house was three minutes walk away from the mosque.... In One mid-night He heard Azan/adhan coming out from the mosque, almost 3-4 hours before Sunrise... He rushed to the mosque, but saw everything closed as usual.. the next day 2/3 more person also ensured that they had heard Azan also in the midnight.......

3. He ( my uncle ) had a furniture shop in town which was far from the village... So every day he used to return late around 10 pm. Normally then village people used to sleep around 7 pm as there was no electricity in the village during this incident... One day my aunt was waiting for him to return when all other family members were sleeping.. Suddenly she heard his husband's voice and opened the gate, saw him and leaving the door open she went to Kitchen as my uncle was washing his feet in the bathroom which was separated from main house...... After returning from kitchen she found no one in the house/bathroom.. she closed the door thinking her husband went out for some reason...... But when uncle returned, my aunt came to learn that he actually didnt come earlier....... she fainted and was sick for some days......

(i do believe genie, but do not believe their interactions with men... maybe those stories are true, maybe hallucinations, whatever.......... there was a super natural story related to me , which i will share later)
Don't know about ghosts (souls still hinged to this world or whatever) but it is a[n Islamic?] teaching (don't have the reference sorry) to bring in your kids just after Maghrib because jins begin their day then and pass by in the streets en mass. After a while the kids can go out again.

i heard that, During Azans they move here and there!!
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