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Shame on us as a nation

I was wrong. There was one interview where Zaid Hamid spoke in English.

Zaid speaks 6 international languages including english and now many of his programs are in English or with subtitles.
The day imran khan will come into power i sure to God Indian rabbit:bunny: Pakistan will be a different Country and pakies would not be miserable anymore Inshallah:pakistan:

zaid is a motivational figure , he would not fit in Govt but he can become our Burnziski.

I must agree with you on this. Imran Khan, despite not winning seats is supported by alot of the youth and despite all the troubles he faces refuses to back down in his criticism of the Governments, policies, issues within ourselves and mainly of other countries and is tirelessly saying Pakistan should stand up for itself by itself as it has the resources to do so.

I am beginning to like this guy and having looked into his past in policitics he does appear sincere and quite diplomatic.
Imran Khan
the person who STILL wants to have a dialogue with Taliban & stop all operations against Taliban
I am beginning to like this guy and having looked into his past in policitics he does appear sincere and quite diplomatic.

He may very well be all that, but so far it's been difficult to conclude whether he is a Secular, Moderate, Fanatic or just a Drifter, as one day he would be delivering credible speech proving his diplomatic credentials,
next day he'll be sitting getting squashed between belt busting Mullahs, on an other day he was trying to rally Uni students to storm the streets and now he has ways and means to reach out to the rank and file of the Fanatics. Multi talented or clay footed. ????
Imran Khan
the person who STILL wants to have a dialogue with Taliban & stop all operations against Taliban

He may very well be all that, but so far it's been difficult to conclude whether he is a Secular, Moderate, Fanatic or just a Drifter, as one day he would be delivering credible speech proving his diplomatic credentials,
next day he'll be sitting getting squashed between belt busting Mullahs, on an other day he was trying to rally Uni students to storm the streets and now he has ways and means to reach out to the rank and file of the Fanatics. Multi talented or clay footed. ????

What do you guys suggest, we go out guns blazing against the Taliban in all areas which has never been conquered and ruled over for over a Milenium.

Imran Khan is doing what the Pakistan Army normally does, but the Pakistan Government, being as stupid as they are has left no option.

You always leave a door open for negotiation and agreement as these people will always live here and will not be going anywhere. This is a method always adopted by the P.A. but on this occasion the expansion of its operation threw that away.

Imran khan is opening a door to reconciliation and asking for a dialogue through talks. Any issues can be resolved on the negotiating table and differences in Islamic teaching also resolved through dialogue.

If this happens to be an issue with us being stronger then the Taliban as we have the PA then this is a mistake as this very arrogance may be our downfall. Never think an enemy is weak and never underestimate them.

If we went by the logic that the Taliban are so evil then we would have to bring India into the equation who is sponsoring and arming them. Do we go to war with them also, or is it that here we get our teeth knocked out so we will stick with the weaker Taliban.

I personally don't like the Taliban teachings in such extreme methods either, but dialogue can resolve any issue which was not done at the times we had in 62 years to change mentalities, just like the Arab Wahabbis (Al Qaeeda) changed the Taliban mentality to the way they are now, surely we can do the same if we had the will.

Imran Khan, R gen Hamid Gul and Qazi Hussein Ahmed are one of the main culpritsof where the ttp are today---if it was not them stoking the fires of dissent and discord during Musharraf's regime---taliban could have been taken out.

Imran Khan justified the suicide attacks by the taliban forces in pakistan---he should have been summarily tried and executed.

All the muslims talk about having a caliph etc etc etc---under any of the caliphs---a person like Imran Khan---would have been executed---his head chopped off as well and possibly the those of his family members and tribe as well---lands and properties confiscated---and living members expelled to rot away in waterless treless barren environment as a punishment.

Oh by the way---a good muslim emperor would havwe let his body hang in public for many a days to set up an example for the others.

Pakistani muslims are always ready to kill the girls for committing zinna / adultery---let the men face some other form of justice as well. Let us see how the thinking changes over nite.
Hi dears
Please read the news bellow:
Pak need Rs29 bln for Malakand uplift - GEO.tv
I always wonder why we dont rely on our own hands and brain? Why we do not stop begging?
We have the population of more then 180 million. All the young men are died ?
Why young men from Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan do not go to rebuild the destructed tribal areas?
We always wait that someone will come , give us money (or if they dont come and give, we can go beg them). If nobody gives money we are not going to rebuild our destructed country.
What a nonsense?
We can use the engineering potential and construction experience of our army and of private sector developers.
All the developed countries are built by their own hands. They left the good for their generation. What we are leaving?
Its very shameful when a nation does not have dignity.
We are the beggers. Shame on us.

yes brother i agree with you
you can use of some critical words for us :cheers: yes we have done some bad policies. and in rest there is death.:agree:
but brother being a progressive country in Asia we should take some positive step for our bright future ok :pakistan: not only allegeding to our peoples :disagree: this is not fruitful action
we must doing some Changes in our institutions
to making policies in this regard
but all is well when we should change our self individually
we do not lost our dignity through self burning
and work hard :smokin:
and Inshah Allah we will be able to recognized our Nation in Ashia and around the Word in better way.:wave:
yes brother i agree with you
you can use of some critical words for us :cheers: yes we have done some bad policies. and in rest there is death.:agree:
but brother being a progressive country in Asia we should take some positive step for our bright future ok :pakistan: not only allegeding to our peoples :disagree: this is not fruitful action
we must doing some Changes in our institutions
to making policies in this regard
but all is well when we should change our self individually
we do not lost our dignity through self burning
and work hard :smokin:
and Inshah Allah we will be able to recognized our Nation in Ashia and around the Word in better way.:wave:

You are absolutely right. We need change. How you can bring? Its interesting for me. Because i see the change only by democracy. No other way. If the opinion of Pakistnies is up over the each institution than it will work. Otherwise we are going to the hell.
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