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Shame on us as a nation



New Recruit

Nov 28, 2009
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Hi dears
Please read the news bellow:
Pak need Rs29 bln for Malakand uplift - GEO.tv
I always wonder why we dont rely on our own hands and brain? Why we do not stop begging?
We have the population of more then 180 million. All the young men are died ?
Why young men from Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan do not go to rebuild the destructed tribal areas?
We always wait that someone will come , give us money (or if they dont come and give, we can go beg them). If nobody gives money we are not going to rebuild our destructed country.
What a nonsense?
We can use the engineering potential and construction experience of our army and of private sector developers.
All the developed countries are built by their own hands. They left the good for their generation. What we are leaving?
Its very shameful when a nation does not have dignity.
We are the beggers. Shame on us.
I couldn't agree more....

The people of Pakistan need to bring this change themselves by stop voting and supporting these corrupt Politicians and support revolutionary change.

For change comes infrastructure, i.e. Electricity production so that outside businesses can be interested in Pakistan and allowances made for outside business persons to come here. They need tobe invited and we can alway boast the train service from Pakistan to Turkey which currently China appear to be very interested in joining, although I hear India has also registered interest.

They need to made independent the NAB and pay the Police a better wage to stop further corruption. When this happens and more action is taken against corruption then Pakistan will slowly fall in line, abit like Singapore. They did the same and it is refromed, also see Georgia. They had a very corrupt Police force which bought the Country into chaos but when they straightened this institution out everything began to fall in line.

Departments like, tax and social can be improved after when investment begins to creep in.

Many other changes will come by themselves by the coming generation, there is no shortage of English speakers in Pakistan which would attract the West alot. Especially with a big asset like oversee Pakistanis on their side.


Unfortnately corrput Politicians will not see this happen. Their really is no limit to greed with Nawaz Sharif's personal fortune at 1.2 Billions dollars and Asif Ali Zardari's at 1.8 billion dollars, I really am stunned at the sheer looting in Pakistan. It really is beggers belief.

unless the people of Pakistan decide to help themselves, no one else will.
Hi dears
Please read the news bellow:
Pak need Rs29 bln for Malakand uplift - GEO.tv
I always wonder why we dont rely on our own hands and brain? Why we do not stop begging?
We have the population of more then 180 million. All the young men are died ?
Why young men from Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan do not go to rebuild the destructed tribal areas?
We always wait that someone will come , give us money (or if they dont come and give, we can go beg them). If nobody gives money we are not going to rebuild our destructed country.
What a nonsense?
We can use the engineering potential and construction experience of our army and of private sector developers.
All the developed countries are built by their own hands. They left the good for their generation. What we are leaving?
Its very shameful when a nation does not have dignity.
We are the beggers. Shame on us.

I think you are getting emotional. Things take time and money is needed for development.

How can any body build a road, a building without mortar, bricks, cement and all the equipment that go with it? Would you be willing to go and work for free and eat nothing at the end of the day? You need some money to buy food right?

You talk about army building the infrastructure. It is not army's job to do it. You are putting more burden in an already overstreched army.

I think if there are more people like you and more people can motivate the government to get the right initiatives, the country will move forward. Remember, "Rome was not built in a day". Slowly progressing towards the goal after a long time will show progress.

Right now you guys should focus on cleaning up terrorists so that atleast peace lasts on which you could build industries.
It is just such sentiment that led to the Afghan Taliban trying to do something to rectify the corrupt government in their country in the 1990's. The point is that young people can be mobilized to rebuild if there is some leadership from somewhere, either the GoP or some internal NGO's. If the leadership is not forthcoming then they are ripe for destructive leadership, i.e. from the jihadi types. Pakistan needs something like the USA "Peace Corps" internally, a non-military civilian development service. OTOH, if young people from elsewhere in Pakistan went to FATA to help re-build, would the locals welcome them or kill them?
It is just such sentiment that led to the Afghan Taliban trying to do something to rectify the corrupt government in their country in the 1990's. The point is that young people can be mobilized to rebuild if there is some leadership from somewhere, either the GoP or some internal NGO's. If the leadership is not forthcoming then they are ripe for destructive leadership, i.e. from the jihadi types. Pakistan needs something like the USA "Peace Corps" internally, a non-military civilian development service. OTOH, if young people from elsewhere in Pakistan went to FATA to help re-build, would the locals welcome them or kill them?

You want to say we need a national army type?
I think its not bad idea. But who you can implement this?
Level of trust to authorities is 0:
1) Army had niches with Balochistan, FATA and Sindh. They also dont have any public accountability
2) Politicians : there was never and no democracy in Pakistan. Almost all governments were controlled by International imperialism.
3) Bureaucracy : they are corrupt to the bottom of their souls.

But the majority of people in Pakistan wants, that system should be corrected and they believe in it.
Yes, They will work only for food.
!!! Now a days majority of Pakistanies are working only for food. Even many dont have enough food !!!
If your home is ruined who will build it? You will ask money from someone for building your home? It will look abnormal.
If you go to the someone home carrying a weapon they will doubt you. But if you go to help them rebuild. They will be thankful to you for all of your life. This is called brotherhood and this make the nations. In Pakistan it was never done. Army was an instrument with weapon. Therefore i agree with you that we need the national army. In most of the countries above men 18 must serve in the army.
They are trained there and they get a patriotic education in men surrounding.
We hope all the things will come to the place but we should rely only on ourselves. We have to stop begging. Its a shamful act for nations with dignity.
I couldn't agree more....

The people of Pakistan need to bring this change themselves by stop voting and supporting these corrupt Politicians and support revolutionary change.

For change comes infrastructure, i.e. Electricity production so that outside businesses can be interested in Pakistan and allowances made for outside business persons to come here. They need tobe invited and we can alway boast the train service from Pakistan to Turkey which currently China appear to be very interested in joining, although I hear India has also registered interest.

They need to made independent the NAB and pay the Police a better wage to stop further corruption. When this happens and more action is taken against corruption then Pakistan will slowly fall in line, abit like Singapore. They did the same and it is refromed, also see Georgia. They had a very corrupt Police force which bought the Country into chaos but when they straightened this institution out everything began to fall in line.

Departments like, tax and social can be improved after when investment begins to creep in.

Many other changes will come by themselves by the coming generation, there is no shortage of English speakers in Pakistan which would attract the West alot. Especially with a big asset like oversee Pakistanis on their side.


Unfortnately corrput Politicians will not see this happen. Their really is no limit to greed with Nawaz Sharif's personal fortune at 1.2 Billions dollars and Asif Ali Zardari's at 1.8 billion dollars, I really am stunned at the sheer looting in Pakistan. It really is beggers belief.

unless the people of Pakistan decide to help themselves, no one else will.

You are absolutely right. We have to go by the way of development but using our resources only.
We have enough skilled persons, experience and men.
We are powerful dear. Our hearts are buring from patriotism.
Please dont look at the outsiders. Its not 1947.
Ya, somewhere in hightech we can go for cooperation with outside world.
Why not Zaid Hamid or the likes. He is been talking too much it's times to deliver or maybe Imran Khan.
I couldn't agree more....

The people of Pakistan need to bring this change themselves by stop voting and supporting these corrupt Politicians and support revolutionary change.

For change comes infrastructure, i.e. Electricity production so that outside businesses can be interested in Pakistan and allowances made for outside business persons to come here. They need tobe invited and we can alway boast the train service from Pakistan to Turkey which currently China appear to be very interested in joining, although I hear India has also registered interest.

They need to made independent the NAB and pay the Police a better wage to stop further corruption. When this happens and more action is taken against corruption then Pakistan will slowly fall in line, abit like Singapore. They did the same and it is refromed, also see Georgia. They had a very corrupt Police force which bought the Country into chaos but when they straightened this institution out everything began to fall in line.

Departments like, tax and social can be improved after when investment begins to creep in.

Many other changes will come by themselves by the coming generation, there is no shortage of English speakers in Pakistan which would attract the West alot. Especially with a big asset like oversee Pakistanis on their side.


Unfortnately corrput Politicians will not see this happen. Their really is no limit to greed with Nawaz Sharif's personal fortune at 1.2 Billions dollars and Asif Ali Zardari's at 1.8 billion dollars, I really am stunned at the sheer looting in Pakistan. It really is beggers belief.

unless the people of Pakistan decide to help themselves, no one else will.

We need to support only representatives of the nation. They are elected. Good or bad they are from us.
You can catch them in their Hujras when they come to public.
But how you can ask some one ( dictator) with weapon?
Democracy should be continued and the results will be positive.
Self-oriented patriotism of the Generals has increased corruption, unrest and failure at international politics.
By the way , i heard that the head of the NAB was also among the beneficiaries from NRO :)
We are living in a funny country dears. But we dont have other.
People and children are the true lovers (people-country and child-parents) because they both love with the sincerity.
End to corruption and current banking system. We will become powerful.

I am noticing something weired. What ever I want to say about current scenarios, Zaid Hamid had says the same. Although, I am not a die hard fan of Mr. Hamid but the thing is every thing I waver wanted to say about Pakistan has been said by that man( don't think that every thing he says is what I want to say).
Do you guys feel the same?

Why not Zaid Hamid or the likes. He is been talking too much it's times to deliver or maybe Imran Khan.

You guys do like him a lot, don't you?:yahoo:
Why not Zaid Hamid or the likes. He is been talking too much it's times to deliver or maybe Imran Khan.

They are ours, from us. They have good or bad ideas, they are patriots . In 1947 we imported the politicians. Its not giving good results.
We need local politics and local politician as all the normal countries of the world have. Outsiders will always depend on the international imperialism. They do things and run away.As a nation of 65 years old we have bad experience of imported politicians. We are mature enough.
I think he is one of the biggest charlatans on the planet. Totally off the wall. Either very, very stupid, crazy or cynical beyond belief.

Do you understand Urdu, TruthSeeker?

I think all of Zaid Hamid talks have been in Urdu so far.
Do you understand Urdu, TruthSeeker?

I think all of Zaid Hamid talks have been in Urdu so far.

I don't understand a word of Urdu. What I know about what Hamid says comes from English language reports in the Pakistani English press about what he says. His anti-USA conspiracy theories are what I am mainly referring too in my above post.
I don't understand a word of Urdu. What I know about what Hamid says comes from English language reports in the Pakistani English press about what he says. His anti-USA conspiracy theories are what I am mainly referring too in my above post.

I was wrong. There was one interview where Zaid Hamid spoke in English.

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Why not Zaid Hamid or the likes. He is been talking too much it's times to deliver or maybe Imran Khan.

The day imran khan will come into power i sure to God Indian rabbit:bunny: Pakistan will be a different Country and pakies would not be miserable anymore Inshallah:pakistan:

zaid is a motivational figure , he would not fit in Govt but he can become our Burnziski.
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