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Shall I come in front of ghq and burn my self with fire and commit suicide ?

Quite possible that the picture is wrongly tagged. BUT the huffingtonpost.in news is real

‘Get A Wife From Kashmir’: Article 370 News Has Sparked A Horrible Wave Of Misogyny

With the abrogation of Kashmir's special status, social media also saw a surge in posts asserting Hindutva supremacy.

By Piyasree Dasgupta

“What are the benefits of removing Article 370?”

Three men lined up against a shop in Delhi smile broadly into the camera.

“The tricolour will be waved in Kashmir, bhai your turn,” Ankit Jatav tells his friend. The friend, a young man in a black tee, thumps his chest and says, “Doosra, Jammu Kashmir ki lugai milegi humein” [Second, we will get a wife from Jammu Kashmir].”

The third man declares Kashmir will now be called Kashi, and all three shout ‘Vande Mataram’ in unison.

The video, posted on TikTok with hearts and flexed bicep emojis, was uploaded shortly after the Indian government invoked the Article 370 to scrap Kashmir’s special status. Jatav, who has over 12,000 followers on TikTok has posted 10 more videos on Article 370 since then.

In another video, one of his friends, a young man with coiffed hair, said, “Main toh chala Kashmir, mujhe Delhi main ladki nahin mil rahi hai (I am going to Kashmir, I am not getting women in Delhi).”

While a total communications blackout in Kashmir has made it impossible to ascertain the repercussions of the Modi government’s decision to abrogate Kashmir’s special status, social media platforms in mainland India are inundated with videos asserting Hindu supremacy.

TikTok in particular is full of slightly desperate Hindu men asserting “victory” by claiming they can now “get girls” from Kashmir. Similar content has started surfacing on Facebook and Twitter.

Prior to the government’s decision on Monday, there was no bar on marrying Kashmiri men or women. However, the children of women who married non-Kashmiris would not inherit property in Kashmir under its old laws.

In India, men have long used so-called “muscular nationalism” to channel a deep misogyny directed at women who dared to critique a dominant political narrative. Women who have criticised the majoritarian politics of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have faced rape threats, obscene messages and even fake **** videos.

Senior BJP ministers, including the Prime Minister, have followed these trolls online, and invited them for social media summits while insisting the government should not be held responsible for encouraging hate directed at women online.

However, in the case of Kashmir and Article 370, the rush of misogynistic content seems oddly in line with the government’s own approach to Kashmir’s people. Like the government treated Kashmir as a people whose opinion wasn’t worth considering, young men on TikTok are celebrating the idea of ‘getting’ a Kashmiri woman like she is an object with no agency. Ironically, a bunch of these videos end with men chanting ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ or Vande Mataram, completely dismissive of absurdity of looking at Kashmiri women as subjects of their ‘patriotic’ project.

“The mockery made out of Kashmiri women is reiteration of the fact that the human race has always made women the battle ground of their fragile brittle egos,” human rights lawyer Tahmina Lashkar told HuffPost India.

A user called Amit Modak, whose feed is loaded with paeans to Narendra Modi, the Indian Army and ‘bhagwa’ (saffron), posted a video which contained the message: “Now I can marry a Kashmiri girl”. The text is followed by a dozen laughter emojis and on the background, a track with the sound of a man laughing hysterically played.

His other posts include one that said Amit Shah is cooking ‘Kashmiri Pulao’ and that when the government did not listen to 25 crore people on the issue of triple talaq, fat chance they’d listen to 1.5 crore Kashmiris on anything. In another video, Modak sports a sleeveless tee, slicked back hair and a fade, and declares: “Jai Shree Ram. The people who are thinking of buying land in Kashmir, wait for a bit. Don’t be in such a hurry, wait for a bit. Who knows, maybe you can buy land in Lahore.”

Another man who identifies himself as Sunil Kavi and claims to be an actor, model and social activist among other things, shot a video of himself exulting at the news of ‘Article 370 being removed’. He said in the video, with a wink and jumping with glee: “Ab toh main shaadi Kashmir main karoonga. (Now, I will marry in Kashmir.)” Other men commented on his post ‘yes, bhai, yes’ and ‘bilkul sahi hai (that’s absolutely right).’

We reached out to him on his profile and asked what the implication of his video is. He replied, “Whatever you think it is.”

Amar, who only has four posts on his profile, but nearly 3500 followers, posted a text only video in Hindi which said the following:

“My bachelor friends, start preparing, because after 15th August, in Kashmir, you can find in-laws.” The last text slide is accompanied by a picture of a group of young Muslim girls in hijab.


The text also is accompanied by the laughter emojis. This seems to be a favoured line of conversation on TikTok, with smiling men almost saying this is a threat to Kashmiri men. Some other videos shot by men in Haryana claimed that prior to Monday, Kashmiris used to visit the state to sell shawls, but now they will visit with ‘kothali’ for their sisters — a tradition in Haryana to gift clothes, sindoor etc to married women by their brothers and maternal family.

A man who goes by the user name Jitendra Verma, has shot a video of himself saying, “Get ready unmarried friends, now your in-laws house will be in Kashmir. Kashmiris, become ready to be our brother-in-laws.” A man laughed loudly in the background as Verma finished his video, which is tagged is ‘Jai Hind’ and “Jai Shri Ram’.


The tags and the assertion of ‘patriotism’ makes it clear that these videos about Kashmiri women are not in anyway meant to be an appreciation of Kashmiri women, but like in patriarchal societies, very casually delivered threats to own women as a means to claim ownership of land and a political narrative.

One of the first videos to have landed on TikTok after the Article 370 announcement was a video of saffron-clan men celebrating in the streets on an Indian city while a song which claimed ‘ab Ayodhya main, Ram Mandir ka nirmaan chahiye’ played in the background. The hashtag #Article370 registered around 870,000 views since yesterday and almost all the content is pro-Hindutva. With the ban on internet in Kashmir, no Kashmiri voice could be amplified on the platform, though there are old videos of Kashmiri men and women demanding that Article 35A be protected and demands of ‘azaad Kashmir’ be heard.

A host of other videos resonated with sounds of ‘ghus ke marenge’ and made the government’s decision sound, quite unwittingly of course, like an invasion.

Most of the videos on ground reflected how pro-Hindutva groups found the issue as an appropriate time to indulge in chest-beating about Hindu supremacy.

Rajeev Mittal of the Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Kranti Dal sent an invite to celebrate the government’s ‘win’ in Gurgaon where men gathered with drums to garland photos of Bharat Mata. Asked what they were actually celebrating, he said, “The resolution to protect Bharat Mata.”

Yes it's all true bro, just the picture is wrong.
Indian really has inferiority complex. They die for handsome muslims. rapist
Hello, I am a new poster very interested in the Kashmir oppression recently. One thing I can’t understand - why aren’t Kashmiri diaspora protesting right now in major capitals in front of the Indian embassy?

Where are the NGO organisations representing the Kashmiri expats speaking on the media? Even the fake paid off Baloch ‘rights’ people have a better organised operation than this. The Kashmiri diaspora should have organised themselves in all these years.

My friend you have asked billion dollar questions, Kashmiri's have been oppressed for the last 70 years, why haven't they formed an organization to represent them at international level? Why don't the Kashmiris appeal to other Muslims countries?
This is very common word and its meaning is trees ka jhund
And all this area wasn't jhangi only the area where sials settled in 1200 ad was
jangli is language which migrant call to sariaki dialects.
My maternal grandfather was in muzafargarh in kot addu and whenever we came there we use to go to some old trees in sort of forest and use to call it jhandan wali and jhand trees and pray to those trees like some do around mazar of pirs but now my family is very religious and don't do that. What is tree worship thing . have u observed it? you know something about it
jhand tree
This trees name is jand and these trees are usually found at darbars
I wasn't talking about language but word jhangi which means jhund of trees this word is different from jand tree
And I speak same language what you are calling jangli
This trees name is jand and these trees are usually found at darbars
I wasn't talking about language but word jhangi which means jhund of trees this word is different from jand tree
And I speak same language what you are calling jangli
i agree with above guy about migrants being very rude and ignorant guys
Oh please don't do it , don't say any thing :
Our economy is not good , we are emotional fools , No one is on our side , we are puzzies . we cannot fight with india , we don't have to fight with india on Kashmir ..
People will say you as I said above.. We are about to lose Kashmir and our Honour , This will effect our economy and moral , soon we will lose whatever economy we have ,, then india will take AJK and Gilgote-Biltistan .. And we will die shameful and painful death..
Hey don't give any sh!t to what I wrote in black .. make sure we build our economy and have good relationship with inda and USA … People like me are mad and useless bunch of stupid azzholes ..Know nothing about of reality …… Time to cut defence spending..
Chacha G qadam barhao ham aap ka sath Hain India par attack karain
You think I am joking ? ……. Don't worry young man ,, declare LOC is IB and wait for 2035 you will see with your own eyes what I mean..
And on war .But if I had power … For now I am with my nation and Army ,
Everyone needs to calm down we need cool heads in this situation
A friend sent me this from USA.

https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/08/0...il&utm_campaign=14462&utm_term=Flashpoints OC

India’s Sudden Kashmir Move Could Backfire Badly
New Delhi’s crackdown could send the region spinning into instability.
Michael KugelmanAugust 5, 2019, 4:47 PM

India has made a series of drastic, and in some cases unprecedented, moves in the disputed region of Jammu and Kashmir, which is administered by New Delhi but claimed by Pakistan.

On Aug. 2, the state government of Jammu and Kashmir issued an extraordinary order. Citing terrorist threats, it ordered tourists and pilgrims to evacuate, and it shuttered schools. This came several days after New Delhi deployed thousands of new troops to the region. Then, on Aug. 4, officials in Kashmir cut off internet access and placed several prominent leaders under house arrest.

That was wildly disproportionate to any given threat of attack, especially in a region that’s faced terrorism before. Clearly, something bigger was at play. New Delhi was taking steps to head off potential unrest in a region with sizable levels of support for independence. Polls have found that as many as two thirds of the residents of the Kashmir valley want regional independence, though surveys find that support for independence tends to be weaker in Jammu. The last time the government took such dramatic measures was in 2016, when Indian security forces killed Burhan Wani, a charismatic young militant revered by Kashmiris as a freedom fighter, and implemented a regionwide crackdown.

Sure enough, on Aug. 5, India announced that it plans to revoke Article 370, a constitutional clause dating back to 1949 that gives Jammu and Kashmir its special autonomous status. The scale of this move cannot be overstated. Abrogating Article 370 represents a major tipping point for an already fraught dispute—and it could easily backfire on India.

The Kashmir dispute goes back more than 70 years, to when India and Pakistan became free from British rule. After Partition in 1947, the leader of Kashmir could not decide whether to have his Muslim-majority region join India or Pakistan. After fighters entered Kashmir from Pakistan, Kashmir agreed to an accession treaty with New Delhi in return for India’s intervention to push back the Pakistani fighters. In 1948, the United Nations called for a plebiscite to occur after the region was demilitarized, in order to determine the future status of Kashmir. That never happened, however, and ever since then Kashmir’s status has remained unresolved. The region has also triggered multiple wars between India and Pakistan.

Article 370, however, enables Kashmir to craft and implement policies independently, with the exception of key spheres such as foreign affairs and defense. It also prevents outsiders from acquiring land in Kashmir. Article 35A, a separate constitutional clause also likely to be scrapped, strengthens Kashmir’s autonomous status by providing special rights and privileges to its permanent residents.

It’s easy to understand New Delhi’s decision to remove Kashmir’s autonomous status.

It’s easy to understand New Delhi’s decision to remove Kashmir’s autonomous status.

The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)has frequently telegraphed its intention to ax Article 370, which is explicitly described by the constitution as a purely “temporary provision.” The BJP has long viewed the region as an integral part of the nation and rejects the idea that Pakistan has any claim to the territory. By dispensing with the region’s autonomous status, it can formally consummate that integration and deliver a definitive blow to the region’s separatist impulses. It can also better take advantage of investment and broader development opportunities for Kashmir. For these reasons, many Indians will celebrate the decision as a bold but necessary move.

Two recent developments probably pushed the government to act now. The first was U.S. President Donald Trump’s offer to mediate the Kashmir dispute. The second is a rapidly progressing Afghanistan peace process, facilitated to an extent by Islamabad, which could lead to an eventual political settlement that gives the Taliban a prominent role in government. Each of these developments strengthens Pakistan’s hand. Making a dramatic move on Kashmir enables New Delhi to push back against Islamabad. It also sends a strong message to Washington about New Delhi’s utter lack of interest in external mediation.

Domestic politics are also at play. A big-bang, early term move from the newly reelected BJP is sure to attract strong support from its rank and file, and such backing can blunt potential disillusionment and unhappiness down the road if the government struggles to ease India’s growing jobs crisis. Indeed, it may not be a coincidence that the party, during its previous term, stepped up its Hindu nationalist policies—another surefire way to attract support from its base—after it struggled to carry out an oft-promised economic reform agenda.

But the repeal of Article 370 is fraught with risk. India is unilaterally altering the territorial status of a highly disputed territory that is, per square mile, the most militarized place in the world. Something has to give, and New Delhi understands this—which is why it implemented a draconian lockdown before the announcement.

For many Kashmiris, Article 370 had more symbolic than practical meaning, given that the longstanding and repressive presence of Indian security forces had undercut the notion of autonomy. Many Kashmiris face daily restrictions on their freedom of expression and movement, along with the constant risk of rough treatment from security personnel. Still, for many Kashmiri Muslims, the dominant group in Jammu and Kashmir and the victims of what they regard as an Indian occupation, the revocation of Article 370 is a nightmare scenario, because it brings them closer to an Indian state that they despise. Most of them want to be free of Indian rule.
Is it come to this that I shall come in front of GHQ and burn my self with fire?
I haven't slept in 2 fucking days it's not my ego but you tell me how should I feel if i see my family on the other side of Kashmir and I cant get word from them. They love Pakistan and lifted the banner of Pakistan
Or should I go burn myself in front of shuakat lines in front of special place?
These rapist will be rapping my family and killing my family and the boys in uniform just look at my family being rapped by drunk Indian soldiers?
I Ask you as a Muslim is it ok with you Pakistani to leave them at the mercy of these drunk soldiers?
If Pakistan won't act then it's my Curse to Pakistan to be humiliated and I pray to God of Pakistan army won't act then my prayers is such
O lord Almighty grant Kashmiris the victory and before you grant us this victory get these corrupt Pakistani out of here.
And to Pakistan Armey
If you won't help then my prayer is that please grant us victory without Pakistani Army and shame everyone who was not sincere with us
You are creator oh Almighty Grant us Kashmiri Muslim such strength that we can take vengeance on those who are in India and especially those who backstabbed us.
I Swear To Almighty who holds my breath if Pakistan won't act then oh lord make these selfish humiliate.
OH Almighty make these selfish Pakistani and Indian at our feet for you Almighty Allah holds more power over everyone.
If Pakistan Army Abandone us let them be humiliated
if Pakistan abandon us then treat them worse.
Oh almighty in the name of prophet and in the name of Muhammad(peace be upon him) ask you of these Pakistani cant do anything then almighty so be it. Curse them who couldn't act in time and let us none but civilians be wasted in cause of your matters and you question them why.
May be Bani Gala or President house is more suitable place for you to commit suicide , or you may choose Tehran or Saudi capital as both countries claim to be champion of Islam but when time comes both act oppositely.
Since after liberating 25% of Kashmir by Pashtun

That never happened.

Firstly, Pakistan currently controls roughly 38.2% of the former Princely State of Kashmir. Gilgit Baltistan constitutes 32.5% while AJK is 5.7%. Don't know where you got the 25% figure from. India holds 45.1% (Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Ladakh) while the remainder is held by China (Aksai Chin and Shaksgam Valley).

Gilgit Baltistan was liberated by the Gilgitis and the Baltis themselves and then handed over to Pakistan. No Pashtun help was involved at all. The locals in AJK were indeed joined by the Tribals in pushing the Dogras from what is today AJK. However, the Tribals then stopped in their tracks distracted by "mal-e-ghaneemat" when the way to Srinagar was clear. This allowed India enough time to land their forces in Srinagar. The Kashmiris in the vale and Jammu did pretty much nothing. The Indian forces then started pushing the irregulars back until the Pakistani army reinforced their positions and stopped the Indian advance.

The whole "Pashtun Tribals invading Kashmir" narrative is built and spread by the Indians to discount the voluntary union of Gilgit Baltistan and AJK with Pakistan by the locals.

Migrating to Pakistan is not a solution, When afghanis migrated to Pakistan to save themselves from russians they are now called terrorists,

That is a topic beyond this thread. Happy to discuss it if you open a dedicated thread on it.
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