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Shall I come in front of ghq and burn my self with fire and commit suicide ?

They are very well organized. The other day I saw a bunch in Birmingham holding placards and flags


These girls cannot be Kashmiri.
Your posts are either fueled by unconditional sympathy towards the Tribals or dislike towards the Kashmiris. Either way, they are void of logic, sense or any effort towards understanding or accepting the historical facts. Furthermore, your statements are, wittingly or otherwise, presenting arguments which have nothing to do with what is being discussed (Strawman) and hence, frankly speaking, are a waste of my time. I had previously decided against responding to your post, given the above reasons it would have been futile to. However, since you have quoted me again, I must respond one last time.

I don't really care about what Indian narrative is.

You should. Because not only are you peddling it yourself against the truth, but are, in fact, also rendering your self incapable of fighting it at the international level.

Pakistan did support AJK rebellion with arms and men.

Did I say that we didn't? We, as a state, arrived after the Indian Army got involved.

And important people from mainland Pakistan were also involved in GB rebellion along with locals.

Please give names. Any names, actually. With the details of their involvement.

In reality, Pakistan sat it out, and very wisely so. It was a home grown movement successfully driving the Dogras out of their lands in support for Pakistan, without any regional or international repercussions with all the moral high ground anyone could ask for. Pakistan in fact awaited something similar for Kashmir as well but then the Dogra mongrel went running to the Indians and the Kashmiris in the vale never rose up, let alone fight for freedom.

Pakistan's help arrived for the Gilgit Scouts once they had already wrested control from the Dogras and had handed it over to Pakistan, i.e. in the final sweep to eliminate the remaining handful of Dogra pockets. For example, the Pakistani Army flew in a mortar gun to Gilgit strapped in one of the seats of a biplane. From there it was taken to Skardu on mules to bring down the gate of Kharpocho fort where a handful of Dogra soldiers had garrisoned themselves.

Later on tribals were brought in who went towards Srinagar.

Who brought these tribals in? Please don't create history out of nothing. The Tribals started flocking towards AJK to help the local uprising against the Dogras once it began. They went for the Jihad and stayed for the "Mal-e-Ghaneemat". Feel free to draw as many analogies to Ghazwa-e-Uhad as you want.

In AJK though they had limited role but main reason they were brought in was to secure valley.

Again, no. The Tribals were never brought in by anyone, let alone to secure anything. Their arrival in the valley preceded the Pakistani Army as explained in my previous post.

Tribals looted but so what? Muslim lashkar killed and looted hindus/sikhs of AJK long before tribals came in. Same happened to Jammu muslims.

Apart from the fact that your argument is garbage and flies in the face of humanity, were we discussing their looting and its justifications? Or were we discussing the fact that in their frenzied greed they let slip the only real chance of liberating IOK that Pakistan has ever had? You should go through my posts again, they are pretty clear.

I couldn't care less about "Abdullahs" (lets call such kashmiris as abdullahs from now on) narrative, he is the reason Kashmir is still occupied.

One of the many mutually exclusive reasons.

He was must popular leader and could have changed sides in favour of Pakistan year before partition. Instead he went to UN in 1948 to tell the world how tribal looted and killed his hindu and sikh brothers after asking them to recite kalima.

What are you trying to get at? Abdullah was an obvious snake, the man wanted to rule an independent Kashmir himself and it was no secret. What else did you expect from him? Next you'll start blaming Nehru. Bravo.

Putting entire blame on tribals for losing valley

Where exactly did I? Please quote the specific sentences.

Had the Tribals not acted like the pathetic marauding hordes that they did would we have have taken Kashmir right there and then? Absolutely.

will not change the fact that Abdullahs shit the bed well before partition. When Dogra ruler was signing Instrument of accession, Abdullah was sitting beside him dreaming of becoming Prime Minister of J&K. Which he did for a year or two before finally realising India will never allow them to become independent. He spent 13 years in jail after 1953.

Again. Please understand what is being discussed and then respond to the posts accordingly. The fact that the Tribal Militias preferred to loot and pillage over denying India access to the Srinagar Airstrip and then in result lost a very easy and obvious chance to liberate IOK has nothing to do with what Abdullah, the Dogras, the Indians or Bugs Bunny did.

"Hey stop looking at my soiled pants, look at his!" is an argument not valid at our age.

Jinnah was offered to become PM of whole freaking British India.


And you are still going on about loot and plunder, not sure if you even know history of partition. Hindus and sikhs didn't send millions of muslims to Pakistan with roses.

Another senseless statement, one which has nothing whatsoever to do with what is being discussed.
Is it come to this that I shall come in front of GHQ and burn my self with fire?
There is no shortage of jokers who can ever understand the price and sacrifices paid by Pakistani Army for Kashmir.

Hello, I am a new poster very interested in the Kashmir oppression recently. One thing I can’t understand - why aren’t Kashmiri diaspora protesting right now in major capitals in front of the Indian embassy?
Thank you - you know who is supposed to do what !


There will b a genocide in kashmir. .

Our establishment is just happy that Americans allowed them inside US and shook hands for 15 minutes...
So they closed there eyes . And now kashmiris will pay for their slave mentality.. .
Blaming the Pakistan Army ?
Not your fault that you weren't born when Kashmiris were running to Indians and pointing out Pakistan Soldiers who had come to help them. What about 71, 90's, 99 ? how much did kashmiris contain IA to stop them reinforcing the LOC while PA was trying to break through into IOK ? Nada- Nothing- zero !

May Allah help your family bro . Wish we could do something other than prayers . It's up to GoP and GHQ
No, its not upto PA or GOP- its up to kashmiris themselves. Its tragic and sad whats happening to them, but mate, its their own choice. They chose IA over PA back in 1965, they made the choice. They didnt do anything in 1971, same in 1999, when PA was inside IOK at both occasions.

Kashmiris made their choice mate, now they are paying the price.
There is no shortage of jokers who can ever understand the price and sacrifices paid by Pakistani Army for Kashmir.

Thank you - you know who is supposed to do what !

Blaming the Pakistan Army ?
Not your fault that you weren't born when Kashmiris were running to Indians and pointing out Pakistan Soldiers who had come to help them. What about 71, 90's, 99 ? how much did kashmiris contain IA to stop them reinforcing the LOC while PA was trying to break through into IOK ? Nada- Nothing- zero !

No, its not upto PA or GOP- its up to kashmiris themselves. Its tragic and sad whats happening to them, but mate, its their own choice. They chose IA over PA back in 1965, they made the choice. They didnt do anything in 1971, same in 1999, when PA was inside IOK at both occasions.

Kashmiris made their choice mate, now they are paying the price.
Well no need to call anyone joker because you are just waking up. Army men live and die for the country its their job. Dont be blaming me it was not me but Founder of this country Quaid e azam said that "Kashmir is jagular vein of Pakistan" and enemy has hold of your jagular vein for 72 years. We lost 4 young men already on the front with what gains so far? We ate grass to be unclear power for what cause? We tolerated Nawaz Sharifs for what cause? Who brought Nawaz Sharif to the political scenes and for what cause? We fought 3 wars on Kashmir for what cause? Why we support Pak Army whenever shit hits the fan and for what cause? We sacrificed a lot too as a civilians poverty corruption illetreacy health food every single Pakistani civilian goes through it except for those elites who are cool with army and got connects. So take you BS somewhere else. In 1962 I remember it was Ayub Khan who couldn't take advantage of situation and therefore we still fight. Last time I checked Ayub Khan was military man who sacrificed the will of people just because US told him to lay back and not attack Kashmir. Time was ripe then. Musharraf a military man got us into a confused war on terror did he ask Pakistani Civilians before he took that decision I'm sure he must've consulted with army. General Durrani having love affairs with ex Raw head while average Pakistani wonders and ponders on wtf is going on.
Well no need to call anyone joker because you are just waking up. Army men live and die for the country its their job. Dont be blaming me it was not me but Founder of this country Quaid e azam said that "Kashmir is jagular vein of Pakistan" and enemy has hold of your jagular vein for 72 years. We lost 4 young men already on the front with what gains so far? We ate grass to be unclear power for what cause? We tolerated Nawaz Sharifs for what cause? Who brought Nawaz Sharif to the political scenes and for what cause? We fought 3 wars on Kashmir for what cause? Why we support Pak Army whenever shit hits the fan and for what cause? We sacrificed a lot too as a civilians poverty corruption illetreacy health food every single Pakistani civilian goes through it except for those elites who are cool with army and got connects. So take you BS somewhere else. In 1962 I remember it was Ayub Khan who couldn't take advantage of situation and therefore we still fight. Last time I checked Ayub Khan was military man who sacrificed the will of people just because US told him to lay back and not attack Kashmir. Time was ripe then. Musharraf a military man got us into a confused war on terror did he ask Pakistani Civilians before he took that decision I'm sure he must've consulted with army. General Durrani having love affairs with ex Raw head while average Pakistani wonders and ponders on wtf is going on.
I hope i take you serious enough one day to reply you. Till then be the joker that you are, for all i care.
No, its not upto PA or GOP- its up to kashmiris themselves. Its tragic and sad whats happening to them, but mate, its their own choice. They chose IA over PA back in 1965, they made the choice. They didnt do anything in 1971, same in 1999, when PA was inside IOK at both occasions.

You need to first make your geography correct, 1999 was in Kargil a rocky highland which was part of Ladakh far far away from Kashmir valley and the people who live in Kargil are Shina and Balti people same as those in Gilgit-Baltistan area of Pakistan. Kargil is an extension of Gilgit/Baltistan geographically, topographically, ethnically, religiously, culturally etc.

I hope i take you serious enough one day to reply you. Till then be the joker that you are, for all i care.

wow, what an arrogance.
Protesting, in my opinion, is useless and changes nothing on the ground.
The only thing that will change anything in IOK will be to kill as many Indian soldiers as possible using Guerilla warfare, forcing them to withdraw just like the Soviet Union.
in current circumstances only an indirect support can be of resolve. though it will take a long time. an out right confrontation will be disastrous for both almost 2 billion people will vanish from the face of earth and remaining will have perpetual suffering in shape of food shortage and disease. UN is a toothless tiger, it is time it grows some or else all that money spent on establishing UN to ensure peace in the world will go waste; though alot has already been wasted where happenings in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Palestine, etc etc could not be prevented.
You need to first make your geography correct, 1999 was in Kargil a rocky highland which was part of Ladakh far far away from Kashmir valley and the people who live in Kargil are Shina and Balti people same as those in Gilgit-Baltistan area of Pakistan. Kargil is an extension of Gilgit/Baltistan geographically, topographically, ethnically, religiously, culturally etc.
This is why its hard talking to a member who doesn't understand how military operates. IA regulars were pouring into from different formations, they could have been engaged at different places inside IOK before they could even reach Kargil. Read about mountain warfare;reinforcing positions, logistics/supply issues, transport and convoy routes, med evac etc. No depot, no dump, no route leading up to Kargil was sabotaged inside IOK.

wow, what an arrogance.
Not really.
Is it come to this that I shall come in front of GHQ and burn my self with fire?
I haven't slept in 2 fucking days it's not my ego but you tell me how should I feel if i see my family on the other side of Kashmir and I cant get word from them. They love Pakistan and lifted the banner of Pakistan
Or should I go burn myself in front of shuakat lines in front of special place?
These rapist will be rapping my family and killing my family and the boys in uniform just look at my family being rapped by drunk Indian soldiers?
I Ask you as a Muslim is it ok with you Pakistani to leave them at the mercy of these drunk soldiers?
If Pakistan won't act then it's my Curse to Pakistan to be humiliated and I pray to God of Pakistan army won't act then my prayers is such
O lord Almighty grant Kashmiris the victory and before you grant us this victory get these corrupt Pakistani out of here.
And to Pakistan Armey
If you won't help then my prayer is that please grant us victory without Pakistani Army and shame everyone who was not sincere with us
You are creator oh Almighty Grant us Kashmiri Muslim such strength that we can take vengeance on those who are in India and especially those who backstabbed us.
I Swear To Almighty who holds my breath if Pakistan won't act then oh lord make these selfish humiliate.
OH Almighty make these selfish Pakistani and Indian at our feet for you Almighty Allah holds more power over everyone.
If Pakistan Army Abandone us let them be humiliated
if Pakistan abandon us then treat them worse.
Oh almighty in the name of prophet and in the name of Muhammad(peace be upon him) ask you of these Pakistani cant do anything then almighty so be it. Curse them who couldn't act in time and let us none but civilians be wasted in cause of your matters and you question them why.
Khan going to put suicide tax so I hope u will change ur mind
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