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Shale Gas in China


Oct 31, 2013
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United States
United States
China have the world largest Shale gas reserve plus the best civil engineer skill around will frack more shale gas than the US within the next 10 to 15 years if not sooner.. China ability to cut cost will help it achieve fracking at a more profitable rate than the US or Canada.

China holds the world’s largest potentially recoverable reserves of shale gas, according to the EIA. China’s possesses estimated reserves of 1,115 trillion cubic feet versus 665 trillion cubic feet for the US.


Six of the wells are pumping a daily combined rate of 1.06 millioncubicmeters of gas, according to state media and the Sinopec official, or an average of nearly 180,000 cubic meters per well.
They are among the most prolific of the total of around 150 wells Chinese companies have sunk over the past three years in pilot explorations. That has led the operator to target an annual production capacity to be built at the field of 5 billioncubicmeters (bcm) by the end of 2015, the source said.
That would dwarf company estimates reported by local media in July of around 2 bcm for the whole of Sinopec's shale output by 2015, and would be 100 times greater than China's estimated output last year of just over 50 million cubic meters from all test drilling at shale formations.
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In addition to having the largest reserves of Shale Gas, we also have one of the largest reserves of Shale Oil in the world.

This will become very useful in the near future.
China have the world largest Shale gas reserve plus the best civil engineer skill around will frack more shale gas than the US within the next 10 to 15 years if not sooner.. China ability to cut cost will help it achieve fracking at a more profitable rate than the US or Canada.


The more accurate measure is recoverable gas and not estimated reserve. China's recoverable shale gas estimate is lower and commercially viable gas is much lower. There are several issues with the exploitation of shale gas in China:
1. China is forced to rely on US technology and pay large amounts to US firms to innovate to solve problems unique to China.
2. Water shortage in China hinders economical extraction since the process of hydraulic fracturing consumes huge quantities of water.
3. Chinese shale gas contains high quantities of toxic and corrosive gas such as hydrogen sulphide. The gas is too corrosive to transport or produce economically.
4. The gas reserve is located far from existing infrastructure.
Once China learn the tech needed for full scale production they can produce it at a much cheaper and faster pace than the US...lol far from infrastructure are you living in a well, The Chinese are master at infrastructure development, they can build massive infrastructure in a few years while in the west it would take 10 to 15...The one party system mean there are no tree hugger stopping a drill site
or law suit to contend with, so yes I stand by my prediction that China will extract more shale gas than the US and Canada combine within the next 10 to 15 years if not sooner..

water shortages one of the tech needed from the US is the recycling and reusing of water
in fracking..So if we can use recycle water to frack why would the Chinese not do the same.
A lot of the western expert that are down playing China ability to extract shale gas seem to be going by western standard and speed of doing a project...LOL it took the Chinese less than 10 years to build high speed rail, that's more high speed rail in China than in the rest of the world combine...If it takes them less than 10 years to build their high speed rail network, what make you think it will take more than 15 year to install gas piping network throughout China..
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Once China learn the tech needed for full scale production they can produce it at a much cheaper and faster pace than the US...lol far from infrastructure are you living in a well, The Chinese are master at infrastructure development, they can build massive infrastructure in a few years while in the west it would take 10 to 15...The one party system mean there no tree hugger blocking a drilling site or law suit to contend with, so yes I stand by my prediction that China will extract more shale gas than the US and Canada combine within the next 10 to 15 years if not sooner..


How many times has everyone underestimated us and said we cant do this and that and we always proved them wrong.

Give us a few years and these problems will be solved.

Just look at how we innovated a vaccine for the H7N9 virus.
lol just look it up it only took the Chinese 5 years to put up their high speed rail network. That's the largest high speed rail network in the world, to be exact larger than all the high speed rail network in the world combine...Now when you compare building a high speed rail to say a piping network, which one is a lot easier...

With this I'll will adjust my prediction to within 10 years China will out produce the US and Canada in shale production..
lol just look it up it only took the Chinese 5 years to put up their high speed rail network. That's the largest high speed rail network in the world, to be exact larger than all the high speed rail network in the world combine...Now when you compare building a high speed rail to say a piping network, which one is a lot easier...

With this I'll will adjust my prediction to within 10 years China will out produce the US and Canada in shale production..

Very true.
Once China learn the tech needed for full scale production they can produce it at a much cheaper and faster pace than the US...lol far from infrastructure are you living in a well, The Chinese are master at infrastructure development, they can build massive infrastructure in a few years while in the west it would take 10 to 15...The one party system mean there are no tree hugger stopping a drill site
or law suit to contend with, so yes I stand by my prediction that China will extract more shale gas than the US and Canada combine within the next 10 to 15 years if not sooner..

water shortages one of the tech needed from the US is the recycling and reusing of water
in fracking..So if we can use recycle water to frack why would the Chinese not do the same.
A lot of the western expert that are down playing China ability to extract shale gas seem to be going by western standard and speed of doing a project...LOL it took the Chinese less than 10 years to build high speed rail, that's more high speed rail in China than in the rest of the world combine...If it takes them less than 10 years to build their high speed rail network, what make you think it will take more than 15 year to install gas piping network throughout China..


1. US Shale gas output in 2011 was 170 billion cu m. China's projected output in 2015 is expected to reach 6.5 billion cu m.
2. To recycle water, water must first be available to use and then recycle.
3. American firms are involved in every shale gas project in China.
4. Most Chinese shale gas wells are located in uninhabited mountainous terrain or deep in the desert.
China low natural gas production can be link to the cheap and easy supply of coal, kinda like in the US when oil were under $20 a barrel why drill its cheaper to buy... Now forward to 2012/13 and China city are choke with smog cause to a large extent coal power plant, than you see that its a priority for the Chinese to frack... The plus side of a one party system is they can mandate project and it gets done, if the party said in the next 5 year we are going to start converting their coal burning plant to gas it will happen..

the 6.5 billion c um are not what you would call production by the US standard as they are only pilot shale well.. give the Chinese 10 more years and that number would be a lot different.
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I think its too early to place hope on extraction of shale gas in China. There are currently too many constraints and uncertainties. Once a more efficient way to frack using significantly less water, less reliance on foreigners and environmental side effects are mitigated, then shale should be pursued vigorously.

The last thing China needs is more toxic leaking into groundwater and increased seismic activity.
environmental concern if the US and Canada are doing it with their millions of tree hugger you can safely say that its safer than burning coal that is choking your city...

" less reliance on foreigners" why would you want to be less reliance on foreigners, US/Canada tested method of fracking can be use to speed up your production, why reinvent the wheel ...
Too bad shale gas isn't a substitute for oil...
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