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Shaitan is smiling in Balochistan


May 14, 2008
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It is nearly impossible for the outside world to really know what is going on in Pakistan, which probably explains why the most closed-off part of Pakistan’s tribal regions, Balochistan, has been chosen for the final act of the terror war/drama (SEE: ‘Final Solution’ Frenzy – Part Four: Final Solution for Pakistan).

If news from the Baloch National Movement (BNM) website can be believed, then major military operations involving “80 trucks carrying soldiers, 40 armoured vehicles, artillery, 8 gunship helicopters, and 20 water supplying tankers” are well underway there.

Those of us who write about the convoluted situation in Pakistan, like to believe that we can sometimes move governments with our keyboards. That is probably a false belief, in most cases, but the operation in Balochistan appears to be a reaction to the work of the investigative journalists of Turkestan’s News Central Asia (NCA).

Since the areas involved in this operation match the triangular zone delineated by NCA, it is logical to assume that the report and the military reaction are related. What remains undetermined at the beginning of the op is whether it is Pakistan trying to prevent a planned incursion by American Special Forces or the Pak Army clearing the way for an American incursion.

Are Army troops really eliminating American-backed Baloch terrorists or they simply creating a situation that will justify the full-scale removal of witnesses and the complete militarization of western Balochistan? (See NCA report: The Stunning Investigative Story on the Birth of Balochistan Liberation Army ) The following report from the source of the military assault report screams the answer for us, U.S. urged to intervene: Pakistan military operation in Mekran! Staying faithful to the psyop pattern set by the United States long before the terror war began, every so-called “Islamist uprising” creates the conditions for American intervention. This war will be no different.

“The American Friends of Balochistan has condemned the Pakistan military offensive against the hapless people of Mekran and urged the U.S. authorities to intervene in the matter.

In a letter sent to U.S. ambassador to Pakistan, Her Excellency Anne W. Patterson, the A.F.B. regretted that U.S. gunship helicopters were being used against the people of Balochistan.

The Pakistan military is killing two birds with one stone. On the one hand it is clandestinely supporting the Taliban and al Qaeda and on the other hand it is crushing the secular movement in Balochistan to attain its long-term objective of defeat of the U.S. and N.A.T.O. troops in Afghanistan.”

The so-called “friends,” the leaders of the Baloch separatist movement, want to invite the puppet-masters to invade Pakistan in order to save Balochs from America’s puppets. Neither Pakistan nor the province of Balochistan need friends like these.

The clock is ticking for Pakistan, just as it is in every targeted nation. The deadly machinations against humankind, which normally play-out in secret have burst into the open in that beleaguered state.

Freedom loving people everywhere, and those who choose to serve the will of the living God, should say a prayer for the people of war-battered Balochistan. As if they haven’t had it rough enough already, now they have emerged as the main arena of conflict in this sick charade/tragic comedy, known as the “global war on terror.” (This has never been a war on terror, because it has always been a war fought using terrorism. All sides have employed state terrorism as their primary weapon.) The reason for the dire situation now unfolding in Balochistan is that the two principle sources of contemporary state terrorism, the United States and Pakistan and their proxy terrorist armies are being brought together in a decisive conflict to determine the fate of Pakistan itself.

Balochistan and Pakistan have only one chance for survival–that is, for all the honest moral citizens of all Pakistan to see this thing clearly and come to a common understanding about the dangers they face. Through this common understanding and the shedding of former delusions about the state, national unity of purpose will arise. That is the one thing that is vital in defeating the divide and conquer tactics that are being deployed against you.

The Baloch people have so far been bound by tribal delusions and violent state reprisals. Your leaders have been working against you, misleading you with visions of “Greater Balochistan,” using your history as a weapon, to keep you bound to the past, even while your vision is clearly set upon achieving future freedom from the evil of the state. You have been fighting to free yourselves from the police state, as all freedom-loving Pakistanis should have been doing since the beginning. If only Pakistanis of all faiths, or no faiths, had simply stood together as you all once did in India, to resist the evil of the state (the remnant of the enforcement/control mechanism erected by the British Crown), then none of these strategic mind games would now be possible.

As it is now, all of you, must think of Pakistan, the beautiful life-giving country–NOT seeing the divisions erected between you by Pakistan, the police state. You are all good people, despite everything that you hear which denies this fact. Balochistan, “Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa” and the rest are simply the seven or eight states of Pakistan (like America’s 50 states).

Ideas of “greater” Balochistan or Pakhtunkhwa are just manufactured delusions, brought to you by the master plotters of the CIA. This American war will not produce either of these elusive phantoms (which will require the destruction of Pakistan and Iran), unless you hand victory to the very state terrorists who have been the driving force behind your recent sufferings.

Calls for American intervention in any of these manufactured conflicts, that are now raging in Pakistan, are asking the puppet-masters to save you from its bad puppets.

Calls for American intervention are music to Shaitan’s ears.


Shaitan is smiling in Balochistan – by Peter Chamberlin | Let Us Build Pakistan
Is Baluchistan more strategically significant than Afghanistan?

Baluchistan, Pakistan’s biggest province, rarely gets much attention from the international media, and what little it does is dwarfed by that showered on Afghanistan. So it is with a certain amount of deliberate provocation that I ask the question posed in the headline: Is Baluchistan more strategically significant than Afghanistan?

Before everyone answers with a resounding “no”, do pause to consider that China – renowned for its long-term planning – has invested heavily in Baluchistan, including building a deep water port at Gwadar on the Arabian Sea to give it access to Gulf oil supplies. The region is rich in gas and minerals; attracting strong international interest in spite of a low-level insurgency by Baluch separatists.

Bordering both Iran and Afghanistan, it lies along the sectarian and geopolitical faultlines that have fissured the region since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan later that year. Its capital, Quetta, is often cited by Washington as a haven for the Afghan Taliban in the so-called Quetta shura, who operate independently of the more secular Baluch separatists.

The province is also a source of friction with India, with Pakistan accusing it of using its presence in Afghanistan to fund the Baluch separatists, a charge Delhi denies. Whatever the rights and wrongs of that argument, you can be fairly sure that anywhere lying on the intersection of Indian, Chinese and Pakistani interests will be strategically far more important than it might appear on the surface.

In that context, Forbes Magazine has a must-read take-out on China’s drive to develop its presence in Baluchistan.

“In the Pakistani province of Balochistan, South Asia and central Asia bleed into the Middle East. Bordered by Afghanistan, Iran and the Persian Gulf, and well endowed with oil, gas, copper, gold and coal reserves, Balochistan is a rich prize that should have foreign investors battering at the gates,” it says. “But for a half-century it has been the exclusive playground of the Pakistani government and its state-owned Chinese partners. China would prefer it to stay that way.”

For an entirely different view, Informed Comment has a guest contribution up by Berkeley academic Kiren Aziz Chaudhry. The arguments can be a bit distracting if you don’t buy into conspiracy theories about the reasons for the U.S. presence in Afghanistan. But do persevere until you get to the point where the writer identifies Baluchistan as the main centre of interest for the many rivalries across Afghanistan and Pakistan: “The fulcrum is the province of Balochistan. And within Balochistan, the pivot is the dusty, obscure coastal town of Gwadar. Gwadar has a spanking new deep water port. Wheels within wheels. Devices within devices.” It’s worth reading through to the end, if nothing else but because this little known part of the world deserves as many different voices as possible.

At the very least, both articles should leave you with a doubt in your mind about the original question as to whether Baluchistan is strategically more important than Afghanistan.

And then revisit another question I asked a year ago. Who will win the peace in Afghanistan?
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there is definately a bigger game being played in Balochistan
the militancy of TTP and general war on terror is a smoke screen
the stage is set out and different countries that have their interests in this part of the world are making their moves

and Iran

the parties suffering at the moment are the state of Pakistan & its Balochi People

by the way if Satan is smiling in balochinstan then it is laughing in the rest of Pakistan for what the biggoted TTP are doing in the name of religion
Baluchistan, with its long shores and borders with Iran and Afghanistan, and Gawadar port at the very gates of Persian Gulf, is definitely the best place for Yankees to have a base.

Moreover, it is rich in minerals and is a potential energy corridor, taking oil and gas from landlocked countries such as Afghanistan and Tajikistan to the international market, is very very important for any major regional and international player.

And not to forget the very small population in tis big area. Easily manageable.
Baluchistan should be the most richest state in Pakistan,given its abundant mineral resources,but ironically it is the poorest with totally lack of development,can't this b the real cause why Satan is smiling there,any Pakistani friend can clearly elaborate on this
Baluchistan should be the most richest state in Pakistan,given its abundant mineral resources,but ironically it is the poorest with totally lack of development,can't this b the real cause why Satan is smiling there,any Pakistani friend can clearly elaborate on this


To start the development procedure, massive amount of funds are required. That coupled with political stability. Pakistan, unfortunately, lacked in both the departments.
Baluchistan should be the most richest state in Pakistan,given its abundant mineral resources,but ironically it is the poorest with totally lack of development,can't this b the real cause why Satan is smiling there,any Pakistani friend can clearly elaborate on this

It is quite abundant in minerals but the landscape is barren and rainfall is scarce, before you can start excavation, you need to set up proper infrastructure in very remote areas, making roads, grid stations, moving heavy machinery, arranging for a large, dependable water supply, it all requires immense amounts of investment, which Pakistan unfortunately cannot spare at the moment.
Hindu trader shot dead, son kidnapped in Quetta

QUETTA-A prominent trader, belonging to the Hindu community, was shot dead and his son was kidnapped by armed men in provincial capital within the jurisdiction of Satellite Town Police Station here on Tuesday night, police said.
According to police, Rajesh Kumar, a rice dealer and his son Hamesh Kumar were near their shop located on Maddrasa Road of Satellite Town and intended to go home when unidentified armed men tried to kidnap his son.
Rajesh offered resistance to the kidnappers in order to rescue his son when kidnappers opened fire and injured him critically.
The kidnappers forcibly took away Hamesh Kumar.
Local people took the injured to a private hospital where he succumbed to his injuries and doctor declared him dead. Later the police took the body to government Sandman Hospital Quetta for autopsy.
‘Four kidnappers who were in Levies Force uniform tried to kidnap the son of Hindu trader when he resisted as a result kidnappers opened fire on him’, a senior police officer told The Nation and ,added, that investigation was underway to ascertain the real motive behind the incident and police was making all efforts for safe recovery of the kidnapped person.
A large number of traders and members of Hindu Community reached the hospital as news spread about the killing of the trader.
The traders staged a protest demonstration and burnt tyres on Jinnah Road where hospital is situated and blocked the road for traffic.
They chanted slogans against the government for its failure to maintain peace in the provincial capital.
‘The incident of kidnapping for ransom is increasing with every passing day and people are being killed but government is reluctant to take action against the involved culprits’, Rahim Kakar, President of Anjuman-i-Tajran Balochistan said while talking to media at hospital.
He said traders will stage a demonstration in front of the Quetta Press Club in protest against the incident and would announce the strategy to force the government to maintain peace in the City.
The police personnel reached the spot and managed to disperse the enraged protesters peacefully by providing the assurances about their safety and security.

This Man Rajesh is my old neighbor. Our shop was adjacent to his shop. I feel really angry and sad on this news. Just came to know about it from an old friend.:cry::angry:

Hindu trader shot dead, son kidnapped in Quetta | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Musharraf provides proof of Indian Consulate involvement in Balochistan

ISLAMABAD: President General Pervez Musharraf has provided the formal proof regarding activities of Indian Consulate in Afghanistan and its involvement in Balochistan and called for fencing of Pak-Afghan border.

President General Pervez Musharraf expressed these views in one-one meeting with US President George W Bush at Aiwan-e-Saddar on Saturday.

The meeting lasted for quite a while in which matters pertaining to bilateral interests, war against terrorism, Kashmir issue, Pak-India dialogue, present situation in Afghanistan, Pak-Afghan border matters were discussed in length.

Sources reveal that during the meeting with US President, President Musharraf clear cut told him that the Indian Consulate in Afghanistan is involved in Balochistan and India has sent 300 commandos lately to the Indian Consulate, which is a matter of grave concern fro Pakistan.

President Musharraf cleared that there is no infiltration taking place from Pakistan in Afghanistan.

He said that we have deployed 80,000 troops and we have lost several nearly 700 whereas 700 Al-Qaeeda members have been arrested or killed in this regard.

President Musharraf briefed President Bush regarding the proposal of self-governance and other ideas for the solution of Kashmir issue.

President Musharraf demanded US President Bush to assert pressure on India to solve the lingering dispute, as without durable and peaceful solution of Kashmir issue, peace cannot be created in South Asia.

Regarding Iran, President Musharraf clearly told the US President that Pakistan would oppose any military strike against Iran and wants the matter to be settled through dialogue.

He also briefed US President on the ongoing operation in South Waziristan underlining that during operation, several people that have been killed belong from Chechyna and Uzbekistan.

President Musharraf told Bush that in view to stop infiltration there is need to fence the Afghan border.

Sources added that US President lauded the policies and steps of Pakistan government emphasizing that US will assure provision of modern technology and training of Pakistani security agencies.

Mr. Bush said that he would talk with Afghan government regarding Pakistan proposal of fencing to stop infiltration from Pak-Afghan border.

Bush underlined the need that US and Pakistan have to win war against terrorism and in view to overcome it mega challenges will come in its way.

President Musharraf in one-one meeting stressed the need for civil nuclear technology in Pakistan.

Mr. Bush assured President Musharraf that US would play a significant role in meeting the energy needs of Pakistan.
Musharraf provides proof of Indian Consulate involvement in Balochistan

ISLAMABAD: President General Pervez Musharraf has provided the formal proof regarding activities of Indian Consulate in Afghanistan and its involvement in Balochistan and called for fencing of Pak-Afghan border.

President General Pervez Musharraf expressed these views in one-one meeting with US President George W Bush at Aiwan-e-Saddar on Saturday.

The meeting lasted for quite a while in which matters pertaining to bilateral interests, war against terrorism, Kashmir issue, Pak-India dialogue, present situation in Afghanistan, Pak-Afghan border matters were discussed in length.

Sources reveal that during the meeting with US President, President Musharraf clear cut told him that the Indian Consulate in Afghanistan is involved in Balochistan and India has sent 300 commandos lately to the Indian Consulate, which is a matter of grave concern fro Pakistan.

President Musharraf cleared that there is no infiltration taking place from Pakistan in Afghanistan.

He said that we have deployed 80,000 troops and we have lost several nearly 700 whereas 700 Al-Qaeeda members have been arrested or killed in this regard.

President Musharraf briefed President Bush regarding the proposal of self-governance and other ideas for the solution of Kashmir issue.

President Musharraf demanded US President Bush to assert pressure on India to solve the lingering dispute, as without durable and peaceful solution of Kashmir issue, peace cannot be created in South Asia.

Regarding Iran, President Musharraf clearly told the US President that Pakistan would oppose any military strike against Iran and wants the matter to be settled through dialogue.

He also briefed US President on the ongoing operation in South Waziristan underlining that during operation, several people that have been killed belong from Chechyna and Uzbekistan.

President Musharraf told Bush that in view to stop infiltration there is need to fence the Afghan border.

Sources added that US President lauded the policies and steps of Pakistan government emphasizing that US will assure provision of modern technology and training of Pakistani security agencies.

Mr. Bush said that he would talk with Afghan government regarding Pakistan proposal of fencing to stop infiltration from Pak-Afghan border.

Bush underlined the need that US and Pakistan have to win war against terrorism and in view to overcome it mega challenges will come in its way.

President Musharraf in one-one meeting stressed the need for civil nuclear technology in Pakistan.

Mr. Bush assured President Musharraf that US would play a significant role in meeting the energy needs of Pakistan.

yeah we have got proof............
watch the videos of India Today Conclave Musharraf's on youtube you will find it. and please watch all videos.

ask ajmal kasab.....and dont get into theories that it was inside job.everytime some incident occur and if pak citizen caught in it ,u people start to say it's a conspiracy ,it was an inside job.

and i think u r fond of wat mushy said,and also of youtube..

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ask ajmal kasab.....and dont get into theories that it was inside job.everytime some incident occur and if pak citizen caught in it ,u people start to say it's a conspiracy ,it was an inside job.

and i think u r fond of wat mushy said,and also of youtube..

YouTube - Chidambaram snubs Pakistan envoy. Part 1 of 4

YouTube - Chidambaram snubs Pakistan envoy. Part 2 of 4

YouTube - Chidambaram snubs Pakistan envoy. Part 3 of 4
YouTube - Chidambaram snubs Pakistan envoy. Part 4 of 4

what are you trying to say. I simply cannot get it. I provided you the proof that india is interfering in baluchistan. why are you bringing ajmal kasab in it thats different story.
what are you trying to say. I simply cannot get it. I provided you the proof that india is interfering in baluchistan. why are you bringing ajmal kasab in it thats different story.

u were refering youtube for musharaf........,u were saying it as a proof.
so i answered chidambram as a proof who was showing the reality which u guys refuses.
when we say india is not involved in bal'stan ,u people refer mushy interview

my answer can be understood easily if u want to....

and also u were saying ask mushy abt indian interference,i said ask the kasab.............
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