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Shahid Afridi beats the hell out of Fan at airport ..

Being a fan you'd think the safety and walfare of player,his family would be in priority but I guess stampeding for a signature is an equally acceptable method of love and approval. Mabye a sleight of hand on both ends.
What a liar, his daughter is no where to be seen (why would his daughter be with him anyway, he was returning from Dhaka, not his home).
Can't believe I used to look up to him :sick:

If it was a British Cricketer assaulting someone in Britain, he would be immediately suspended. I think PCB should do that...to set an example
He has heart problem. (medically known as big heart syndrome). We should forgive him.
hat jahoo gandoo..

Is this the language a player should use for his fans ?

pathetic Afridi . He need to take a class of anger management ..education should be compulsory for players..Also why there is no security for players:no:
haha posted this in the Asia Cup thread.....it's not good for his image. But I have strong feeling, there's more to it that we dont know.

that guy must've done something real bad to provoke Afridi. Afridi is not a bully or indecent type, he is not stupid either to damage his name just for the sake of it.

so we should be informed of the facts first so we can make a judgement....at any rate, we just brought Asia Cup Trophy home so these little things shouldnt get in the way

i stand by Shahid Bhai :pakistan:

even the guy who got smacked by Afridi laughed about it and said he didnt mind it because it was Afridi hitting him :laugh:
He slapped another guy a few years back. What a hot head, he seriously need some anger management therapy.

i know this is not a proper excuse, but remember he's from Khyber Agency.....:D

he seems like a guy who is very calm and decent and respectful but there are certain red lines and when they are crossed, he blows his fuse :lol:

he looks pretty pissed in this video, i have NO idea what this guy said or did to him.....must have been something!!

At least we can say he is an Inzamam in the making


Inzi used a wooden bat!!!!
Every day thousands have a fist fight over trivial issue, I don't knwo why is this getteing sensationalized.
Let the person who got slapped, give a police complaint, and the Pakistan Judiciary take appropriate decession.

There is nothing to discus here. waste of band width.

it's Pakistan media and masala.....you know how people are on this side of the world, these trivial things make the news....
The crowd was overeager to get his autograph or meet with him or whatever, and they accidently injured his daughter. He lost his temper and hit and cursed at the fan. It was an unfortunate incident and such things happen. There's no one to blame except maybe the security for not keeping the fans away from Afridi.

If the fan doesn't hold a grudge against Afridi why should we?

Ok... The statement he passed about Indians after semi final was also an unfortunate incident, agree?

A stampede is not new to celebrities, they know what kind of crowd we Pakistanis are. There's no point overreacting to something that happens quite often.. People gathered here to welcome their hero.. My point is fans love and affection must be respected, these are the ones who make an ordinary person a celebrity. Her daughter injury was no reason for his tantrum.
Police should provide him good security or exit via back door of airport to avoid fans..
Every one knew after winning cup they will get huge crowd at airport.. how any one can approach players like this ...

that's what they did when we lost to Ireland in 2007!! :rofl:

very angry extremist fans came with stones and rotten tomatoes to the airport so they had no choice!! :laugh:

entire team had to be secretly escorted in vans

so it is true that his daughter was injured? thats what i heard initially....

oh well, im sure it was an accident....he shouldnt have over-reacted, but lack of sleep and being overwhelmed by flashing cameras i guess can cause anxiety and tension

after all these past few days, he probably just wants privacy and quiet...but of course the fans are also emotional and happy, and its important to keep fans happy.....all he had to do was say come to my house after a few days, i'll give you autograph

everyone in Karachi knows where Afridi lives so its not a problem lol
Here in Dhaka we know him to be a perfect gentleman. He is quite a popular guy here. The fact is, some fans and media people can be pretty annoying. And if his daughter had been harassed at that place, then the Pathan in him was looking for "badal" perhaps. Anyway he is too great a player / icon to be condemned. I will rather give him the benefit of doubt.
He was obviously concerned for his daughter. Anyone who thinks that his emotions were unaccountable are simply being ignorant. Give the guy a break. Any real man would do that for his family. If you think otherwise, then may be you don't have the compassion and love he has for his daughter and family. Even animals go crazy and risk their lives to protect their young ones who are endangered.
He is just human and I'm sure he would have felt sorry for the fan, anyways the fan is at as much fault as afridi.

No big deal.
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