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Shaheen Air has emerged as Pakistan's fastest growing Airline

First of all let me say this , PIA is not ambitious enough.

Since god knows when , their plan is to keep 10-15 planes and then run them to ground and make marginal profits , while hiring employees left and right , the problem is right that

The Size of the Pie is same but people who are eating from the Pie are increasing every year when government changes

When we compare that "planning" to Emirates Airlines started with All Loans ... and 5-6 years in losses but they developed the routes and quality in their service , and now they operate what 200 planes
As a person working in aviation industry, I must say that the potential to grow for PIA is far more than it is for Shaheen Air or any other airline of Pakistan. People usually prefer to fly through PIA as its a national carrier no matter how bad they talk about it in this forum or any other forum.
Pakistan's aviation industry has a lot more potential than emirates had in UAE. Karachi can be the best transit station for all airlines of world if Law and order situation is controlled here. PIA just need to have dedication and sincerity towards success that's all they need they are not short of resources or anything they just need the passion which currently only Shaheen Air seems to have that's why its growing.
PIA lost the momentum, and when they had the Technical Lead they wasted that Lead by helping establish rival airlines.
Not only that they reluctantly never EXPANDED to give service to non Pakistani Customers in other routes

The End result was they stayed small and tiny meanwhile ambitious companies Took over the routes
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