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So Islami Bank shouldn't bother about the boycott call right? ISlami Bank e shob imandar ra thakle karo e toh boycott korar kotha na.

I love you Al-zakir! :smitten:

@WebMaster, with all due respect, why are you deleting my messages? Did i make personal attacks regarding someone's religion or nationality?

PM sent!

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BNP now ridicules Shahbagh protest
Wonders 'how blogger Rajib lived so long'; where all those food come from

Staff Correspondent

The BNP yesterday accused the Shahbagh youths and the government of dividing the nation in the name of the Projonmo Chattar movement.

It also said the Shahbagh demonstration was a “government-backed hocus-pocus” designed to divert people's attention from the Hasina administration's failures and corruption in various sectors.

The observations came at a rally in front of the BNP headquarters at Nayapaltan in the capital.

Around two weeks back, the main opposition party hailed the youths-led Shahbagh movement for capital punishment to 1971 war criminals.

Yesterday's rally was organised to protest the killing of four people in police firing in Manikganj during the February 24 hartal called by some Islamist parties.

At the gathering, BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said, "The youths' chants of hanging and slaughtering will not help build a decent society. We want to hear [from them] words of love and affection.”

He said the government had been playing with fire and it would create a division among the people.

Mentioning some recent incidents of vandalism at offices, banks and insurance organisations owned by a particular party, Fakhrul, also spokesperson of the BNP, said: “The honourable prime minister, please stop this dangerous game. Don't have people pitted against each other.”

Some leaders at the rally raised questions about the “steady and generous supply of foods” to the Shahbagh youths during their sit-in for 17 days in a row.

Referring to the killing of blogger Rajib, BNP Vice-chairman Sadeque Hossain Khoka said, “An anti-Islam blogger like him was doomed to die. I wonder how he lived this long even after writing against Islam and our dear Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).”

He threatened that if actions were not taken against the bloggers, there would be dire consequences for Sheikh Hasina and her government.

Ahmed Rajib Haidar, an activist of the Shahbagh movement, was hacked to death near his house in the city's Pallabi area on February 15.

In its first formal reaction to the movement, the BNP on February 11 said it had all along been giving positive statements about the sentiment and enthusiasm of the youths.

Some young bloggers and online activists took to Shahbagh intersection to demand death penalty for all war criminals including Abdul Quader Mollah on February 5, hours after the International Crimes Tribunal-2 sentenced Mollah to life in prison for crimes against humanity during the Liberation War. Soon hundreds of thousands from all walks of life joined in.

BNP now ridicules Shahbagh protest
Crimes of Sayeedi!

You proved my point. Local non-Muslims Bangali was converted via bangla language as it was their mother tongue. "Puthir Gan" was also in bangla that spread Islam rapidly in this region as you said . Why you people are so allergic to bangla?

@ Again, you are mistaken ? We are not allergic to Bangla ? We are just depicting the history and facts which you people exactly donnot know ? Try to know your past first !

@ I give you another incident. It was in the year in 1872 at Pabna district when the British Indian Govt for the first time tried for a population senses in this region. They were surprized that 80% of the local people have written their identity as "Afghan, Persian, Khan, Syed" and other various Islamic titles. They were not aware that they were also Bengali. Only 10% people who were mostly Hindus gave their identy as Bengali. In the true sense Bengali as a separate nation came into being on that day through the writings of Tagore, Nazrul and other prominent Hindu writers. It went to peak during the "Bengal Partitioned Movement" in 1905-11. After the population senses of 1982, Britishers were very curious about the Bengali Muslims in this region(East Bengal).

@ Here another major point is all these "Puthir Gan" were not in a written form. It was in their memory and through these memories it transfered generation after generation.
@ Again, you are mistaken ? We are not allergic to Bangla ? We are just depicting the history and facts which you people exactly donnot know ? Try to know your past first !

@ I give you another incident. It was in the year in 1872 at Pabna district when the British Indian Govt for the first time tried for a population senses in this region. They were surprized that 80% of the local people have written their identity as "Afghan, Persian, Khan, Syed" and other various Islamic titles. They were not aware that they were also Bengali. Only 10% people who were mostly Hindus gave their identy as Bengali. In the true sense Bengali as a separate nation came into being on that day through the writings of Tagore, Nazrul and other prominent Hindu writers. It went to peak during the "Bengal Partitioned Movement" in 1905-11. After the population senses of 1982, Britishers were very curious about the Bengali Muslims in this region(East Bengal).

@ Here another major point is all these "Puthir Gan" were not in a written form. It was in their memory and through these memories it transfered generation after generation.

But "Puthir Gan" was in Bangla in oral form. Bangali Muslims claimed foreign origin to claim status just like Hindus claim Aryan origin. Yes, there were lot of migration through out history but we are Bangali now. Claiming foreign origin and showing too much love to foreign language belittle our people and Bangladesh. World will laugh at us for being wanna be Arab, Turkish, Pakistani, Persian etc.

For "try to know your past first part" i will give you a hint i am a Bhuiyan from Sonargoan;), you don't see me type urdu do you? I love my language.
But "Puthir Gan" was in Bangla in oral form. Bangali Muslims claimed foreign origin to claim status just like Hindus claim Aryan origin. Yes, there were lot of migration through out history but we are Bangali now. Claiming foreign origin and showing too much love to foreign language belittle our people and Bangladesh. World will laugh at us for being wanna be Arab, Turkish, Pakistani, Persian etc.

anyone who prefers foreign language over our mother tongue should be kicked out o f our country.
But "Puthir Gan" was in Bangla in oral form. Bangali Muslims claimed foreign origin to claim status just like Hindus claim Aryan origin. Yes, there were lot of migration through out history but we are Bangali now. Claiming foreign origin and showing too much love to foreign language belittle our people and Bangladesh. World will laugh at us for being wanna be Arab, Turkish, Pakistani, Persian etc.

For "try to know your past first part" i will give you a hint i am a Bhuiyan from Sonargoan;), you don't see me type urdu do you? I love my language.

@ Yes, Yes, Yes, it was in Bangla but in a oral form with lot of foriegn words.
@ O ! Shahbagi, I am not against Bangla, not against, not against, you understand.
@ I am just narrating the true history which you people have the tendency to twist and then suddenly jump to language movement and then the liberation war and now "Fasi ! Fasi! Fasi chai !" Have you seen what happened in Companiganj(Feni) one boy of 14 years old while acting as Kader Mullah having a rope at his neck died accidently.

@ Do you think that I hate my language Bangla !!!!! Mere writing "Urdu" or "Hindi" does not means some thing elses.

@ By the way congratution being coming from a Bhuiyan family. I had been searching them for a long time. For your information for the last 16/17 years I had been studying the originations of the bloods of the Muslims of East Bengal. I have noted down your name in my diary.
Thousands have joined a procession of the 'Ganajagaran Mancha' to foil the nationwide strike called by the Jamaat-e-Islami on Thursday.

Students of several educational institutions and people from the broad spectrum of society were seen at the procession that began at 10:50am.

Banners saying "foil ******* strike" were seen at the procession and slogans calling for execution for war criminals were being raised.

The Jamaat e Islami is identified with the Razakars, an auxiliary support force of the Pakistan army during the 1971 Liberation war.

A freedom fighter bearing flag of ‘Muktijoddha Shangshad’ was seen leading the procession, followed by leaders of other cultural institutions and bloggers.

The procession is expected to march through Matsha Bhaban, Paltan, Kakrail, Dainik Bangla and return to Shahbagh.

Morning at Shahbagh began with the National Anthem after many had stayed there overnight.

People from all walks of life were seen converging on Shahbagh in smaller processions from all over Dhaka, reported bdnews24.com Correspondents.

Loud spirirted slogans were being raised, calling for death to the 'war criminals'. The call for taking out processions to foil the Jamaat strike was given at the Motijheel rally of Ganajagaran Mancha on Wednesday by the Mancha's spokesperson Imran H Sarker.

“Tonight (Wednesday) we will stay awake… Tomorrow (Thursday) we will return with an execution verdict,” Sarker had said.

Meanwhile, roads leading to Shahbagh were once again barricaded off as the gathering swelled. Police were maintaining vigil. Archways had been put up at all entrances to Shahbagh.

International Crimes Tribunal-1 is expected to start reading out Jamaat leader Delwar Hossain Sayedee’s judgement from 10:30am.

Shahbagh protests began on Feb 5, hours after ICT-2 pronounced life in jail for Jamaat Assistant Secretary General Abdul Quader Molla. They said the judgement was ‘too little, too late’.

Shahbagh is now popular with the name ‘Prajanma Chattar’.

Amidst the heat of Shahbagh protests, the government made changes to International Crimes (Tribunals) Act, 1973 providing equal scope for appeal to both prosecution and defence. The amended law can now be used to bring an organisation or a party to trial on charges of crimes against humanity during the Liberation War.

Shahbagh has however continued with the protests, starting a mass signature campaign demanding a ban on Jamaat-e-Islami.

The Jamaat-e-Islami had also called for a shutdown on the day the verdict was delivered on Quader Molla. They had warned of a ‘civil war’ on the day prior to the verdict.

Imran H Sarkar on Wednesday had said they did not want to pressurise the government,but added that the trial should take into account popular emotions on the issue.

“Support the mass demands… Don’t be confused… Do not be afraid,” he said.

He had urged for law amendments to be made so that ‘anti-liberation forces’ could not make it to the parliament in the future.

Calls were also made to bring down any institutions, roads, schools named after those ‘anti-liberation forces’.

LINK: Ganajagaran Mancha march on - bdnews24.com
All Indian agents should be sent to jail or kicked out.

Ofcourse, along with agents of other nationalities. But first of all, people should be kicked out who have a problem with the creation of Bangladesh and prefers foreign language over our mother tongue.
@ Yes, Yes, Yes, it was in Bangla but in a oral form with lot of foriegn words.
@ O ! Shahbagi, I am not against Bangla, not against, not against, you understand.
@ I am just narrating the true history which you people have the tendency to twist and then suddenly jump to language movement and then the liberation war and now "Fasi ! Fasi! Fasi chai !" Have you seen what happened in Companiganj(Feni) one boy of 14 years old while acting as Kader Mullah having a rope at his neck died accidently.

For your kind information, i live pretty close to shahbagh but never gone there. Hang him/don't hang him, i am not too much bother about it. I believe in ultimate justice of Allah. Please, do not brand people with different opinion as Shahbagi. Is it a sin to love country & language :cry:?
Ofcourse, along with agents of other nationalities. But first of all, people should be kicked out who have a problem with the creation of Bangladesh and prefers foreign language over our mother tongue.

I wish we could get other country agents, like Chinese, Japanese and Koreans in the Bangladesh scene to neutralize this Indian threat, but unfortunately there is only one country agent that is dominating the scene, which is destroying Bangladesh economy, ecology and future prospects.

For your kind information, i live pretty close to shahbagh but never gone there. Hang him/don't hang him, i am not too much bother about it. I believe in ultimate justice of Allah. Please, do not brand people with different opinion as Shahbagi. Is it a sin to love country & language :cry:?

If you have no dog in this fight, please stay out of it, so it is easy to separate the Indian agents. The confused among us give them the opening and opportunity.
I wish we could get other country agents, like Chinese, Japanese and Koreans in the Bangladesh scene to neutralize this Indian threat, but unfortunately there is only one country agent that is dominating the scene, which is destroying Bangladesh economy, ecology and future prospects.

If you have no dog in this fight, please stay out of it, so it is easy to separate the Indian agents. The confused among us give them the opening and opportunity.

1. Indian presence in Bangladesh is over-rated.

2. We do actually need some Indian agents to neutralize extremist threats. Ofcourse they should co-operate with DGFI.

3. People who are trying to destroy Bangladesh economy, ecology and future prospects are the same who try to spread ink on the birth of Bangladesh.

4. I am sure @Moander has some problem with foreign agents trying to spread ink into the history of Bangladesh.

EDIT: If you have any proof on Indian agents being in Bangladesh, lets bring a copy of the proof. It will find the appropriate place; I have the connections.

Thank you.
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I wish we could get other country agents, like Chinese, Japanese and Koreans in the Bangladesh scene to neutralize this Indian threat, but unfortunately there is only one country agent that is dominating the scene, which is destroying Bangladesh economy, ecology and future prospects.

If you have no dog in this fight, please stay out of it, so it is easy to separate the Indian agents. The confused among us give them the opening and opportunity.

Normally, i keep my distance but i only get involve when someone belittle Islam, Bangladesh & Bangla. I am not too much bother about Awami or BNP.
The Justice before reading his verdict-

"আমরা কি আজ সেই প্রখ্যাত মাওলানার বিচার করছি?
আমরা কি জামায়াতের নায়েবে আমিরের বিচার করছি?
আমরা কি সংসদ সদস্যের বিচার করছি?
আসুন আমরা চলে যাই ৪২ বছর আগে। তখন তিনি ৩০ বছরের যুবক ছিলেন। পিরোজপুরে সাউথখালী গ্রামের বাসিন্দা। বিবাহিত জীবন ছিলো তার। এবং এক সন্তানের পিতা ছিলেন তিনি। তখন তিনি সাধারণ একজন মানুষ। কোনো ধর্মীয় নেতা ছিলেন না। পিরোজপুরের অনেক মানুষ তাকে চিনতেন। দেলু নামে ডাকতেন। মুক্তিযুদ্ধ শুরু হলে তখন তিনি পাড়েরহাট এলাকার পিস কমিটির সাধারণ সদস্য ছিলেন। কোনো কমান্ডার নয়। তবে উর্দুতে ভালো কথা বলতেন তাই হানাদার বাহিনীর সঙ্গে তার সখ্য গড়ে ওঠে। এ কারণে প্রত্যেক অপারেশনেই তিনি অংশ নিতেন।
এই রায় ৪২ বছর আগের দেলুর’"

Normally, i keep my distance but i only get involve when someone belittle Islam, Bangladesh & Bangla. I am not too much bother about Awami or BNP.

He even branded me AL cadre when I opposed his version of history.
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