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Just found out from facebook-

জোহরের নামাযের বিরতি শেষ। রায়ের চূড়ান্ত পর্ব পড়তে যাচ্ছেন বিচারপতি। জয় বাংলা ।।

Well, many folks here apparently spreading 'propaganda' live abroad. What are they going to do? What are they going to charge them with?

As for me? You? We merely questioned legitimacy of this Shahbag thingy.

The main focus is Pakistan branding...BD military forum has unbelievable criticisms about the BAL thugs including PM, they're not facing problem...didn't come on bdnews24's eye. That forum admin named the movement of projonmo bahini as Shahbagh Circus :omghaha: .
Wanna share something. Did anyone hear anything about this yet?

আবারো সতর্ক বার্তা। হিন্দু-মুসলমান দাঙ্গা লাগানোয় সক্রিয় জামায়াতের কর্মীরা। ইতিমধ্যে নোয়াখালির বেশ কটি গ্রামে মন্দির পুড়িয়ে দিয়েছে জামায়াতের সদস্যরা। এদের প্রতিহত করুন, রুখে দিন। তবে আইন নিজের হাতে তুলে না নিয়ে সোপার্দ করুন আইন-শৃঙ্খলা রক্ষাকারী বাহিনীর কাছে। ভুলবেন না, লাখো শহিদের বাংলায়, রাজাকারের ঠাঁই না। মুক্তিযুদ্ধের বাংলায়, জামায়াত-শিবিরের ঠাঁই নাই।।
yes , i got this news from tv


দেলাওয়ার হোসাইন সাঈদীর মৃত্যুদণ্ডের প্রতিক্রিয়ায় মিছিল থেকে নোয়াখালীর বেগমগঞ্জে মন্দির ও হিন্দু বাড়িতে হামলা চালিয়েছে জামায়াতকর্মীরা।

যুদ্ধাপরাধের অভিযোগে জামায়াত নেতা সাঈদীকে মৃত্যুদণ্ডে দণ্ডিত করে বৃহস্পতিবার দুপুরে রায় দেয় আন্তর্জাতিক অপরাধ ট্রাইব্যুনাল।
এই রায়ের পরপরই বেগমগঞ্জের রায়গঞ্জ বাজারে মিছিল বের করে জামায়াত-শিবিরকর্মীরা।
ওই মিছিল থেকে রাজগঞ্জ বাজারের মন্দির, ঠাকুর বাড়ির সামনের মন্দির ও বাইন্নাবাড়ির মন্দির ভাংচুর হয় বলে বেগমগঞ্জ সার্কেলের সহকারী পুলিশ সুপার মাহবুব আলম খান।
এই হামলায় নারীসহ ছয়জন আহত হয়েছে। এ সময় শিবির কর্মীরা বেশকিছু হাতবোমার বিস্ফোরণও ঘটায়।

SOURCE: নোয়াখালীতে মন্দির-হিন্দুদের বাড়িতে জামায়াতের হামলা - Amader Barisal - First online Newspaper of Greater Barisal - Stay with Barisal 24x7
These are indo awami own doing to label Jamaat in cmmunal color and to put victim face on hindus and protector label on awami league. That is old deception trick and communal method imported from india.

Yes, all news site are liars whereas you connect India with Shahbag in your dreams and those are truth. I will tell this to you again, go join the circus :omghaha:
@BDforever, have any credible source for this?

জামায়াত-শিবিরের তাণ্ডবলীলাঃ ৩ জন পুলিশ নিহত

দুপুরে দেলাওয়ার হোসাইন সাঈদীর ফাঁসির রায় ঘোষণার পরে জামায়াত-শিবিরের কর্মীরা সুন্দরগঞ্জ উপজেলার বামনডাঙ্গা পুলিশ তদন্তকেন্দ্রে হামলা চালান। তাঁরা পুলিশকে লক্ষ্য করে ইটপাটকেল ছোড়েন। বিকেলের দিকে একপর্যায়ে জামায়াত-শিবির কর্মীরা লাঠি, বল্লম নিয়ে চারদিক থেকে তদন্তকেন্দ্রের কার্যালয় ঘিরে ফেলেন। তাঁরা পুলিশকে পেটাতে থাকেন। এতে তিন কনস্টেবল নিহত ও তিনজন আহত হন।
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@BDforever, have any credible source for this?
গাইবান্ধায় ফাঁড়ি লুট, ৩ পুলিশসহ নিহত ৬
চট্টগ্রামের লোহাগাড়ায় সংঘর্ষ, পুলিশসহ নিহত ২
ঠাকুরগাঁওয়ে সংঘর্ষে নিহত ৫
মিরপুরে ‘বোমায়’ পথচারী নিহত
নোয়াখালীতে মন্দির-হিন্দুদের বাড়িতে জামায়াতের হামলা
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as do i, but no mob justice but with due process. His sympathy comes from his hindu bharath matha agenda.

U guys always make statements like this, "We want justice too."
This types of statements makes me very angry.
What did u do to do justice. We r asking for known war criminals' justice.
But u ppl blocking our way and making all kinds of propaganda to fail us.
But yet u r saying u want justice too.
Its a shame u want to save criminals. Ppl of ur kind is very dangerous to create a democratic country where
law and order is preserved.

I am very happy and in fact the whole Bangladesh is happy as we get justice after 42 years.
But its sad that some idiots coming on street to save these war criminals
Joy Bangla!
Roar Shahbagh youths as maximum punishment read out

Bangladesh waited for 42 years, Shahbagh for 24 days. And the pleas of millions of souls seeking justice were at long last answered yesterday.

And as the news of the death sentence to Delawar Hossain Sayedee reached the Projonmo Chattar around 2:40pm, the Shahbagh protesters erupted into exhilarated cheers.

They danced as they screamed at the limit of their lungs; chanted “Joy Bangla” with a zeal never seen before and hugged each other. Some cried in joy.

“This is the happiest day of my life,” cried an elated protester, “We can go to sleep tonight knowing that we didn't let our predecessor's hopes, dreams and sacrifices go in vain.”

Demonstrators waited with bated breath for the verdict, from early morning yesterday. Many spent the night at the Projonmo Chattar, vowing not to fall asleep until justice is done.

As hours passed by, and the night turned into morning and then noon, they grew increasingly anxious. “Did you hear anything?” many asked each other.

The expected moment finally arrived in the afternoon, and an announcement from the Gonojagoron Mancha turned the demonstration into a celebration.

"This victory is a victory for the people," said Imran H Sarker, convener of Blogger and Online Activist Network that began the movement demanding the capital punishment to all war criminals.

He dedicated the verdict to the sacrifice of the martyrs of the 1971 Liberation War.

Protesters took to the streets of Shahbagh hours after the February 5 verdict of a life sentence to Jamaat leader Abdul Quader Mollah. Having kept the intersection under their occupation for 17 days in a row, demonstrators on February 21 announced a series of programmes to spread the movement across the country.

“I have waited for this verdict for 42 years. Perhaps Allah has kept me alive all these years so I can see this moment of history,” said Nurul Islam, a freedom fighter, as he celebrated the verdict with the Shahbagh protesters.

Monica Islam, a medical student, joining the protest said she was there to feel the “pulse of the nation” and laugh or cry -- depending on the verdict -- together with the protesters.

Soon after the verdict, protesters marched to the Central Shaheed Minar, chanting victory slogans and holding national flags towards the sky.

“I didn't want to be home on a joyful day like this. I was feeling a little sick but when I heard the news, I knew I had to be here, with everyone, celebrating,” said Jasmine, a private university student.

A group of private university students, marching in celebration, identified themselves as the “Guerrilla Camp” that has remained camped at Shahbagh from the first day of the movement to counter the propaganda being spread allegedly by Jamaat and its allies.

“Many of us have dropped our semesters to give this movement enough time,” said Faisal, also a private university student.

Earlier in the morning, around 10,000 people joined a procession brought out from the Shahbagh intersection defying the daylong hartal called by Jamaat-e-Islami.

Marching for about two hours through Matsya Bhaban, Bijoynagar, Kakrail, Malibagh, Mouchak, Moghbazar and Banglamotor, the procession returned to Shahbagh around 12:15pm.

Protesters also vowed to continue the movement until all the war criminals are brought to book.

“This is only the beginning. This can be considered our first victory, but we will continue our movement till every war criminal -- from whichever party he may be -- is given due punishment,” said Ashiqur Rahman, a university student and protester.

The protesters will hold a public rally at Shahbagh at 3:00pm today, said Imran, urging the people to hold such rallies in every district and upazila at the same time.

In addition, he called upon all to offer special prayers in mosques across the country after the Juma prayers to seek eternal peace for the souls of the 1971 martyrs. He also urged the other religious communities to arrange special prayers at temples, pagodas and churches in the evening.

Joy Bangla!
I wish the Daily Star was not such a communal boot-licker
Thousands have joined a procession of the 'Ganajagaran Mancha' to foil the nationwide strike called by the Jamaat-e-Islami on Thursday.

Thousands are being paid by the rawami government and even schools are being forced to supply your "thousands of people", so shut your fascist mouth.
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