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Shahbagh fascist extorting money from business

Fascists from Shahbagh are now extorting money from businesses in the name of food and water supply to Shahbagh. If anyone questioning or refusing to pay up money, these fascist are threatening to list them as Jamaat owned business and harm them. Shahbagh fascist already attacked business and newspaper according to their list.

Shahbagh fascist extorting money from business

Fascists from Shahbagh are now extorting money from businesses in the name of food and water supply to Shahbagh. If anyone questioning or refusing to pay up money, these fascist are threatening to list them as Jamaat owned business and harm them. Shahbagh fascist already attacked business and newspaper according to their list.


This is no surprise knowing AL history. If this place was not online and a Pakistani owned forum, I bet our resident AL goons would start asking for money from the rest of us.
Wait - so what happened here exactly?
Police and AL vs Jamaat?
Wait - so what happened here exactly?
Police and AL vs Jamaat?

This Hindu police allegedly used to be a member of AL cadre (goon squad) and was hired as a police during AL admin. Others can verify if this is true.

AL has filled police, army and bureaucracy with their cadre rank and file.

In this video this police, Pradip Kumar, is pointing a gun at a Jamat activist, not sure if he was killed or not.
Bappa Ditto Basu who was identified few days ago as known terrorist of killing opposition activist have issued threat of killing newspaper editor, and university professors from the stage of Shahbagh fascist fest. Bappa Ditto Basu standing in front of microphone in Shahbagh said to Mahmudur Rahman editor of Daily Amardesh that he will killed if he writes anything that does not aligned with fascist fatwa from Shahbagh.

Awami League student wing (chatra League) central president (Bodiuzzaman Shoag) also threatened to kill Mahmudur Rahman.

Awami League student wing (chatra League) general secretary (Nazmul Alam) threaten to take skin off of Dhaka University law professor Asif Nazrul and Brac University professor Pias karim. It is important to note that both of these professors asking for justice on war crime for many years and not a Jamaat fan at all. But both of these professors are popular TV commentator and had been vocal against Awami League activities.

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Here is Bappa Ditto Basu terror act in picture and details of his Leaftist background and india connection.

2006 terrorist is leading Shahbagh Square under guise of blogger

Bappa Ditto Basu, one of the main killer during Awami League” logi boitha” terrorism is one of the leader of Shahbagh fascist mob under guise of blogger. Please see the picture of Bappa Ditto Basu (in red circle) involved in Awami League led “logi boitha” killing in 2006.

Bappa Ditto Basu had been associated with left leaning extremist organization since childhood and now engaged with workers party extremist student wing Chatra Maitre. After his expulsion from Dhaka University, Bappa Ditto Basu actively engaged with left leaning terrorist organization and being sheltered in india. Recently, Bappa Ditto Basu, the known killer came under guise of blogger and incited to close news media and Islami bank and other organizations.

Bappa Ditto Basu in interview with newspaper admitted because of their call to attack Islami bank and other organizations, Khulna Islami Bank branch was set fire.

Bappa Ditto Basu born in Jessore district, son of Dulal Chandra Basu and part of his family (uncle) lives in India.

Note: Rough translation from news link posted in Bangla

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Fascist and Nastik (non believers) threaten to destroy popular newspaper Daily Amardesh

Fascists and bigots in Shhabagh are threatening to attack and destroy Daily Amardesh newspaper unless Awami League regime arrests editor Mahmudur Rahman. As we witness many times before “war crime” justice has been used as an excuse to attack anyone expose and talk against anti Islam and Muslim activities by these bloggers and their media partners. Even business institution which have no association with politics or war crime has been attacked just because Islamic name and practice. Since Amardesh exposed gross interference and hijacking of “war crime trial” by Awami League regime and fascist/communist blogging circle, it was targeted by various regime and fascist/communist elements.

In its earlier demand to speaker of the parliament fascist/communist and regime cohorts incited attack on newspaper and media that exposed their vitriolic attack on Islam, its value and aspiration. Daily Amardesh office was attacked and paper was burned down by these fascist mob and their Awami League associates. Just yesterday daily Amardesh published documents where these fascist/communists ridiculed high court and how Awami league regime were supporting fascist/communist attack on Islam by ignoring different agency recommendation.

Fri, 22 Feb, 2013 08:02:34 PM
মাহমুদুর রহমানকে গ্রেফতারে ২৪ ঘণ্টার আল্টিমেটাম
সাগর আনোয়ার
ঢাকা: আমার দেশের ভারপ্রাপ্ত সম্পাদক মাহমুদুর রহমানকে গ্রেফতারে ২৪ ঘন্টা সময় বেঁধে দিলো শাহবাগের গণজাগরণ মঞ্চ। নইলে পত্রিকাটির কার্যালয় গুঁড়িয়ে দেয়ার হুমকি দেয়া হয়েছে।
ইসলামী সমমনা দলকে সহিংসতায় উস্কানি দেয়ার অভিযোগে শুক্রবার রাত পৌনে আটটার দিকে এ আল্টিমেটাম দেন আন্দোলনের নেতৃত্বাধীন সংগঠন ব্লগার অ্যান্ড অনলাইন অ্যাক্টিভিস্ট নেটওয়ার্কের আহ্বায়ক ইমরান এইচ সরকার।

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Shahbagh incited fascism in broad day light, Police and Awami League openly shooting opposition activist

This is rubbish. That idiot police officer is just standing watching people to kill a guy and that idiot photographer is busy taking pics instead of stopping them. This is horrific.
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