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Shah mehmood qureshi you need to resign

Jul 30, 2014
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United States
1. Military solution not an option
2. Wrote a letter to UN.
3. In cabinet meeting suggesting not to close airspace for India along wi th that sarwar guy.
4. Phony words fake style and hypocrisy
Some of the blunders this man have caused in past 25 days.
What the F is your problem. You will never be a prime minister of Pakistan so stop your Mir Jaffar style actions and stop harming Kashmir cause.
Everytime Pakistan says strong response your phony *** shows up for press conference and say some contradictory statemnt.
Mr prime minister get your act together and fix the team and get rid of rallu katta players.
Why is the airspace not closed? It's been 25 days of curfew and we still thinking. What an incompetent lazy bunch of baboons.
Is it in our destiny to always miss golden opportunities ? 1962 ,65 ,Kargil and now again its slipping away.
How long are we going to keep shooting ourself in foot to make global community happy?
Wrote a letter to UN.
How dare he do that, clearly the Foreign Minister should have taken F-16 and attacked India instead

Everytime Pakistan says strong response your phony *** shows up for press conference and say some contradictory statemnt.
Yup, why did he have to bring the attention of possible false flag by India just few days ago and bring up the possibility of Indian attack back in March/April period when clearly it was best to keep quiet on both occasions and let India do whatever they planned
For every war their is a time and moment , a knee jerk reaction is what foolish people do. And fall right in the trap laid out by the enemy

I , 100% agree the situation in Kashmir is getting out of hand 4th week into Confinement for whole state population

  • Government's role is to raise awareness , resolve by means of diplomatic channel
  • Government has approached UN , a mechanism in place to ensure dialog
  • Military's role is to prepare the Forces for battle

> The issue can be resolved by Economic sanctions on India 100%
> The issue can be resolved by Economic sanction from OIC on India 100%

However , us as Pakistanis we need to enable our Government to be stronger by paying taxes and helping it become free of debt.

With that stated , abuse on the Rights of Kashmiri people will not be tolerated and the Humanitarian crisis in region will compel Pakistan to act

The fall out from Kashmir Humanitarian Crisis is large as the Syrian refugee crisis

  • If the Government and Military will find war is inevitable it will happen 100%
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How dare he do that, clearly the Foreign Minister should have taken F-16 and attacked India instead

Yup, why did he have to bring the attention of possible false flag by India just few days ago and bring up the possibility of Indian attack back in March/April period when clearly it was best to keep quiet on both occasions and let India do whatever they planned
Yup Amit Shah and Rajnath Singh are also doing the same. Its about the team look at Modi's team who are on one page with Modi. And look at the team of our Prime minister Fawad Chaudhry Shah mehmood qureshi Firdose Ashiq and our defence minister is nowhere to be found I guess he is leading an ssg team into IOK.
If he took F16 and attacked I would be proud but this guy Shah mehmood qureshi is not articulate nor he sounds strong and decisive and wanna be prime minister Compare him to Amit Shah or Rajhnat Singh and you will understand what I'm talking about . No Pakistani takes Shah mehmood qureshi seriously how can you possibly imagine the world taking him seriously and meanwhile our PM is sitting on Chair making phone calls fucking phone calls. Wow good going champ. Qureshi wanted to become Chief minister of Punjab, Imran Khan didnt do it and in politics Qureshi wont forgive or forget Imran Khan for that so if you understand the psychology and politics then its clear why he is acting the way he is.
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Their is more to War then just flying a single F16 in solo mission, their would be a small hole over the building or ground

However Pakistan has won an ideological war already

Pakistani Government has had a meaningful , approach to reach out to our friends in Middle East , Approach the United Nation , to acknowledge Kashmir is a unresolved matter which needs a referendum

Indians have shot themselves in foot already , every Minority in India is awake that their rights will be revoked next

  • Khalistan Movement is in full swing
  • Kashmir Movement is already in full swing
  • Naga Land
  • Assam
  • South Indians are fed up of Gujrati politics

200 Million Muslims are in India , who must be asking the question before they sleep , tomorrow will someone come knock at my door to kill my family ? Will Modi order a crack down on my family ?

Pakistan did not do any of this , this is India's own Modi who has ruined their own country's foudnation

We have not even flown on mission over India with our JF-17 or F16


This has become a national anthem now on every Kashmiri's lips

Azadi = Freedom

"Write on my grave , Freedom"
"Write on my Clothes (at time of burrial) , Freedom"
"Write with my blood , Freedom"
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But I think we should support our Foreign Minister , to visit our Friends in Middle East and discuss how they view the struggle of Kashmir people from an Islamic point of view

Our people Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and others certain owe the nation a response to visit their friends in Middle East have a discussion (a frank discussion) to understand how they view the Kashmiri Muslim's struggle

Yes, Mr Qureshi should go to Saudia , UAE, Bahrain and Oman and meet the leaders of all of these nations to have a frank discussion , of course he would not be flying on F16 but yet again on a civilian plane

Wo kehtain hain nah before you correct other's house you should correct the situation in our own house first

Now if he resigned then how can we fix so many urgent issues we need to fix

  • How Pakistan will response?
  • When Pakistan will respond?
  • If Pakistan will respond?

These are all options that Prime Minister Imran Khan and Military heads know 100%
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When this becomes a headline on all western News papers then Pakistan has succeeded in conveying the Kashmiri message 100%


This has become a national anthem now on every Kashmiri's lips

Azadi = Freedom

"Write on my grave , Freedom"
"Write on my Clothes (at time of burrial) , Freedom"
"Write with my blood , Freedom"

I do not see this yet on news papers world wide !!

So more effort is needed to spread for cause of Kashmiri people time is running out

If the world fails Kashmir , Pakistan will stand up for Kashmir
first things first.
is you an injun in the US or retarded Patwari/jiala trying to rescue fake sayyad sahb of sindh and ganja pandit of Lahore?

there is not all that many genuine Pakistanis on here, to do your incitement against Shah and PM Khan Sahibaan, you needs to travel to Pakistan and join forces with mulla deisel and what remain of the khota pandit league
I have no interest in abu bachaoo tahreek or mulana diesel demands. But the very man Shah mehmood qureshi is the man of Peter sayeed. Sahib and back channel for Sharif brothers. My dear both PMLN and PPP want Imran Khan out and Shah mehmood qureshi is acceptable to them. Unfortunately many in PTI are so blinded and are starting to become like PMLN and PPP themselves.

opportunities? fucking traps them were just like the one you scums are laying now. if you wants a war cross the IB and LOC
Are you Indian or Pakistani? I will respond to lowlife accordingly. Show your self. Are you sure if we cross IB and LOC we wont be sent to Gitmo and backstabbed by our owns? What's the guarantee? Because when someone decide to do something then many in Pakistan cant handle the heat afterwards.
Well the Issue is you came in and you want an immediate war without examining all aspect of crisis
You have anger on issue and it is 100% reasonable however , rest assured

I understand you anger 100%

Pakistan have a professional Government body and Foreign Minister
backed up with Solid Military Professionals who have 40 years training and experience to handle the crisis

The foreign Minister's main job is to convey message from Nation's Leaders in a diplomatic format which is much more consumable

  • Government of Pakistan have stated it clearly a stern response will come if Humanitarian Crisis which are about to unfold in Kashmir are not prevented

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Just like India wants to pacify the Kashmiris by controlling their expression and locking them up ... Pakistani leadership is also biding time... emotions to come down... soon this will be the new normal... this will be the status quo. India's will have something to relish, Kashmiris heightened oppression and for Pakistanis feeling of being in a straight jacket.
Well the Issue is you came in and you want an immediate war without examining all aspect of crisis
You have anger on issue and it is 100% reasonable however , rest assured

I understand you anger 100%

Pakistan have a professional Government body and Foreign Minister
backed up with Solid Military Professionals who have 40 years training and experience to handle the crisis

The foreign Minister's main job is to convey message from Nation's Leaders in a diplomatic format which is much more consumable

  • Government of Pakistan have stated it clearly a stern response will come if Humanitarian Crisis which are about to unfold in Kashmir are not prevented
Look I didnt come here asking for total declaration of Jihad or something. I live in rational world unlike many Pakistani who are split between Jamhoriyat or Jihad. Here are some of my problems.
1.Some of them want to pacify global powers trying to show them that we are responsible and therefore we will let people stomp us push us shove us whenever they want wherever they want. I mean past 20 years we tried to show the world and pacify certain powers look where it got us? 70000 Pakistani's dead and huge losses to economy why because one man decided the fate of nation to pacify them.
2. We have second kind of people who are always in either Jihad mode and cant think rationally.
3. We have another bunch who are waiting for jihad to be declared and until then they will wait and go about their merry life.
4. Rich elite who have interests with those who are openly enemy of our nation and for that rich elite average Pakistani is disposable commodity so they will secure personal interests rather than nation's.

So my question is
What did the government do until this very time and I'm not talking about military aspect I'm asking on foreign front?
UNSC was called on behalf of Chinese request. Result curfew is still there.
We called some world leaders is that it?
We Pakistani's have to thank Trump for highlighting Kashmir again on international arena because apparently our PM himself said he didnt expect Trump to say it. So my question to you sir is can you please name one success on foriegn front? The Chinese and Turkey dont count because they are always with us. So who else?
International media is picking up Kashmir on their own it's not because of our successful effort.
I'm not anti Imran Khan or anti this or that but I'm just raising questions about our approach towards the fast paced world where things happen quickly and we need to take maximum advantage rather than blocking traffic one day a week within our own country.
1. Military solution not an option
2. Wrote a letter to UN.
3. In cabinet meeting suggesting not to close airspace for India along wi th that sarwar guy.
4. Phony words fake style and hypocrisy
Some of the blunders this man have caused in past 25 days.
What the F is your problem. You will never be a prime minister of Pakistan so stop your Mir Jaffar style actions and stop harming Kashmir cause.
Everytime Pakistan says strong response your phony *** shows up for press conference and say some contradictory statemnt.
Mr prime minister get your act together and fix the team and get rid of rallu katta players.
Why is the airspace not closed? It's been 25 days of curfew and we still thinking. What an incompetent lazy bunch of baboons.
Is it in our destiny to always miss golden opportunities ? 1962 ,65 ,Kargil and now again its slipping away.
How long are we going to keep shooting ourself in foot to make global community happy?

Let me quote you a brilliant mind Sun Tzu


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