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Sex and the Gods worshipped by Hindus

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Brahma and Saraswati

Brahma is one of the three main gods :blah:

"Saraswati Purana". One is that Brahma :blah: Thus,Saraswati had no mother.

Webby I checked the net Saraswati Purana is not in the list of Puranas.. and most definetly doesnot exist or is an obscure text.. only mention in one site. echarcha.com

The Puranas • Vishnu Purana • Garuda Purana • Bhagavata Purana • Agni Purana
Sanskrit Documents List: Purana
Puranas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

hence this crap is false..

well here is Titanium's source webby
Question Mark over Hinduism? [Archive] - eCharcha.Com
where a Hinduism V/S Islam fight is taking place..
Chanukya don't kid youself.....as if you don't know Brahma raped his own daughter!!:undecided:

Well I have already debunked your "Saraswati Purana" source from Echarcha.com :coffee:
Please Webby delete this one as well
Ya man, am getting ideas of making **** orgies on the lines..... everywhere there seems to be lust and orgy with other womens.

Webby above is an unreqd post.. please delete... his sources have been debunked..

You know how many temples are dedicated to Brahma, the so-called creater in India?

It is a well known fact that Brahma has very few temple in this Universe that is in Pushkar, Rajasthan.. temples
Brahma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So here is another one of ur theory debunked:coffee:

Pornography is replete in the Ramayana, especially in the older unedited versions. The oldest Ramayanas are in fact Buddhist versions, and they preserve much of the true character of the vicious Rama and his adulterous wife Sita.


Many of the Yogis of Kashi (Banaras) live naked and beg for their living. They live in dirty, unhygienic conditions, and drug addiction is rife among them.


In many Hindu temples there are sculptures depicting men having sex not only with women but also cows. What is the meaning of this? Is not the cow sacred? If it is, then it should be worshipped not sexually assaulted


The oldest versions of Ramayana (read - tose not yet manipulated by the Brahmins) amply demonstrate that Sita willingly eloped with Ravana, the Black Tamil King.
Thus Sita told Rama "You are no better than a womanmonger who lets his wife for hire and makes his livelihood. You want to be profited by my prostitution". Sita also told Rama "You lack in POTENCE, manners and charm" and she called her husband a simpleton.

Webby this gentleman has not quoted any sources

here is the exact same match found on the net..
**** in Hindu Scripture ?

these are not academic sites by homepages of anti-Hindu people..
only 1 author's name was mentioned
Srinivasalyengar --> whose books I have not been able to find.. any site.. except the above 2 pages and some other sites which quote the 2 homepages..

so Please delete this post as well
You wanted source right....here it is AMOROUS GODS AND GODDESSES by Dr.Abraham Kovoor, a rationalist and thinker from Kerla. He has published "Gods, Demons and Spirits" read it.


Brahma is one of the three main gods-Trimurti-of the Hindu pantheon. He is the creator of the universe, Saraswati, who became the wife of her own father, was the daughter of Brahma. There are two stories about her genesis in the

"Saraswati Purana". One is that Brahma created his beautiful daughter Saraswati direct from his "vital strength" or seminal fluid. The other is that Brahma used to collect his semen in a pot whenever he masturbated fixing his carnal eyes on the celestial beauty Urvasi. Brahma's semen in the pot gave birth to Saraswati. Thus,Saraswati had no mother.

This daughter or grand-daughter of Brahma is the Hindu goddess of learning. When Brahma saw the beauty of Saraswati he became amorous. To escape from her father's passionate approach Saraswati ran to the lands in all four directions, but she could not escape from her father. She succumbed to Brahma's wish. Brahma and his daughter Saraswati lived as husband and wife indulging in incest for 100 years. They had a son Swayambhumaru. Swayambhumaru made love with his sister Satarpa. Through the incest of Brahma's son and daughter Brahma got two grandsons and two grand-daughters.

God Shiva had two wives-Ganga and Parwati. It was while Shiva was frolicking and making love with Parwati in the forest in the form of elephants that Ganapati, the god with the head of an elephant was born. On another occasion when Shiva was frolicking with Parwati in the form of a monkey, Hanuman the monkey god was born.

Once when Parwati was away, Shiva had sexual inter course with a woman called Madhura, who came to Kailas to worship him. On her return, Parwati saw her husband Shiva making love with Madhura, and she became a frog. When the period of the curse was over after twelve years, the frog took the form of Mandodari who became the wife of Ravana, the ten-headed king of Lanka. The sperm of Shiva which remained dormant in the womb of Mandodari when the was frog began to develop, and finally gave birth to Indrajit. Thus, the so-called son of Ravana-Indrajit of Lanka-was an intelligence son of Shiva.


Indra is the head of all gods. Amarawati was his celestial residence. Arjun was born to Indra as a result of his clandestine adultery with Pandu's wife, he had no hesitation in committing adultery with the wives of other men. One day when Indra saw Ruchi, the beautiful wife of Devasarma, he became extremely passionate and wanted to seduce her. But Ruchi chased Indra out ,and he had to go away disappointed.

On another occasion Indra could not control his sexual passion when he saw Goutama's wife Ahalya. He committed adultery with Ahalya when her husband was away. On his return home Goutama saw Indra in sexual interlock with his wife. Goutama cursed both of them.

Once Aruna visited Devaloka in the disguise of a woman. When Indra saw this woman in disguise he could not control his passion. He had sexual intercourse with this imitation woman. Bali was born as the result of this un-natural homosexual cohabitation.
Here is the rock solid proof, etched in time..

And about sita and Ram here is the proof, cross check

As soon as Sita stepped into Ravan's palace her love towards Ravan grew more. (Aranya Kandam,
Chapter 54).

When at length Rama asked Sita to swear about her chastity, she declined and died. (Uttara kandam, Chapter 97).

Kukuvavathy, sister-in-law of Rama, said to him - "Oh Elder! How you love Sita more than you love yourself! come with me and see what really is in your lovely wife's heart. Still she could not forget that fellow Ravan. Drawing a picture of Ravan on hand-fan and pressing it closed to her bosom She is lying on your bed with eyes closed thinking on and rejoicing at Ravan's glories. Rama sighed and went out to Sita's house. There she was found sleeping pressing to her breast the hand-fan on which Ravan's picture was drawn (This is found in pages 199, 200 of the Bengali Ramayana written by Mrs. Chandravathi).

If Rama loved Sita so much and Sita is held as an ideal Hindu wife, can Hindu women tolerate their husbands leaving them in forest for the years? Rama left Sita in forest after se became pregnant and she delivered er two kids in forest. (DR. B. R. Ambedkar : Riddles in Hinduism Maharashtra Govt. Publication, 1987).

Rama disfigured and mutilated many women by cutting off her noses, breasts, ears etc., and tortured them (Soorpanaki, Ayomuki).

Rama said, "Women should not be trusted" and that "Secrets should not be confided to the wife" (Ayodhya kandam, Chapter 100).

Sambuka was slain (by Rama) because he was making penance which was forbidden to hime by Vedas as he was a "Shudra" (Uttara kanadam, Chapter 76).

Looking at is hand Rama said the Sanskirt slogan "O right hand, you kill this Asche Shudra unhesitatingly as killing this Shudra is the only way to get back the life of the deceased Brahmin boy."

Are you not one of the limbs of Rama? (Valmiki Ramayana)
Note: This Rama, who mercilessly took away the life of Sambuka for no other fault than that of making penance, is held as the Avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu (God)! If there were kings like Rama alive now, alas! what would be the plight of those who are called "Shudras

Webby please delete this post

this gentleman has copied from here, an anti-Hindu website

Oh! You Hindu Awake

again the same author is mentioned.. I have not been able to find him out on the net.. though this name appears on all anti-Hindu websites...

Here are online versions of the Ramayana I wish you to go through the same..if you so desire..

Valmiki Ramayana
The Ramayana index

Saraswati was the first being to come into Brahma’s world. Brahma began to look upon her with eyes of desire. She turned away saying, “All I offer must be used to elevate the spirit, not indulge the senses.”

Brahma could not control his amorous thoughts and his infatuation for the lovely goddess grew. He continued to stare at Saraswati. He gave himself four heads facing every direction so that he could always be able to feast his eyes on Saraswati’s beauty. :cheesy:

Saraswati moved away from Brahma, first taking the form of a cow(I know understand why cow is holy and mother cow). Brahma then followed her as a bull. Saraswati then changed into a mare; Brahma gave chase as a horse. Every time Saraswati turned into a bird or a beast he followed her as the corresponding male equivalen
Saraswati Curses Brahma

Angered by his display of unbridled passion (READ RAPE) Saraswati cursed Brahma, “You have filled the world with longing that is the seed of unhappiness. You have fettered the soul in the flesh. You are not worthy of reverence. May there be hardly any temple or festival in your name.”
I don't think it's relevant to what the God's did to define who is a Hindu. This deserved it's own thread.

Remember this is from a theological point of view. When one's quoting a text, do quote it properly and not from forums and other articles. Quote from the original text.
I don't think it's relevant to what the God's did to define who is a Hindu. This deserved it's own thread.

Remember this is from a theological point of view. When one's quoting a text, do quote it properly and not from forums and other articles. Quote from the original text.

this is what some of the members had to say about Islam
Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not do aggression, for Allah loves not the aggressors. (al-Baqarah 2:190)

But fear Allah, and know that Allah is with those who
restrain themselves. (al-Baqarah 2:194)"


"If quoting, maintain accuracy; if claiming, provide proof. [An aphorism of Muslim scholars]

Let each one of the debaters accept statements of the other party supported with proof. By doing that, he would demonstrate a nobility and self-respect, and he would prove himself to be an acceptor of truth." - Ibn Akeel""

Where is your proof?? If my quote Salman Rushdie on Islam will you regard it as proof?? :hitwall:

""Over-enthusiasm is a mark of corrupted scholars, even when the case they are defending is true. By showing excessive enthusiasm for truth and their contempt of their opponents, the latter would be stimulated to retaliate and react in the same manner. They would be driven to stand for falsehood and to be true to the label attributed to them…If the champions of truth had spoken kindly to them avoiding publicity and humiliation they would have succeeded in winning them over. But as it is, a person who enjoys a place of prestige is strongly inclined to preserve his position by attracting followers, and the only way to that is to boast and to attack or curse adversaries." - Al-Ghazali""


Does this mean I can now put up a new thread and start quoting all the anti-Islam threads and put up Salman Rushdie as my source on Islam.. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Mods this is appalling.. post something else.. and do something else.. at least follow what you make sticky... :tsk: :tsk:!!!

And in the interest of justice remove his posts which have no source!!!!!!! :angry::angry:
Does this mean I can now put up a new thread and start quoting all the anti-Islam threads and put up Salman Rushdie as my source on Islam.. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Quite frankly, yes you can. People will come hard upon you and most things are quite debatable. The intent of this forum is not for slander. It's debate.

Mods this is appalling.. post something else.. and do something else.. at least follow what you make sticky... :tsk: :tsk:!!!

And in the interest of justice remove his posts which have no source!!!!!!! :angry::angry:
Then they are crummy posts... I've posted my comment above, to attain credibility here you must talk like a theologian not a Mullah, Swami or Priest. A good researched source would be appreciated and hopefully given his interest in the matter he might come up with something.
Even if by any chance, these rather colourful stories posted by Titanium are indeed to be found in some long-forgotten version of events, they are of little consequence in the hinduism currently practiced.

So unless its some form of cheap entertainment to the people on this forum, this thread is pointless.

Sabarimalai Sastha or Ayyapa is a sylvan god worshipped by the credulous Hindus of Kerala, karantaka and Tamil Nadu in India. He is the son born to Siva and Vishnu as a result of a homosexual act.

To escape from the curse of the powerful demon Durwasa, all the gods joined together and churned the milky ocean to gather "Amrut"-a butter-like ambrosia. They collected the "Amrut" in a pot, and kept it to be served at a heavenly feast. An Asura (demon) from the nether world stole the pot of " Amrut from Develoka. When the loss of the ambrosia was detected, the omniscient Vishnu was able to know where it was. He went to the nether world in the guise of Mohini, a woman of exquisite beauty, and brought and back the "Amrut" and served it to the gods. When Mohini was serving the Amrut, Shiva got intoxicated with her beauty and had sexual intercourse with her, who was in reality Vishnu. Vishnu became pregnant as a result of the homosexual act, and gave birth to Sastha from his thigh. Both Shiva and Vishnu discarded this un-naturally born illegitimate child in the forests of Sabarimalai in Kerala.
The fight among trimurtis:

Brahma lost his position so completely to Vishnu that Vishnu who at one time was at the command of Brahma became the creator Of Brahma.

In his contest with Shiva for supremacy Brahma suffered equal defeat. Here again, the position became completely inverted. Instead of being created by Brahma, Shiva became the creator of Bramha. Brahma lost the power of giving salvation. The god who could give salvation was Shiva and Brahma became no more than a common devotee worshipping Shiva and his Linga in the hope of getting salvation. [f49] He was reduced to the position of a servant of Shiva doing the work of charioteer[f50] of Shiva.

Ultimately Brahma was knocked out of the field of worship on a charge of having committed adultery with his own daughter

Source Ambedkar.org
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