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Former cricket star and Pakistan PM Imran Khan fights to save his political career after 'failing to reveal he had a lovechild' with British heiress

The Khan can f**k as many women as he wants.
at least he didn't ruined the people of Pakistan nor he looted from them or gave them the hard time like the current Donkey Govt is doing.:hitwall:
Why not u guys banning these few moron who are here just for propaganda purposes?
Same reasons those who only keep repeating “PDM chor” or “Napak Fauj” arent banned - they are all part of the same crowd
Daily wages earned - then we will post ten mostly repeated or copied images of PAF aircraft to seem truly patriotic
I'm glad someone else is thinking the same thing.

He's 100% a paid troll.
Sure sure but the issue isn’t stoning Imran Khan to death for committing zina. That’s a different matter.

The issue is should a person who lied about his illegitimate daughter be allowed to run for office. Don’t forget that one sitting PM was ousted for not being “sadiq and ameen”. That is what this reference is all about. Is Imran Khan sadiq anymore and be allowed to run for office.

This is a weak reference but the point isn’t to disqualify IK anyway. It’s simply to put him under leash. There are far more serious crimes IK has committed which should’ve been in court but they aren’t.

Without a doubt. Islam is an easy religion and its teachings are the earliest generations are the best. We also have Islamic leaders in past who showed us what type of people are fit to lead.

The jurisprudence regarding zina isn’t complicated neither is the guidance about who should lead a Muslim nation.

But Pakistan isn’t Islamic state anyway so this is kind of a futile argument. I still think at the very least we should’ve leaders who at least publicly had good moral character growing up. Seems like in 22 crore population we can’t find a saviour who didn’t bed a new women every night to lead us lol

Anyway I have said enough on the matter. Just talking about this makes me feel dirty. I don’t know how IK can think about leading a Muslim nation and lecture us on morality. He must remember the sex acts he performed with different women every now and then.
Question is when Islam prohibits it, even if she is the child, and he is taking care of her Islamically, why would he make his personal past public. It was wrong to bring this up by any party not related. If I was IK I would ask for those accusing to bring proof or get lashed.

2nd Khalifa use to show remorse for time when they use to bury new born girls alive, even Imam madhi as per traditions will be born and live a normal life until chosen time when God will cleanse him of sin he will than lead the Muslims.

So Islamic history already have a precedence set.
Same reasons those who only keep repeating “PDM chor” or “Napak Fauj” arent banned - they are all part of the same crowd
Nope , napak fouj is doing napaki thats why we are cursing them , until they not go back to the barracks and let the democracy run the country we will keep cursing them , but these few paid patwaris who are here for a purpose and u know that very well
The Khan can f**k as many women as he wants.
He now has ample time to do that while he is not in office.8-)

He should be "Sadiq and Ameen" once he is re-elected. :sarcastic:
I'm glad someone else is thinking the same thing.

He's 100% a paid troll.
He is not thinking but leveling the field like neutrals: 👇
Same reasons those who only keep repeating “PDM chor” or “Napak Fauj” arent banned - they are all part of the same crowd

He now has ample time to do that while he is not in office.8-)

He should be "Sadiq and Ameen" once he is re-elected. :sarcastic:
Indians buchian to ab bhi hath par rakh k paish kar rahi hain khan ko , ab har koi chay waly ki tarha shemale nhi hota :lol:
I take my Islam from scholars of Islam not from randoms on internet who worship politicians

You can clarify the above from a qualified alim. It's not my opinion, it's a widely known Islamic rule. I am just informing you of it, you should seek clarification from an alim.

Big Mullah talk from the flag bearer of those who negated the slogan "Pakistan ka matlab kia".

Pakistan itself violated the "Pakistan ka matlab kia". We have exited ourselves from the violation.
Patwaris can bark all they want, IK is here to stay in Pakistani politics...what is gone from Pakistani politics is Generals and Sharifs.
I had lots of premarital stuff as well... Nobody can judge me except my creator. Doesn't make me who I am today
We are discussing zina done by IK and his illegitimate daughter and the lack of moral fortitude in PTI supporters.

Why are you bringing me into this or talking about PmLN 🤷‍♀️
Well per Islamic strict shariah law her claims have no value and anyone thinking this to be true is commiting worse crime then zina by being part of false claim

(though it may be true, but who am I to say that)

I had lots of premarital stuff as well... Nobody can judge me except my creator. Doesn't make me who I am today
Issue here is claim denied by IK being forced upon him. The Islamic law is very strict about entertainment of such claims as we all know about the story of hazrat Aisha

Hypothetically Even if they were married and Ik had no to girl the girl wouldn't be declared as his and neither the wife would have been declared as zani..

This may make no sense but this is how strict Islamic law is on zina claims. So be carefully claiming or accusing zina on maryum or IK...

Corruption claims is okay we all know both of them are probably corrupt to some degree and you can accuse ask them because that's your right
I'm glad someone else is thinking the same thing.

He's 100% a paid troll.
I am yet to see even one member swinging towards PDM or PMLN due to their constant barrage of nonsense. Who ever is paying them is truly losing on their investment.
Exactly, if he can abondon is blood, he can abondon the country.
Well he is still in the country unlike fat nawajo who did a runner…
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