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Sever ties with India, Pakistan tells Afghanistan

Your information is wrong, during soviet/ Afghan war these groups were united against one common enemy afterwards Iran used its Persia connection and made an alliance against Pashtoons (great game). 'Mass murdering' etc lose their meaning when NGOs which blamed Talibans have pointedly asserted that warlords of NA are worse then Talibans in human right violations.

You should actually read some serious books written about post soviet Afghanistan.

Afghanistan lost its sovereignty the moment you armed one specific group (which by chance speak Persian and which by chance are majority Shi'ite). What you did was far worse then trying to diplomatically use your influence for a favorable position. Pakistan has a sizable Pashtoon population which for centuries has been linked with Pashtoons in Afghanistan. What did you think was going to happen after you gang up on Pashtoon segment?

The reality is Pakistanis don't care about well-being of Afghan people, all you guys care about "Strategic depth".

Pakistanis always make fun of Afghan people about their poverty, their social issues and their aspirations as a peaceful developing nation.

Did they pay the money for their whole time spent in Pakistan ? The money was provided when they needed our assistance , it isn't given any longer ... Islamabad provides that country with food , drugs and other essentials and hence has the right to ask it for anything that isn't in Pakistan's interests ...

I know it from the start , that invasion of Bajaur was carried out well before 1955 , the incident you mentioned only proves my point of Afghan hostility towards Pakistan due to an agreement signed by their late Amir with the British but still we provide them with almost everything necessary for their survival ...

Pakistan didn't make any sacrifice, it was one of the beneficiaries of Soviet-Afghan war. Have you ever seen the movie Charlie Wilson's war, there was a scene where Ziaul Haq was complaining to Charlie Wilson that America is giving too little to Pakistan and they want more aid and military assistance from America.
The reality is Pakistanis don't care about well-being of Afghan people, all you guys care about "Strategic depth".

Pakistan didn't make any sacrifice, it was one of the beneficiaries of Soviet-Afghan war. Have you ever seen the movie Charlie Wilson's war, there was a scene where Ziaul Haq was complaining to Charlie Wilson that America is giving too little to Pakistan and they want more aid and military assistance from America.

Why would we need some " strategic depth " when our nuclear deterrence works so well and has been time tested and reliable ? :azn:

We never wanted the Soviet presence so close to our border , very true , but it is also true that the war was fought by the Afghans against Afghans themselves , not by Pakistan Army ... You conveniently excluded the rest of the beneficiaries , why ? ... Unfortunately , the situation in that country has an effect on us , so we can always take measures to control it ... As for the rest , I am not interested in same old rhetoric and movie scenes , keep it for others :)
Why would we need some " strategic depth " when our nuclear deterrence works so well and has been time tested and reliable ? :azn:

Are you sure about the bolded part. :woot:

We never wanted the Soviet presence so close to our border , very true , but it is also true that the war was fought by the Afghans against Afghans themselves , not by Pakistan Army ... You conveniently excluded the rest of the beneficiaries , why ? ... Unfortunately , the situation in that country has an effect on us , so we can always take measures to control it ... As for the rest , I am not interested in same old rhetoric and movie scenes , keep it for others :)

Now it proves my point the Pakistan did all that her own benefit instead of some charity work. Pakistan started interference in Afghanistan right after the removal of King Zahir Shah by Muhammad Daud Khan.
Are you sure about the bolded part. :woot:

Now it proves my point the Pakistan did all that her own benefit instead of some charity work. Pakistan started interference in Afghanistan right after the removal of King Zahir Shah by Muhammad Daud Khan.

Go read history and then come to me :azn:

Why exactly should we have done anything for charity specially fight a whole war ? The Afghans shouldn't have invited USSR into Afghanistan to fight against fellow Afghans and directly threatening us with their presence so close to our borders ... Pakistan was never interested in that sorry excuse for a country ever before , only when it invited the Soviets did we interfere by taking help of the same Afghans and providing them with weapons and training backed by the Americans and Saudis ... Funny , you kids , never mention them ? :D
Go read history and then come to me :azn:

Why exactly should we have done anything for charity specially fight a whole war ? The Afghans shouldn't have invited USSR into Afghanistan to fight against fellow Afghans and directly threatening us with their presence so close to our borders ... Pakistan was never interested in that sorry excuse for a country ever before , only when it invited the Soviets did we interfere by taking help of the same Afghans and providing them with weapons and training backed by the Americans and Saudis ... Funny , you kids , never mention them ? :D

so,in this case,India's objection of China's presence in Pakistan and SL is logical,isn't it??then why you guys cry aloud when India object??double standard.. :rolleyes:

but main point is,why would Afganistan pay heed to the issues of Pakistan??they are a sovereign nation.is not it unethical to dictate the foreign affairs of another country??
so,in this case,India's objection of China's presence in Pakistan and SL is logical,isn't it??then why you guys cry aloud when India object??double standard.. :rolleyes:

but main point is,why would Afganistan pay heed to the issues of Pakistan??they are a sovereign nation.is not it unethical to dictate the foreign affairs of another country??

Different situations , different scenarios , different responses ... None of the mentioned countries have the same situation and over dependence as Afghanistan ...

Are we asking them to ? Read it again carefully who needs whose help ! That so called sovereign nation must first control its country , not just its capital city , take back its refugees and stop the fighting within its country ... It is more unethical for them to allow our enemy to operate from their lands and destabilize a whole province or territory of our country despite what we have done for them ...

who is Pakistan to Tell Afghanistan ???????? :lol: :rofl:

I thought you boys commenting on this thread like an Afghan affairs expert had any idea of reality on ground at least , but it turns out I was mistaken . Afghanistan has always been like that volatile and not completely stable and forget about dividing it , even if you try to alienate Pashtuns there in any way , that alone would be enough for that plan to fail and send that country into civil war .

The tribal areas will be safe , the loyalty of the Pashtuns living on this side of the Durand line is unquestionable ... I can assure you of that , much like the Afghans were when they attacked Bajaur once upon a time only to be turned back by the tribals .

Yes they have , just because you came to know about it only recently doesn't make it funny or non existent , what is there to laugh about it ?

Afghanistan is three centuries old country. It is volatile and unstable since russian invasion.
As for as civil war is concerned, Afghanistan plunged it into it in 90s while in pakistan Mohajirs are in civil wars with pretty much every community since creation of pakistan.
Afghanistan is three centuries old country. It is volatile and unstable since russian invasion.
As for as civil war is concerned, Afghanistan plunged it into it in 90s while in pakistan Mohajirs are in civil wars with pretty much every community since creation of pakistan.

Can u stop playin ur flute about mohajirs etc in an afghanistan thread?
Different situations , different scenarios , different responses ... None of the mentioned countries have the same situation and over dependence as Afghanistan ...

Are we asking them to ? Read it again carefully who needs whose help ! That so called sovereign nation must first control its country , not just its capital city , take back its refugees and stop the fighting within its country ... It is more unethical for them to allow our enemy to operate from their lands and destabilize a whole province or territory of our country despite what we have done for them ...

who needs whose help??allow to operate enemy from "Their Lands"???are you alright bro??from where Afghan Taliban is launching its operation??from where they are getting the training??in which country their senior leaders are hiding??In which country OBL hid for nearly a decade and later got killed??which country get bombed every single day by drones for sheltering the terrorist??which country is obstructing the Afghan peace process??TTP is the effect of your actions in FATA..those were the same soldiers who fought for you in Afganistan,direct consequence of your own action.
Afghanistans older twin brother.

Oh ! thats why You Made Life of Afghanis like "Hell" by Supporting and Creating Taliban , Which you don't want in Pakistan ?????? ......

I think they recognized your "Brother" policy .
Afghanistan is three centuries old country. It is volatile and unstable since russian invasion.
As for as civil war is concerned, Afghanistan plunged it into it in 90s while in pakistan Mohajirs are in civil wars with pretty much every community since creation of pakistan.

Tell me , when was the time it was anything close to being stable ? :azn: When ?

Afghans have been fighting within themselves for the last 200 years ... Where do you the Muhajirs come here in between , kiddo ? The same old racism at work again , huh ?
who needs whose help??allow to operate enemy from "Their Lands"???are you alright bro??from where Afghan Taliban is launching its operation??from where they are getting the training??in which country their senior leaders are hiding??In which country OBL hid for nearly a decade and later got killed??which country get bombed every single day by drones for sheltering the terrorist??which country is obstructing the Afghan peace process??TTP is the effect of your actions in FATA..those were the same soldiers who fought for you in Afganistan,direct consequence of your own action.

We have a pretty good idea of who needs whose help , thank you ...

Well if we are the only culprit in this whole thing , perhaps you should ask Kabul to not ask for our assistance and see if they can get the Taliban in the negotiations :D

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