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Seven FC personnel martyred as terrorists attack post in Balochistan's Harnai area


It is a continous war in Balochistan that we are fighting in a completely half hearted manner. We should be relentless and should also go after leadership hiding inside Iran and Afghanistan while also working on flaws in our current counter insurgency policy. More use of drones, more mraps,better intelligence network is what we need and is currently missing

attack is true. Numbers are exaggerated. Real number is around 6-7
A clean up operation is required in Baluchistan. Once clean up is done, FC and police can take over. The war is far from over.
They wont even give armoured vehicles to poor soldiers, drones are a long shot, lol. Only long term solution for Balochistan is a mass influx of population from other regions of Pakistan that makes anyone with nefrarious designs an overwhelming minority. The Baloch sardars can go F themselves, our state is too soft for its own good, Musharaf was on the right track with things in Balochistan.

I don't think we need to populate Balochistan with people from other provinces. We just need to fight this war the right way without present complacency that we are seeing. We need to analyze and work on flaws in our current tactics and policies
Correct and a very dreadful scenario... I am seeing very anti-Punjabi and anti Pakistan propaganda coming from Pashtuns , baloch and sindhis. I don't know why Army is not doing enough on it...

This can be tackled in multiple layers but it has to start somewhere. I suggest 3 things.

1. Reverse 18th amendment and take education as federal domain. Design a national curriculum and put every child in school so that they can study proper history and not be brainwashed by hostile ideologies and fake ethnic supremacy. A national identity is only going to materialize if majority of Pakistan identify as Pakistanis first. The sole burden to carry national unity should not rest with Punjab and Army.

2. Ruthless covert and overt operation against terrorist. This include cyber domains , educational domains and physical domains. The agent of chaos are not just foot soldiers but people like nida kirmani , Raza rumi and etc

3. Use of high technology and surveillance in keeping a check on population. China is best in this.

Even if we adopt these methods , it will take decades before normalcy and desired results are achieved.


How is he responsible... As far as I remember, he killed a lot of baloch thugs.

These are actually good inputs. India should do ditto in Kashmir valley...ditto.
Tragically the news is true. Pakistan needs to do four things.

  1. Full scale military operation in Baluchistan.
  2. Hitting these scumbags in their hiding places in Afghanistan and Iran.
  3. Hitting their leadership and eliminating them in their hideouts in European countries and Canada.
  4. Making sure for every attack there are at least two attacks in India. Specially in cities like Mumbai.
These are actually good inputs. India should do ditto in Kashmir valley...ditto.

India is actually good in fighting insurgency..

Even though Sikhs were over represented in indian army.. The indian state didn't hesitate to kill over 20k sikhs to preserve national sovereignty
A clean up operation is required in Baluchistan. Once clean up is done, FC and police can take over. The war is far from over.

What and how should one do this clean up. India needs to watch and do ditto in Kashmir valley...
I akways advocate that India should learn from neighbors...both Pakistan and China template can result in permanent solution for India in Kashmir valley. Compared to Pakistan and China, Kashmir Valley is very small in area. Using same template that Pakistan and China uses wil jot be an issue to anyone....
Tragically the news is true. Pakistan needs to do four things.

  1. Full scale military operation in Baluchistan.
  2. Hitting these scumbags in their hiding places in Afghanistan and Iran.
  3. Hitting their leadership and eliminating them in their hideouts in European countries and Canada.
  4. Making sure for every attack there are at least two attacks in India. Specially in cities like Mumbai.

India should also do the same vis a vis Kashmir valley....ditto...
What and how should one do this clean up. India needs to watch and do ditto in Kashmir valley...
I akways advocate that India should learn from neighbors...both Pakistan and China template can result in permanent solution for India in Kashmir valley. Compared to Pakistan and China, Kashmir Valley is very small in area. Using same template that Pakistan and China uses wil jot be an issue to anyone...
Kashmir is the most militarized zone in the world and Baluchistan has been left to poorly equipped FC. Kashmir is sieged while Baluchistan has potous border. There is no template for you guys here.
India is actually good in fighting insurgency..

Even though Sikhs were over represented in indian army.. The indian state didn't hesitate to kill over 20k sikhs to preserve national sovereignty
Its the Punjab Police that did everything in Punjab. Army was only used to flush militants from Golden Temple.

Even in Kashmir Valley, operation happens jointly with Police and CRPF
Im losing faith in bajwa & co. He is not at par with raheel sharif, he actually ruined raheels achievements, hack even parliamentarians pigs are bashing pakistan daily, but bajwa ab baja baja rahy hain chian ka
Kashmir is the most militarized zone in the world and Baluchistan has been left to poorly equipped FC. Kashmir is sieged while Baluchistan has potous border. There is no template for you guys here.

Military is in borders. Inside valley it is mostly police and CRPF manning. Only during operation RR is called.

One can learn from anyone. Things that India may not do and is reluctant to do , can be done if the precedent is done, say by Pakistan and China.
What and how should one do this clean up. India needs to watch and do ditto in Kashmir valley...
I akways advocate that India should learn from neighbors...both Pakistan and China template can result in permanent solution for India in Kashmir valley. Compared to Pakistan and China, Kashmir Valley is very small in area. Using same template that Pakistan and China uses wil jot be an issue to anyone....

India should also do the same vis a vis Kashmir valley....ditto...
Kashmir is a Muslim state and the whole point of partition was that we hated Hindus and didn't trust them and wanted independence and a sovereign muslim state

India is a communal shithole, forget about Kashmiri even Indian Muslims and Sikhs are waking up

This is why I Kashmir splitting from this communal mess is vital.for Kashmiri
Kashmir is a Muslim state and the whole point of partition was that we hated Hindus and didn't trust them and wanted independence and a sovereign muslim state

India is a communal shithole, forget about Kashmiri even Indian Muslims and Sikhs are waking up

This is why I Kashmir splitting from this communal mess is vital.for Kashmiri

The whole point of partition was that all Muslims will move to East and West Pakistan. They did not after taking more than the share of land. 24% Muslins took 28% land but still not moved to their given land. So On behalf of those Muslims that stayed back and betrayed , India should retain more Pakistani land. Don't you think it is fair.
Balochistan war is a true coin war, not semi conventional like FATA where militants held emtire areas, the only thing needed is a three tier strategy.
1. 10-12 teams of SSG kill squads that rotate on a daily basis, killing rats in Balochistan endlessly.
2. A team of economic experts that works to stop foriegn funding for groups in Balochistan.
3. Teams of shadow kill squads that relentlessly go after the brain of these groups in Afghanistan and Iran. If any country has a problem with that, they can go F themselves.

To start all of the above, will is needed in power sectors which we lack obviously. Cowards are running the country.
They are waiting for another APS like tragedy.
Our current military leadership lacks will, they are only good at making more DHAs and conducting security meetings with PM two times a month, and after that they will warn INDIA this is becoming so embarrassing now.
Dude we are warning India from more then a year now like wtf.
The whole point of partition was that all Muslims will move to East and West Pakistan. They did not after taking more than the share of land. 24% Muslins took 28% land but still not moved to their given land. So On behalf of those Muslims that stayed back and betrayed , India should retain more Pakistani land. Don't you think it is fair.

The Muslims who supported PAKISTAN became Pakistani

The rest wanted to be Indians, this does not include Kashmiri who hated Hindus as much as us

Jinnah desperately tried to convince Indian Muslims that India would be a communal shithole but they refused to listen and believed the crazy cool aid of India being one nation for all

Now that India is a communal disaster just like Jinnah predicted, both Indian Muslims and Sikhs and other minorities are waking up

So partition India,, let them take their own land and form a Khalistan, Muslim state and xtaian land

What's the point of forcing everyone in one big hate filled communal shithole?
They are waiting for another APS like tragedy.
Our current military leadership lacks will, they are only good at making more DHAs and conducting security meetings with PM two times a month, and after that they will warn INDIA this is becoming so embarrassing now.
Dude we are warning India from more then a year now like wtf.

The problem is mostly nothing happens

months can go by without anything in Balochistan

and the terrorists can easily drop weapons and melt into tiny villages etc

This is why it's pointless almost to send in massive brigades of soldiers, all they will be doing is going round in circles whilst EVERYone hides

Our plan has largely been very successful both by targeting within India and Afghanistan

We have had alot of success in the last few months and the frustration amongst the terrorists was building up to massive levels

They were planning big and had 10 terrorists hunted down a few days ago

It's a constant battle and IBOs and ISI is central
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