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Setback for Kerala, panel says Mullaperiyar safe


Mar 6, 2012
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NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court-appointed Empowered Committee on the Mullaperiyar Dam, over which Tamil Nadu and Kerala are at loggerheads, has concluded that the 119-year-old structure is "safe" and asked the Kerala Government to reconsider its proposal to build a new dam.

The five-member committee headed by former Chief Justice of India Justice A S Anand also recommended that the water level at the dam, located in Kerala's Idduki district and maintained by Tamil Nadu Public Works Department, can now be raised to 142 ft from the existing 136 ft.

In the report, the committee, which made numerous visits to the site and conducted a slew of tests and surveys, has concluded that the Mullaperiyar Dam structure is safe on each of the "hydrologic, structural and seismic considerations", sources told PTI.

"The Empowered Committee has concluded that the existing Mullaperiyar Dam is safe on each of the hydrologic, structural and seismic considerations. The Empowered Committee, therefore, concludes that the reservoir FRL (Full Reservoir Level) lowered in 1979 to 136 ft can be restored to FRL 142 ft," the sources said, quoting the report.

The committee, that has one each former Supreme Court judges hailing from Tamil Nadu and Kerala, said "in view of the present safety analysis, Empowered Committee concludes that the proposal of the State of Kerala to build a new dam be reconsidered", the sources said. While Tamil Nadu has been maintaining that the dam was "absolutely safe" and the water level can be raised to 142 ft, Kerala has been vociferous in its demand for a new dam to be built near the existing structure.The Committee also said that the quakes which occured near the dam were "small in magnitude, short-lived and sporadic in nature," they quoted the report as saying.


If water level raised to 142ft means drought areas in TN will get huge benefits and its boom for agriculture sector .
Good chance of TN winning the Case in SC ....only option before Kerala is taking the control of Dam through legislature (as the mulaperiyar dam is inside kerala territory) but the Congress wont do that congrats TN wons we lost ...the biggest loosers are those who lost properties in tamilan attacks

If water level raised to 142ft means drought areas in TN will get huge benefits and its boom for agriculture sector .

thats a recommendation by TN side not final decision
Good chance of TN winning the Case in SC ....only option before Kerala is taking the control of Dam through legislature (as the mulaperiyar dam is inside kerala territory) but the Congress wont do that congrats TN wons we lost ...the biggest loosers are those who lost properties in tamilan attacks

thats a recommendation by TN side not final decision

Mate your govt. propagated false propaganda now they paying the price , your state govt. is culprit first blame those fools. We built that dam then hw you people demanding rights on that? have you moved a single brick for the dam?.

Verdict should be based on evidence in this context TN succeeded and KL having nothing to prove or argue, so definitely SC panel accept that recommendation.
Slap on the faces of mallus who got down to name calling based on false propaganda and deceit. But they have made TN a boogeyman and this is a political issue for them. NO amount of science or reason will convince them.
Mate your govt. propagated false propaganda now they paying the price , your state govt. is culprit first blame those fools. We built that dam then hw you people demanding rights on them? have you moved a single brick for the dam?.

Verdict should be based on evidence in this context TN succeeded and KL having nothing to prove or argue, so definitely SC panel accept that recommendation.

this panel report is not final verdict ...there will be arguments in SC ,Kerala already stated that they will object the findings of the committee

British built that dam inside the territory of Travancore , and now that place is in Kerala
Good chance of TN winning the Case in SC ....only option before Kerala is taking the control of Dam through legislature (as the mulaperiyar dam is inside kerala territory) but the Congress wont do that congrats TN wons we lost ...the biggest loosers are those who lost properties in tamilan attacks

thats a recommendation by TN side not final decision

Just need to cancel the princely deal made between kingdom and old british guys.
Just need to cancel the princely deal made between kingdom and old british guys.

never expect that from Congress government ...they need support of 19 DMK MP's in Center
never expect that from Congress government ...they need support of 19 DMK MP's in Center

MK premachandran atleast fought for it, while PJ Joseph is all dramas.

He is now concentrating on attacking KT Thomas guy who is judge.

Expect nothing more than press conferences and big mouths.

I think he should stick with groping aunties in air planes and singing songs in TV.
MK premachandran atleast fought for it, while PJ Joseph is all dramas.

He is now concentrating on attacking KT Thomas guy who is judge.

Expect nothing more than press conferences and big mouths.

I think he should stick with groping aunties in air planes and singing songs in TV.

and these guys always raise mullaperiyar issue during Sabrimala pilgrimage season ....
Just need to cancel the princely deal made between kingdom and old british guys.

Its sad the Supreme court doesn't take your argument. BTW, this not what the Kerala public were made to believe. It was dishonest and hypocritical of them to claim that 3 million keralite lives were in danger and Tamil Nadu was going to responsible for their death while in reality it was all about milking more money from Tamil Nadu through emotional blackmail.
and these guys always raise mullaperiyar issue during Sabrimala pilgrimage season ....

Its to show they care as if nobody else knows about it.

Anyway all their actions are now based on Neyyatinkara Bi election .

They had a wonderful topic of the political murder and the victim card playing well, while brushing aside all the controversies of 5th minister issue.
this panel report is not final verdict ...there will be arguments in SC ,Kerala already stated that they will object the findings of the committee

British built that dam inside the territory of Travancore , and now that place is in Kerala

Man think sensibly the core argument of KL regarding dam issue is abt its strength associated safety issue that claims proved as baseless. Then wat is left for you to argue in this case? do have any substantial evidence to refute that scientific reports? if yes then you have chance of winning that case.

That regions is not belonged to Travancore its a long history.
Its sad the Supreme court doesn't take your argument. BTW, this not what the Kerala public were made to believe. It was dishonest and hypocritical of them to claim that 3 million keralite lives were in danger and Tamil Nadu was going to responsible for their death while in reality it was all about milking more money from Tamil Nadu .

Its okie if SC doesnt listen to me.

But a govt with guts can end all these.

A river originating and flowing entirely in my state is used to irrigate, make electricity with paying a sum agreed decades back.

The logic would have been reversed if the same was with TN, but sadly its not.
Man think sensibly the core argument of KL regarding dam issue is abt its strength associated safety issue that claims proved as baseless. Then wat is left for you to argue in this case? do have any substantial evidence to refute that scientific reports? if yes then you have chance of winning that case.

That regions is not belonged to Travancore its long history.

plz understand these are sugestions by the commitie appointed by Supreme court ,their findings are not a verdict ...still lot of time to go for Final verdict ,Kerala can claim the findings of Commitie are baised ...final verdict will take lot of time

second if SC asked to raise water level kerala can nullify verdict by passing a resolution in assembly ,so dont expect a cake walk
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