Serbia oppressed Albanians after it was convicted of mass murder and ethnic cleansing in Croatia and Bosnia. It then proceeded to do the same in Kosovo. Albanians fought back. Why? Well if someone comes to your village and takes your men away and puts the women and children on buses to be taken away .. well this causes a reaction. Serbia is too small to crush or control the Albanians. Look at China, there are 80 han to one uygur and they can commit genoicde. BUT, one Albanian for 2.5 serbs it makes it harder to control.
International means the 117 countries that recognize Kosovo.
China has a long way to go to prove its values to the world. Up to date China has not been in a position such as the US, or Britain, France, Spain, Netherlands, etc. were in the past. If China comes to this status in the world where it controls finances in the world, etc. then we will see but until then words mean nothing.