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Sensationalism has made Pakistanis irrational regarding COVID 19 epidemic

I’m currently in bwp and everyone is wearing masks and hoarding shit they don’t need. Also hoarding hydroxychloroquine meds from all pharmacies ensuring anyone that actually needs them will not have access to them.

Also just saw my neighbor. Said salaam and tried shaking his hand. Guy refused and told me it’s due to virus. I said fine, but asked how he is going to protect himself from the money he is carrying in his pocket. Neighbor had a stunned look on his face as I flicked my cigarette towards him and went inside house.

Generally speaking, this isn't limited to Pakistan. Panic is everywhere, and on the other hand so is carelessness.

A lack of awareness and education on this matter is causing some to do stupid shit like hoarding, while others are refusing to take basic precautions such as distancing from one another. Here in London, bastion of forward thinking and progress, we have idiots hoarding toilet paper (white people have not yet discovered the utility of water/lota in the toilet), and people are hoarding other essential food stuffs. I have to ask, does a corona outbreak mean that your egg consumption has increased four-fold daily? Or are you now taking ten shits a day that you need such vasts reserves of tp? Meanwhile others are refusing government guidelines on not congregating.

So this isn't just a Pakistani thing, it's worldwide panic. Media also doesn't drive home to people why governments are responding with such drastic action. This thing has a mortality rate of >2-3%, much less than SARS or MERS.

They're responding in this way to a) keep the healthcare systems from being overwhelmed, b) prevent hundreds of thousands of premature deaths among the elderly and those with compromised health (or at worse postpone the deaths), c) to buy time to prepare for a better response (flatten curve) and protect the economy. Most people who get this will not die, and panic =/= precaution.
Who debunked it? And what's the alternative explanation for development of life on this planet?

1) It's a "theory" not a law....people need to stop worshipping it like it's E = MC^2 :rolleyes:

2) If you believe that humans evolved from Apes...well that's a whole another discussion for another thread.

3) And watch this:


I read somewhere yesterday smoking is good for you against this virus


Initial studies from China generally show a higher mortality rate from Covid-19 among smokers. It's a hypothesis that partially explains the higher death rate among men.

Really though, you don't need to look at covid specifically to get a feel for the effects of smoking on susceptibility to infection, ICU admission, ARDS and death. Plenty of studies involving comparable respiratory illnesses, such as seasonal flu, have already established a link between smoking and worse outcomes.
I read somewhere yesterday smoking is good for you against this virus


Lmao no it doesn't! :lol:

It's actually the opposite because smoking damages the lung tissues which helps the virus insert itself inside the lungs and you know what happens later on...

Initial studies from China generally show a higher mortality rate from Covid-19 among smokers. It's a hypothesis that partially explains the higher death rate among men.

Really though, you don't need to look at covid specifically to get a feel for the effects of smoking on susceptibility to infection, ICU admission, ARDS and death. Plenty of studies involving comparable respiratory illnesses, such as seasonal flu, have already established a link between smoking and worse outcomes.


Smoking, in it's various forms, i.e the hookah, cigs, e-cigs and vaping are all bad.....some forms worse than others but all are bad for the human health overall.

If you gotta smoke, get a nicotine patch.
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Those patches gave me nasty and painful mouth ulcers. I wouldn't recommend those.

But I don't smoke anymore

I was talking about the patch....not the gum...

Either way, that's a side effect which I didn't even know existed. :o:
Lmao no it doesn't! :lol:

It's actually the opposite because smoking damages the lung tissues which helps the virus insert itself inside the lungs and you know what happens later on...


Smoking, in it's various forms, i.e the hookah, cigs, e-cigs and vaping are all bad.....some forms worse than others but all are bad for the human health overall.

If you gotta smoke, get a nicotine patch.

I know smoking kills but Chinese study found concerning corona

Researchers at the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University made the conclusion that only 1.4 per cent of 140 hospitalised patients were smokers. Of the nine patients classed as smokers, three had non-severe symptoms. The other six were classed as having severe symptoms

Time to give up now or I’ll never give up
it’s going to kill me giving up lol
I was talking about the patch....not the gum...

Either way, that's a side effect which I didn't even know existed. :o:
I had that experience with gum. The pain was so bad the doctor even prescribed a painkiller

I know smoking kills but Chinese study found concerning corona

Researchers at the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University made the conclusion that only 1.4 per cent of 140 hospitalised patients were smokers. Of the nine patients classed as smokers, three had non-severe symptoms. The other six were classed as having severe symptoms

Time to give up now or I’ll never give up
it’s going to kill me giving up lol

No is talking about obesity. Obese people have a comprised lung capacity too.

If someone is obese and smokes as well. Then chances of Coronavirus survival would drastically decrease.

In India, atleast I have seen lot of obese smokers.
Your neighbor is right. Don't shake anyone's hands if possible. Keep washing hands when in contact with door knobs and other fomites.

I love this guy. He schooled Hoodbhoy well.

I know smoking kills but Chinese study found concerning corona

Researchers at the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University made the conclusion that only 1.4 per cent of 140 hospitalised patients were smokers. Of the nine patients classed as smokers, three had non-severe symptoms. The other six were classed as having severe symptoms

Time to give up now or I’ll never give up
it’s going to kill me giving up lol

Regular smoking also increasing risk of all cancers by 10%.
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