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Senior's cafe direction


Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
United States
As you have probably noticed recently, everyone can post in the senior's cafe.

We no longer have the ability to let certain usergroups post freely while other usersgroups will have to have their post approved before it is visible.

The only choice is to disband the senior's cafe or allow all messages to be approved by mod before it is visible regardless of the usergroup.
The very idea of a Seniors Cafe where only select few could post and the rest could read was both lop sided & discriminatory.

It should have either been a closed group not visible to the rest or an open free to all place.

For others to read comments and not be able to respond or await approval before a response was posted was frustrating further aggravated by the quality of posts one read.

It should be dispensed with. I am not for apartheid in an interactive forum.
The very idea of a Seniors Cafe where only select few could post and the rest could read was both lop sided & discriminatory.

It should have either been a closed group not visible to the rest or an open free to all place.

For others to read comments and not be able to respond or await approval before a response was posted was frustrating further aggravated by the quality of posts one read.

It should be dispensed with. I am not for apartheid in an interactive forum.

While the intentions behind "Seniors Cafe" may have been lofty; the mode of execution ended up making it an absurdity some-times and most of all an anachronism on what is considered to be an Open and freely Interactive Forum.
the idea was to have a section free from insults, abuse and trolling which goes on freely on this board.
if it has failed its objective then disband it. i dont think it was discriminatory in any way. whats wrong with having a civil discussion.!
The criteria to be senior is merely post count irrespective of the quality of post. It is actually a contradiction to very purpose of this section.

Some legend trolls with post more than 2000 are eligible while many saner minds simply have to post and then wait for some mod to approve. many a times their efforts goes in vain with trolls succeeding in a moment. @WebMaster

I suggest access to be provided on individual's reputation not based on some group that too on post count.
the idea was to have a section free from insults, abuse and trolling which goes on freely on this board.
if it has failed its objective then disband it. i dont think it was discriminatory in any way. whats wrong with having a civil discussion.!

Was the intent to show 'lesser mortals' how the Burra Sahibs think ?

If the intent was to keep it 'free " from trolls then why show the discussion to all & sundry ? It could have been kept away from the rest.

Showing it to others and then not allowing them to add or contradict a point is discriminatory.

There is nothing wrong in having a civil discussion but to create a barrier to have one reminds me of a line from an old Pak play - bakra kishton pe which went something like this:

" Aaj police ne Korangi mein curfew laga ke azadana ghast laagyi " !
There are lots of senior even elite trolls.

Better select/choose members for it. Easy way will be to bar known senior/elite trolls.
What ever happened to the Two Nation Theory thread is a perfect demonstration of what has gone wrong with this excellent forum reserved for meaningful and informative discussions. To be honest,this thread should be exclusive for few selected only. If you let loose a mad bull in your garden you know what is going to happen next.

Granting privileges based on number of post is a bad idea and the above said thread says it best. My suggestion is to select members based on quality only. There are a number of Indian and Pakistani posters who do not have numbers but their posts holds a lot of sense. It is not a herculean task to pick them up because their number is quite limited.Only then the sanity and immaculacy of Senior's cafe can be retrieved back which is the urgent need of this moment.
As you have probably noticed recently, everyone can post in the senior's cafe.

We no longer have the ability to let certain usergroups post freely while other usersgroups will have to have their post approved before it is visible.

The only choice is to disband the senior's cafe or allow all messages to be approved by mod before it is visible regardless of the usergroup.
Recruit more MODS or get the older one's active
The criteria to be senior is merely post count irrespective of the quality of post. It is actually a contradiction to very purpose of this section.

Some legend trolls with post more than 2000 are eligible while many saner minds simply have to post and then wait for some mod to approve. many a times their efforts goes in vain with trolls succeeding in a moment. @WebMaster

I suggest access to be provided on individual's reputation not based on some group that too on post count.

Yes. This sounds nice. Ban Indians from posting in senior member group. It would be nice to see threads of reputed Pakistani members, speaking on Pakistani matters, without the nuisance of Indians for a change.
How about we disable it for all but seniors.
or make it open for anyone except who trolls , misbehaves.. i mean revoke access of someone who does this.
Yes. This sounds nice. Ban Indians from posting in senior member group. It would be nice to see threads of reputed Pakistani members, speaking on Pakistani matters, without the nuisance of Indians for a change.
There are some Indian members who are a lot saner,wiser and better posters than some pakistanis.
remember this is an International forum which discusses Pakistan as a Topic
Initially we came up with 'star members'/Jnr TT tag who can post here along with TTs & professionals.The forum was kept visible to give incentive to members to increase their post quality so that they can post in this section. Later on all other members could post here [and be viewable by all after mod approval]
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