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Senior Haqqani Network leader killed near Islamabad

False my uninformed little Indian friend. Hakeemullah and Haqanis had a falling out.


Little Girl clearly you know sh!t about Taliban & Haqqani's.

Haqqani & TTP always cooperated closely in NWA & other areas.TTP & Haqqani bases are almost always adjacent to each other.

BTW your own military official said this:

An effective presence of Haqqanis on both sides of the Pakistan-Afghan border, however, was an open secret, the retired military official said, adding that if there were any chances left of resuming peace talks with the TTP, they had gone after the killing of Nasiruddin. “No final peace deal between the TTP and Pakistan can be done without approval of the Haqqani network,” he added.

Senior Haqqani leader shot dead; buried in Miramshah - DAWN.COM
Little Girl clearly you know sh!t about Taliban & Haqqani's.

Haqqani & TTP always cooperated closely in NWA & other areas.TTP & Haqqani bases are almost always adjacent to each other.

BTW your own military official said this:


My 7-11 working friend.

I am telling you the recent ground realities.

Hakimullah had pissed off the Haqqanis, by accusing them of being paid agents.

Having you Indians on this forum is pointless.

Can you please go back to your narender modi threads.


My 7-11 working friend.

I am telling you the recent ground realities.

Hakimullah had pissed off the Haqqanis, by accusing them of being paid agents.

Having you Indians on this forum is pointless.

Can you please go back to your narender modi threads.


Looks you like you are a million miles away from ground realities my taxi driving friend.
Recently Taj Mir Jawad of HN met Hakimullah Mehsud few weeks before his death.

I think you must go back to jeff-17 fanboy threads.
Looks you like you are a million miles away from ground realities my taxi driving friend.
Recently Taj Mir Jawad of HN met Hakimullah Mehsud few weeks before his death.

I think you must go back to jeff-17 fanboy threads.

Whatever Yindu.

You got access to Tehrik-e-Taliban website and are now feeling important. LOL.

Just like a goldfish in the fish bowl.

Take it easy.
''A classified Nato report, ‘The State of the Taliban 2012’, leaked last year, had alleged that the “ISI is thoroughly aware of Taliban activities and the whereabouts of all senior Taliban personnel”.

It had further underlined: “Senior Taliban representatives, such as Nasiruddin Haqqani, maintain residences in the immediate vicinity of ISI headquarters in Islamabad, Pakistan.” However, the military had then strongly rejected the report, saying it was an attempt to malign Pakistan.''

I wonder how many pakistanis actually believe the cool aid and how many just continue with the charade because of their over inflated sense of bigoted patriotism and undying love of terrorism.
Better concentrate on driving your cab.
It's illegal to use a mobile while driving for cabbies in New York.

First of all, I'm in Texas little Indian brah.

Secondly, your analysis of Taliban is wrong. I don't now if you try too hard, or you are ignorant.

I watched this video you posted:
#THiNK2013 Day 2: Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef and Robert Grenier on an Afghan Date | Tehelka.com

After watching this I was like lol. You watched Kabul express Indian film, and now are all of a sudden, a self declared expert.

Watch your own stupid video again.

The American just shit on your Indian Taliban program special when he said...

Let's still hope that Mullah Zaeef still has a good deal of influence inside the Taliban


Please Indian child. Go away.

First of all, I'm in Texas little Indian brah.

Secondly, your analysis of Taliban is wrong. I don't now if you try too hard, or you are ignorant.

I watched this video you posted:
#THiNK2013 Day 2: Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef and Robert Grenier on an Afghan Date | Tehelka.com

After watching this I was like lol. You watched Kabul express Indian film, and now are all of a sudden, a self declared expert.

Watch your own stupid video again.

The American just shit on your Indian Taliban program special when he said...


Please Indian child. Go away.

Looks like you are watching too many videos of the red cap monkey aka Zaid Hamid.:lol:
Looks like you are watching too many videos of the red cap monkey aka Zaid Hamid.:lol:

Okay botty.

''A classified Nato report, ‘The State of the Taliban 2012’, leaked last year, had alleged that the “ISI is thoroughly aware of Taliban activities and the whereabouts of all senior Taliban personnel”.

It had further underlined: “Senior Taliban representatives, such as Nasiruddin Haqqani, maintain residences in the immediate vicinity of ISI headquarters in Islamabad, Pakistan.” However, the military had then strongly rejected the report, saying it was an attempt to malign Pakistan.''

I wonder how many pakistanis actually believe the cool aid and how many just continue with the charade because of their over inflated sense of bigoted patriotism and undying love of terrorism.

Genuis pray tell us,,, If America are talking with Taliban and haqqani's, it's obvious some of their representatives need to be somewhere on neutral ground. The duplicity of NATO report is that they don't admit they are talking with the same leaders they are accusing Pakistan of harbouring near ISI HQ. Which turned out to be Naseerudin haqqani who was in contact with Saudi and UAE governments.

That being said, next time shooting ignorant rants,,, at least be more logical and factual. That sarcasm of yours smells like manure!
Genuis pray tell us,,, If America are talking with Taliban and haqqani's, it's obvious some of their representatives need to be somewhere on neutral ground. The duplicity of NATO report is that they don't admit they are talking with the same leaders they are accusing Pakistan of harbouring near ISI HQ. Which turned out to be Naseerudin haqqani who was in contact with Saudi and UAE governments.

That being said, next time shooting ignorant rants,,, at least be more logical and factual. That sarcasm of yours smells like manure!

Yes naseerudin, Hakimullah, Osama and Dawood are all peace negotiators living in cities or next to military camps. That makes sense.

And yes, after naseerudin's murder, Pakistani police cleaned up the crime scene promptly, as is the common practice after murders of negotiators.
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Yes naseerudin, Hakimullah, Osama and Dawood are all peace negotiators living in cities or next to military camps. That makes sense.

And yes, after naseerudin's murder, Pakistani police cleaned up the crime scene promptly, as is the common practice after murders of negotiators.

Some more about the events related to Naseeruddin's assasination:

Murder? What murder? Mystery of Haqqani killing in Pakistan
World|Agence France-Presse| Updated: November 15, 2013 08:51 IST


Agence France-Presse
A Pakistani youth looks at a bullet-riddled wall of an Afghan bakery where Nasiruddin Haqqani was assassinated in the Bhara Kahu area on November 11, 2013
Bhara Kahu: A phantom body, clueless cops and busy spies: the fallout from the shooting of a senior Haqqani network leader will do little to dampen suspicions of Pakistani complicity with Islamist militants.

Nasiruddin Haqqani, the chief money man for one of the most feared factions fighting US-led forces in Afghanistan, died in a hail of bullets outside a bakery on the edge of Islamabad on Sunday night.

After his death it has emerged that he had been living since 2010 in the suburb, Bhara Kahu, a respected local figure known as "Doctor sahib".

But in the Bhara Kahu police station, just 100 metres (yards) from the scene of the shooting, duty officer Khalid was adamant.

"Murder? What murder? We have no information about a murder," he told AFP.

The incident recalls Osama bin Laden, the Al-Qaeda chief found and killed by US special forces after years living in the northwestern town of Abbottabad, virtually on the doorstep of Pakistan's elite military academy.

But where Washington immediately claimed the bin Laden raid, who killed Haqqani remains a total mystery so far.

The Haqqanis have also long been rumoured to have close ties to Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency -- indeed, a senior US officer described the network as a "veritable arm" of the ISI in 2011.

There has been no explanation from the government as to how a man so wanted by the US, Islamabad's ally and principal financial supporter, could live easily for years on the edge of the capital.

Double game?

What happened in the immediate wake of the shooting will do nothing to stem the accusation -- which has recurred again and again over the years -- that Pakistan is playing a "double game" by secretly helping militant groups it deems as favourable to its interests.

According to witnesses, after the shooting at around 8:30 pm on Sunday, Pakistani agents came, collected all the bullet casings from the scene and washed away the blood from the pavement outside the bakery.

By then Haqqani's body was already gone, taken away immediately by his driver to the nearby house where Haqqani had lived since 2010, a discreet one-storey brick building.

News of the death of "Doctor sahib" spread quickly through the area, but the police seemed curiously unhurried, only arriving at the house at 11:00 pm, according to neighbours.

They found nothing, and it was hardly surprising.

At least two hours earlier, Haqqani's body had been taken for burial in North Waziristan, the tribal area on the Afghan border where the Haqqanis and their Al-Qaeda allies have strongholds.

The journey of nearly 400 kilometres (250 miles) was hardly done discreetly -- a source close to the Haqqani family told AFP the body was carried in a convoy of seven vehicles, including four 4x4s.

It was a substantial caravan to pass unchallenged through the countless police and military checkpoints that lie between Islamabad and North Waziristan, one of the most heavily-watched areas of the country.

Haqqani was buried the next day in Dandey Darpakhel, the North Waziristan village where Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud was killed by a US drone strike on November 1.

The Pakistani Taliban blamed the ISI for Haqqani's death, but others, including Afghan intelligence, have pointed to a potential rift in the jihadist movements.

As the head of financial operations for the Haqqanis, it is also possible he fell foul of ruthless business contacts.

For the Bhara Kahu police, the case is closed.

"Officially only one person was wounded in the attack -- the baker. We never saw a dead body and no one has reported one so technically speaking, this doctor sahib doesn't exist for us," duty officer Khalid told AFP on Wednesday.

With a note of irritation he added: "You know what happened, so why do you ask me?"

He was quickly drawn away by intelligence agents who happened to be visiting the police station that day.

'Excellent reputation'

The once-peaceful suburb has seen some worrying incidents in recent months, including an attempted suicide attack on a Shiite mosque.

Some residents complain of a "Talibanisation" fed by an influx of Pashtuns, including some from the tribal areas, strongholds of the militants.

"Two minutes from here there are places where you don't go out at night, where convoys of cars with blacked-out windows pass by regularly," a shopkeeper told AFP.

VIP militants or influential smugglers? Nobody knows and nobody is really trying to find out.
After the killing, locals were astonished to learn who their neighbour had been.

"Doctor sahib had an excellent reputation, he prayed five times a day, said hello to people," said Nasir Abbasi, an estate agent living on the same street.

Only once in recent years did the area mobilise to kick out an undesirable -- a bachelor who dared to entertain female guests.

"People thought, 'this does not conform to Islam' and called the police and he had to move," said Abbasi.

Abbasi was still shocked by such "immoral" behaviour -- far indeed from the spotless reputation of the peaceful and popular "doctor sahib".
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