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Senior Dubai official compares ‘criminal’ Pakistanis to ‘disciplined’ Indians

Submissive ones converted while mugals and other invaders were occupying India... that is the HISTORY...
i am sure to our ancestors Islam felt better than milking some penis shaped god!
Submissive ones converted while mugals and other invaders were occupying India... that is the HISTORY...

Bla bla bla ...... this converted theory of your sangh is boring. Bring something new. Its like a broken tape recorder..... "you converted while we remained firm" ....... but WTAF its the Indians complaining again and again of Aurangzeb, Tipu and others and that sad sob story of million destroyed temples ...... I hope you realise if they destroyed your million temples ..... that means you lot were little sissy who couldn't fight back and the bravest action you could adopt was throw your women in fire .......
i am sure to our ancestors Islam felt better than milking some penis shaped god!
Yes it is not easy to die for your faith... specially if it is not strong enough...

Bla bla bla ...... this converted theory of your sangh is boring. Bring something new. Its like a broken tape recorder..... "you converted while we remained firm" ....... but WTAF its the Indians complaining again and again of Aurangzeb, Tipu and others and that sad sob story of million destroyed temples ...... I hope you realise if they destroyed your million temples ..... that means you lot were little sissy who couldn't fight back and the bravest action you could adopt was throw your women in fire .......

So how did islam expanded in Indian subcontinent... some cowards were not ready to die for their faith...

Sikhs are the classic example... who fought the mughals... lost there life but not their belief...
Yes it is not easy to die for your faith... specially if it is not strong enough...

So how did islam expanded in Indian subcontinent... some cowards were not ready to die for their faith...

Sikhs are the classic example... who fought the mughals... lost there life but not their belief...

or some people realized penis is not a god neither is elephant or rat or a monkey or some idol with 500 heads or some story of a raped woman?

smart people have brain they use it for logical thinking they realize their stupidity i think penis god dint bless your people with brain!
Bharteez on this thread
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Bharteez on this thread
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So how did islam expanded in Indian subcontinent... some cowards were not ready to die for their faith...

Sikhs are the classic example... who fought the mughals... lost there life but not their belief...

You are asking me this question? Funny are you disconnected from your own society? or you don't want to realise that you were and are the most backward, racist, intolerant bigots. Just yesterday I was watching a video where your brave Indian was forcing a blind couple to chant your religious slogans ....... even today I can bet if your oppressed are given a fair treatment and a way out they would convert in hordes, leaving Hindus a minority ....... its no surprise your Dalits sometime threaten you with conversions.

How Sikhs are relevant here? Aren't they also agitated or Khalistan was a big lie?
or some people realized penis is not a god neither is elephant or rat or a monkey or some idol with 500 heads or some story of a raped woman?

smart people have brain they use it for logical thinking they realize their stupidity i think penis god dint bless your people with brain!
every coward and betrayer thinks he was smart and forward looking but look at your nation now where are mughals and still we hindus and sikhs are admired and respect all over the world specially more than pakistani muslims in UAE as against punjabi muslims from ummah brother nation pakistan says so much about your so called "smart choices" :sarcastic:
You are asking me this question? Funny are you disconnected from your own society? or you don't want to realise that you were and are the most backward, racist, intolerant bigots. Just yesterday I was watching a video where your brave Indian was forcing a blind couple to chant your religious slogans ....... even today I can bet if your oppressed are given a fair treatment and a way out they would convert in hordes, leaving Hindus a minority ....... its no surprise your Dalits sometime threaten you with conversions.

How Sikhs are relevant here? Aren't they also agitated or Khalistan was a big lie?
You are braking head with "Internet Hindu" ...for them Tipu killed everyone not ready to convert yet they celebrate him
You are braking head with "Internet Hindu" ...for them Tipu killed everyone not ready to convert yet they celebrate him

They need to realise their propaganda is getting boring ...... I mean how they can even breath in this much smell.
Senior Dubai official compares ‘criminal’ Pakistanis to ‘disciplined’ Indians...

But how is this, that India is Asia's numero uno corrupt nation (Forbes.com) and not Pakistan?

Something is amiss here.

Jinke PM ki koi izzat nahi... kapde utar gaye hon... wo kaisa desh h...
Kisi gairat mand desh k sitting PM ke sath aisa hota to US ko pata chal jata...

or some people realized penis is not a god neither is elephant or rat or a monkey or some idol with 500 heads or some story of a raped woman?

smart people have brain they use it for logical thinking they realize their stupidity i think penis god dint bless your people with brain!

Bharteez on this thread
View attachment 463439

Bharteez on this thread
View attachment 463439

You are asking me this question? Funny are you disconnected from your own society? or you don't want to realise that you were and are the most backward, racist, intolerant bigots. Just yesterday I was watching a video where your brave Indian was forcing a blind couple to chant your religious slogans ....... even today I can bet if your oppressed are given a fair treatment and a way out they would convert in hordes, leaving Hindus a minority ....... its no surprise your Dalits sometime threaten you with conversions.

How Sikhs are relevant here? Aren't they also agitated or Khalistan was a big lie?
every coward and betrayer thinks he was smart and forward looking but look at your nation now where are mughals and still we hindus and sikhs are admired and respect all over the world specially more than pakistani muslims in UAE as against punjabi muslims from ummah brother nation pakistan says so much about your so called "smart choices" :sarcastic:
well if sucking penis god makes you happy and respected i feel for you bro!

and ummah is not some ahole king of uae ummah is billion plus we are divided but fear the day when we unite under the flag of Islam as one nation brothers.we ruled people like you made your forefather clean our horses shit and then we strayed from the path...without brutality and without unjust treatement of natives and non muslims Islam spread from arabia to the whole world! we ruled not with force but with Faith! and time will soon come we will rule you sanghis again!
well if sucking penis god makes you happy and respected i feel for you bro!

and ummah is not some ahole king of uae ummah is billion plus we are divided but fear the day when we unite under the flag of Islam as one nation brothers.we ruled people like you made your forefather clean our horses shit and then we strayed from the path...without brutality and without unjust treatement of natives and non muslims Islam spread from arabia to the whole world! we ruled not with force but with Faith! and time will soon come we will rule you sanghis again!

First stop killing each other... ummah...
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