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senator babar fears pakistani troops could get sucked into yemen


Jun 21, 2017
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Senator Farhatullah Babar on Tuesday once again expressed concerns about the decision to deploy additional troops to Saudi Arabia, saying there's a risk of Pakistani armed forces getting pulled into the Yemen conflict.

Speaking on the Senate floor, Babar said his reservations on the issue remain as Defence Minister Khurram Dastgir had outright refused to answer some questions about the deployment.

"If the troops were deployed along the Saudi Arabia-Yemen border they could soon get sucked in [the] quagmire under the doctrine of hot pursuit," he said.

Making a policy statement in the Senate on Monday, the defence minister had stunned senators by bluntly refusing to divulge the location of the deployment of troops being sent to Saudi Arabia even in an in-camera session.
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Babar said it should be placed on record whether Pakistani troops will be deployed on the Saudi border and whether they could be sent to Yemen to take part in the conflict there.

"You will soon hear [the news] that the [Pakistani] armed forces personnel have gone to Yemen," he said, adding that it would be "disastrous" if that actually happened.

Senate Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani once again lashed out at the federal government for concealing information from the parliament, saying politicians only talk about the supremacy of parliament. "Is this supremacy of parliament? he mockingly asked.

He observed that Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi was aware of the deployment decision but the parliament was kept in the dark and the defence minister had refused to divulge the details.

The Senate chairman had on Monday threatened Dastagir with 'contempt of parliament' proceedings after the minister said he could not share operational details of the Pakistani contingent's deployment.

The defence minister had, however, revealed that some Pakistani 1,600 troops were already deployed in Saudi Arabia while more than 1,000 troops were to be dispatched under a decision recently finalised.

He said the troops being sent as part of ‘enhanced cooperation’ with Saudi Arabia would be deployed within the geographical boundaries of the Kingdom to impart training to Saudi troops as they had learnt skills of mountain warfare and counterterrorism, which was not the case when the military cooperation with Saudi Arabia started under a protocol signed in 1982.
Babar must tell his source who is providing this confidential info to him as he is become mouth piece of some force who is not happy with the decision as honourable defence minister raised same query who informed him about pakistani troop deployment and also possible location its a matter of serious concern and compromising national security and saftey of troops in ksa
He is right. Why wasn't public aware of such decision before? Now since the troops are deployed, after a while we'll be convinced that they'll be only placed at border, won't infiltrate. Later we'll be told that they're only inside Yemen for Rescue and Medical Services. Aftermath there will be a day when one of our Soldier is going to get martyred, the news will break out and we'll be fooled again, till it will be late!
No harm with friendly troop deployment
We should also send a contingent to Turkey to show our Humanitarian support

Excercise in joint training is one thing but it is also important to go in real battle field and gain experience even if it is in a support role or close to action zone

5,000-10,000 contingent to Turkey makes 100% sense to me because the Troops will be gaining necessary skills and also learning new approaches to handling Terrorist
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Why late?so many pakistani killwd in syria what happened did fight with iran over it? Hard to understand thiz crazy logic of if and but yes soldiers do die even in congo did you raise voice for them even they killed in waziristan so what.. Its KIA a norm in military operation.
Why late?so many pakistani killwd in syria what happened did fight with iran over it? Hard to understand thiz crazy logic of if and but yes soldiers do die even in congo did you raise voice for them even they killed in waziristan so what.. Its KIA a norm in military operation.

You watch RAMBO much?
Babar and rabbani sabotaging pakistani national interest in the pretext of parliament supremacy he must disclose his source who told him its sharora why he is so confident unless saw some thing very classified either its a leak or intel whatever the case issue must be thoughtfully investigated including nssim zehra who starterd this issue by tweeting on feb 15 2018.

You watch RAMBO much?
Kidszone on right side please!
I don't mind doing airstrikes, but sending even a single troop is slave mentality right there. We are not their henchmen.
For all who have no knowledge of foreign relation diplomacy and national interest should STFU if have so much love for hothis in yemen and fight along them as you did in syria in zanabyoun militia you are hired guns for 100$ iran paid for pakistani amd afghanis and none of them actually returned alive from syria.
Oppositions question everywhere in the world and thats a healthy trend. He has every right to ask that and his fears are genuine.
As one newspaper once quoted 'Pakistan is a hired gun gun for the Arabs'.

Asalamu Alaikum

I wouldn't mind if they gave us enough in return, but they don't. Our alliance is only strong enough to warrant some light support on our end, that's it.
We've been there before and effectively combatted Yemeni forces. Anyway, our forces are not there to engage Houthis.

Asalamu Alaikum

I wouldn't mind if they gave us enough in return, but they don't. Our alliance is only strong enough to warrant some light support on our end, that's it.
They do, but it's not always too publicized.

Saudi Arabia has funded our Nuclear Program, creation of Islamabad and etc...
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