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Senate Votes to Curb Trump’s War Powers Over Soleimani Strike


May 24, 2018
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Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of
Its very interesting that even politicians on both sides of americas political spectrum,the right wing[democrats] and even the extreme right wing[republicans],were both wanting to try and limit the ability of the commander-in-chump to wind up getting them into a war with iran.Its a pity that they hadnt thought of that just a little bit earlier.........like before soleimanis murder pushed the region to the very brink of war perhaps.....
Whether this will actually go anywhere,well who knows,but at least it may show that more of the us own political elite are perhaps starting to realise the real danger involved with having a literal brain dead fascist fvck stick with his finger on the trigger of americas war machine.


Senate Votes to Curb Trump’s War Powers Over Soleimani Strike

The Senate voted to restrict President Donald Trump’s ability to take military action against Iran, with eight Republicans joining Democrats to approve a measure that would require express congressional approval before a strike.

The resolution, introduced by Democratic Senator Tim Kaine, bars U.S. troops from engaging in hostilities against Iran or any part of its government or military, unless Congress declares war or specifically authorizes the use of military force. The president said he will veto the legislation.

“With passage of this resolution, we sent a powerful message that we don’t support starting a war with Iran unless Congress votes that military action is necessary,” Kaine said in a statement after the vote. “If we’re to order our young men and women in uniform to risk their lives and health in war, it should be on the basis of careful deliberation.”

The resolution was adopted on a 55-45 vote and next goes to the Democratic-led House, where it’s expected to be approved. Thursday’s Senate vote fell short of the margin that would be needed to override a Trump veto.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called Thursday’s vote a “clear shot across the bow,” to show Trump that “a bipartisan majority of senators don’t want the president waging war without congressional approval.”

Inadequate Briefing

Republican senators Mike Lee and Rand Paul signed on as cosponsors of the measure last month after a briefing by Trump administration officials about the drone strike that killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in early January. The two senators said the explanation from officials, including Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, was inadequate and condescending.

Lee opposed one of several attempts by GOP colleagues to sink or weaken the legislation by amending it on the Senate floor. The Utah Republican said the “military-industrial complex” has grown too powerful during the country’s longest period at war. He said measures like the Kaine resolution will clarify that it is Congress’s responsibility to debate and declare war.

“We’ve been lied to by the Pentagon for years regarding a war that’s gone on two decades,” Lee said. “We don’t want additional ambiguities, we don’t want any more war.”

Lee and Paul were joined by fellow Republicans Susan Collins of Maine and Todd Young of Indiana, who signed on to the measure after Kaine removed direct references to Trump and the Soleimani strike. Kaine said Wednesday the resolution is “not directed toward President Trump,” but rather to the executive branch in general.

Bipartisan Vote

In addition to GOP Senators Lee, Paul, Collins and Young, four other Republicans voted for the resolution: Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Jerry Moran of Kansas and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.

The three senators seeking the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination—Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren—also left the campaign trail to be in Washington and support the measure.

Kaine has said that the resolution would not prevent the president from taking action to defend U.S. troops in harm’s way or to take defensive action against an imminent threat.

“While the president does and must always have the ability to defend the United States from imminent attack, the executive power to initiate war stops there,” Kaine said. “An offensive war requires a congressional debate and vote.”

The president would veto the resolution, according to a Wednesday statement from his administration that called it “untimely and misguided.” Kaine’s resolution was drafted several weeks ago and is no longer relevant since the U.S. is not currently engaged in any hostilities against Iran, the statement said.
POTUS has the veto, unless they can muster up above 65% votes, this will remain symbolic.
Veto is irrelevant. House won't give him the budget he needs to wage war against Iran. That requires billions of dollars.
Potus does have a lot of discretionary funds, not enough to maintain a war, but sure as hell enough to start one.

What's the Congress going to do in the middle of war, stop funding so american soldiers die?
Potus does have a lot of discretionary funds, not enough to maintain a war, but sure as hell enough to start one.

What's the Congress going to do in the middle of war, stop funding so american soldiers die?

They'll blame Trump for starting a war and impeach him. Again.
Veto is irrelevant. House won't give him the budget he needs to wage war against Iran. That requires billions of dollars.

Didn't the house accept a budget increase for military spending and they increased the spying power for the NSA same as during the bush times?

Honestly man, an Anti-war congress is a myth. Congress is always pro-war and this is just a sham before the elections. The drunkard Pelosi wants to shame trump by any means possible. Obama had the most anti-war rhetoric during election time and he proved himself to be the most hawkish. So I wouldn't put much thought into these catchy headlines. These politicians are bank rolled by the same people. Already you can see how the elections are being rigged and they are creating misinformation to get hawks like buttigig, bloomberg and bidden elected..
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They'll blame Trump for starting a war and impeach him. Again.
Tell that to Iran killing american soldiers as retaliation, wars are not as easy to stop as they are to start.

Regardless, if they blame him or not, not once has the congress removed a sitting president during a war, despite the noise they won't start doing it now.
It's for defense procurement. Waging a war requires a separate budget.

Yeah but the definition of offense and defense is not clear. The killing of Suleimani is seen as a defensive action but in reality it is offensive..

They'll blame Trump for starting a war and impeach him. Again.

Honestly trump will have another term and he is already impeached. He was just acquitted by a republican congress. DNCs meddling of the elections will create another victory for Trump.
Honestly trump will have another term and he is already impeached. He was just acquitted by a republican congress. DNCs meddling of the elections will create another victory for Trump.

One word. Bernie Sanders. Trump's days are numbered.
One word. Bernie Sanders. Trump's days are numbered.

lol, maybe. Only time will tell. Remember Obama's at least I will go down as a president? You should watch mainstream news and you will see the people they are supporting. Bernie has no chance.

One word. Bernie Sanders. Trump's days are numbered.

So just so that I'm not talking out of my ***..

Veto is irrelevant. House won't give him the budget he needs to wage war against Iran. That requires billions of dollars.
They have given billions to Israel and Israel is hungry for more. So they will have to find another target to rob.
Didn't the house accept a budget increase for military spending and they increased the spying power for the NSA same as during the bush times?

Honestly man, an Anti-war congress is a myth. Congress is always pro-war and this is just a sham before the elections. The drunkard Pelosi wants to shame trump by any means possible. Obama had the most anti-war rhetoric during election time and he proved himself to be the most hawkish. So I wouldn't put much thought into these catchy headlines. These politicians are bank rolled by the same people. Already you can see how the elections are being rigged and they are creating misinformation to get hawks like buttigig, bloomberg and bidden elected..

As long as the two party duopoly exists and the current stagnant order in domestic politics stay dont expect the USG to become anti-intervention electoralism has run its course Americans are angry but are confused at the moment

Yeah but the definition of offense and defense is not clear. The killing of Suleimani is seen as a defensive action but in reality it is offensive..

Honestly trump will have another term and he is already impeached. He was just acquitted by a republican congress. DNCs meddling of the elections will create another victory for Trump.

Even if Bernie is elected by a miracle defeats Trump could the Republicans and these "center-left" Democrats switch gears and then say that Bernie was placed in by the Russians the MSM will totally let Trump off the hook then and then Bernie is bogged down in his first term and called a coward for not being pro war enough look at Trump in 2015/2016 he was anti war wanted better ties with Moscow to counter China what happen nothing he is chicken hawk as usual
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