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Selection and election: How China chooses its leaders

I agree in regards to democracy and some of the leaders that come thru majority of the times are disappointing.. As mentioned already Trump and you can also add Zardari-Bhutto, Nawaz etc etc..

Democracy is a failed system and I agree that the chinese system is indeed superior to democracy..

But this type of meritocracy is not fool proof either all tho much better alternative then democracy and the issue with this kind of meritocracy steems from that it becomes a elite heavy government and exclusive decision making where a group of elitist people grap power tightly for centuries if possible just like ancient china where few wealthy and powerful families sit on everything and they just spin the clock and continue for generations within their own elitist families holding all powerful positions sometimes it can be around 5000-10000 families that sit on everything at the top. So technically it doesn't allow others who may outshine them in merit to rise up and they will only select from these who had performed previously in the provinces from within the elite.

This is similar to the government structures during the Tang dynasty, Ming dynasty and Han dynasty etc etc. All tho they were monarchies but still around 4000-5000 families made of the elite and held power across the board and past it down to each other from generations to generations until that dynasty was toppled then came a new elite group that filled the void and setup their own government structures based on the same formula.

This was not only a chinese thing tho but rather a universal issue the same structures were being formed in all ancient empires and dynasties thru out Europe, Africa and the larger Asian continent. You can call it the unwritten human law things always takes that shape.

Democracy can allow elites to shift without toppling that is the only benefit in it but other then that it is worse governance then meritocracy in the overall picture.

The succession struggle has also been a universal issue that has sort of gone away in the modern era both in today's monarchies, democracy and meritocracy..

The best governance law has been written for a century ago it promotes growth, business and peace but just never utilized for over a century now.

The muslim world could use meritocracy as we have some undesireable leaders and riddled by undesireable leaders for the last century or so since post the pax-Islamic world hegemony we have been thru a century long transition period with unfit leaders in higher positions
Your analysis is good, but with some major flaws.

US political system is one of the best nest of crony. What will Us media depict this below if it happens in China?
Crony or Dynasty?

On the other hand, China officials come from the bottom of the society. President Xi start his carrier as a farmer, a true farmer. Not a farmer like Bush Junior. Then govern a small town, a city, a province, vice president. It took President Xi 30 years to step up the ladder.

What Bush Junior did before President? Businessman and a short period of governor.

That's how US empire free fall.
Chinese government always focuses on problem fixing while western ‘’democracies" on blame shifting.
bullshit. chinese government and their supporters want to project a nice face, and always deny their wrongdoings. wrongdoings that are well documented, well proven, but that don't matter to the Chinese govt fanboys, they'll just stonewall everyone with their denials.

perhaps you even believe your own lies. but you can't fool the world, and you can't stop the world from resisting the negative effects of your continued empire expansion efforts.
No one said that.
The difference is corruption is legal under western political system, not the case in China.
it's not legal in the western political system either, but the most wealthy 10% and 1% get away with it via secretive denial and lying tactics.

the actual mechanisms of denial, secrecy and lying differ only slightly between territories like the EU, US, China, Russia, India, etc, etc, etc.
bullshit. chinese government and their supporters want to project a nice face, and always deny their wrongdoings. wrongdoings that are well documented, well proven, but that don't matter to the Chinese govt fanboys, they'll just stonewall everyone with their denials.

perhaps you even believe your own lies. but you can't fool the world, and you can't stop the world from resisting the negative effects of your continued empire expansion efforts.
We surely can't stop or care to stop western lies about China, they always lie about China, I even wonder whether their lies became an integral part of China's success story.
but of course, you guys can also deny that China had a success story at all.
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  1. China has eradicated absolute poverty, phrase one is done, phrase two which will make everyone middle class is on the way.
  2. 2/3 of the net forest increase in the world comes from China alone. India contribute ZERO. Don't listen to NASA bullshit, all green land increase of India come from new farm instead of forest.
  3. China contribute most peacekeepers under UN.
  4. China provides public goods to underdeveloped countries through BRI. There is no debt trap, it's bullshit and propaganda.
  5. India is mini US, the same corruption happens in all level of India government, national, state level, and all other government. The politicians are not hold accountable at all once election is done.
positive change starts by fixing your own mistakes.
your own mistakes have been thoroughly and convincingly documented and published on minor internet sites, defence.pk among them.

to deny them is to keep the powerless and defenseless stuck in (extreme) suffering, and frankly : quite evil.

i'm willing to congratulate China on whatever real progress it makes, but the facts indicate China has a long way to go before it can expect international respect for it's achievements.

phase one of your poverty eradication program for instance, can not be considered completed, when the Chinese state still allows economic slavery to happen on it's soil.
We surely can't stop or care to stop western lies about China, they always lie about China, I even wonder whether their lies became an integral part of China's success story.
but of course, you guys can also deny that China had a success story at all.
well, that makes you a total ostrich ofcourse, but i can live with that.
i can even live with your regular exposures of crimes comitted by westerners in generations that are now long dead.

be happy that i'm not choosing the tactics of pointing the finger back at China whenever you post about western misbehavior.

it wouldn't be hard. there are a lot of bodies of slaves buried underneath your Chinese Wall, there was mass suffering in China in ancient times, even in the more recent history of China (Mao, the conquest of Tibet, etc).

but i find playing a mutual blaming-and-fingerpointing game utterly useless, and i refuse to spend my keystrokes on that.

fact is, all over the Earth, suffering and prolonged suffering happened at some points in history.

we can choose to fight over it today and thus distract ourselves from achieving true peace and cooperation in the present and future,
or we can opt for my strategy for handling these types of distractions : acknowledge your own ancestors' mistakes without grovelling to the current generations over it, and work to keep the actual discussion focused on the present and the future, preferably in an actually honest way.
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