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SEJJIL Family Solid Fueled Guided MRBM/IRBM & SLVs

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There was a picture of Sejjil stages compared to Zoljanah, can anyone bring it up?


The reason I was asking ...

Nobody knows what engine powers Zoljanah for it produces a fearsome thrust of ~750 KN. Thats almost 1.5 times higher than Sejjil's engines.

Many including me feel that Rafay is not just a tested system ... It has been operational, inside Zoljanah all along.

Typical Iran, showed something when its already operational.
If anyone finds some article in English/Farsi related to recent Zoljanah SLV launch please post it here.
Sejjil will retire in favor of Qassem/KS's next generations. Prove me wrong

Sejjil, that lumpy heavy Clumsy missile was absolute Shahkar when it was built by Hassan Tehrani Moghadam. Truely leaps beyond what Iran was capable of at the time.

They don't really need Sejill anymore, Rafee with a small gimballed booster 2nd stage for evasive maneuvers could be on the table, and deliver quite heavy payloads at a 2000km range. Despite the fact that glide RVs can do the job of a Sejill now at less cost, their is still a need for vertical launch solid-fuel missiles to reach longer ranges beyond 2000km, and also to play the ballistic trajectory card (with maneuverable RV) rather than just skip-glide, and the others. Maybe new Sejill would be Rafee based.

Personally, if this nuclear deal does infact fail, Iran could really use a Rafee + Salman based IRBM that covers up to the UK.
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