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Seeking Military Solution to Kashmir Would be Suicidal: Pakistan FM


Sep 20, 2014
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Seeking Military Solution to Kashmir Would be Suicidal: Pakistan FM
© AP Photo / Anjum Naveed
16:18 GMT 26.02.2020Get short URL
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New Delhi (Sputnik): The statement came on the backdrop of recent remarks by Indian politicians on taking back the Pakistan side of Kashmir. The two nuclear-armed nations have fought three wars over disputed Kashmir in the past, with the issue remaining unresolved since 1947.

Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has warned the Indian government that any aggression over Kashmir, as a military solution to the issue, will attract significant retaliation from the other side as well.

"War between two nuclear-armed countries is tantamount to suicide…No one can look for a military solution to the Kashmir issue; it would be mutually suicidal," Qureshi said while addressing a ceremony held in Islamabad to commemorate the first anniversary of Pakistan's response to India's airstrike in Balakot.
The statement came on the backdrop of remarks by Indian leaders about taking back the Pakistan side of Kashmir in the recent past. Last Saturday, a close aid of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP National General Secretary Ram Madhav said that the revocation of special status in August 2019 was a step towards the goal of "Akhand Bharat" (integral India) and the next step, would be to take back the Pakistan-side of Kashmir.

"Our next objective is to take back the Indian land which is under the illegal occupation of Pakistan," a senior member of India's ruling BJP Ram Madhav said while pointing out that Parliament had passed a resolution in this regard in 1994.
Earlier, in January this year, Indian Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane had said that the army would act, once it receives orders to reclaim the Pakistan-side of Kashmir.

Nevertheless, Pakistan Foreign Minister Qureshi once again reiterated on Wednesday that Pakistan and the Kashmiris would never accept "India's illegal move of 5 August".

On 5 August 2019, the Indian government revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmir and divided the region into two union territories which are under the direct control of the Modi government. Pakistan accused India of violating international agreements including the Simla Agreement of 1972 and asked the global community to intervene in the affair.

Last year on 26 February, the two countries reached another war-like situation after the Indian Air Force allegedly destroyed a terror camp in Balakot inside Pakistan. The following day, Pakistan retaliated and shot down one Indian fighter jet.

Pakistan should respond by threatening to take Indian occupied Kashmir by force.
Sounds like a very cowardly statement by Pakistani FM.
Pakistan should respond by threatening to take Indian occupied Kashmir by force.
Sounds like a very cowardly statement by Pakistani FM.

I'm sorry, but imo he sure is an Indian lover coward from PPP Era. I would rather have Asif Ghafoor for this FM job,than SMQ who (again) imo desperate to get PM chair.
I'm sorry, but imo he sure is an Indian lover coward from PPP Era. I would rather have Asif Ghafoor for this FM job,than SMQ who (again) imo desperate to get PM chair.

Hinduvtas will become more emboldened now with statements like this.

Pakistan spanked them in 2019 and threatening to take Indian occupied Kashmir by force will make them quieten down.
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You never take any option off the table and he should not be a foreign minister of a nuclear power let alone of Bhutan. So what happens, if Indian forces tomorrow do a strike and show up somehow at the outskirts of Islamabad it will be suicidal to strike back I guess and Pakistan might as keep the nuclear weapons in some museum.
There is a difference between the approach Zia took and threaten Rajiv and these idiots no wander Moody came up with the lock down of Kashmiris knowing well our elite have changed into wosies only chanting Ram Ram is missing from them. Why do you think Indian army chief and Moddy was claiming Pakistan nuclear threat have been bluffed and he is embolden to went after changing the landscape of Kashmiri territory. We need a new foreign minister not this dumb person who is good for nothing.
Pakistan should respond by threatening to take Indian occupied Kashmir by force.
Sounds like a very cowardly statement by Pakistani FM.

It is a cowardly statement, from a man with a track record for being a doormat.
PM " Easy Life will Destroy You "

FM " War is hard life for You "

I can understand that if war is to happen, Mr. Qureshi stands to lose the slaves he keeps who despite wanting to be Muslims in 1947, were not allowed to become Muslim and continued to work in bondage for British installed 1857 Pir and Shahs and Sahibs.
As a new developments are emerging in the region and after Feb there will be new neighbor country government join with us .It is balance statement from FM to counter Indian aggressive remarks. We are small in population compare to India , so our posture always defensive in foreign policy and Army. Where as Indian are large in population , so there postures is aggressive and stupid.
It is a cowardly statement, from a man with a track record for being a doormat.

I think that is a rational and responsible statement that is intended to reach both Indian politician and Pakistani public. He wants to educate both Indian and Pakistani who think favorably about using military to solve the dispute.
As a new developments are emerging in the region and after Feb there will be new neighbor country government join with us .It is balance statement from FM to counter Indian aggressive remarks. We are small in population compare to India , so our posture always defensive in foreign policy and Army. Where as Indian are large in population , so there postures is aggressive and stupid.
You're right, but it's not just that.
It is about cleaning up a tarnished image and projecting a softer, peaceful image that will get the world onside. The world isn't stupid, it is cottoning on to the true nature of India and Indians. Pakistan needs to exploit this to its advantage.
Peaceful noises are the way to do this.
Haathi ke daant, khaane ke aur, dikhaane ke aur.
That's diplomacy in a nutshell.
I think that is a rational and responsible statement that is intended to reach both Indian politician and Pakistani public. He wants to educate both Indian and Pakistani who think favorably about using military to solve the dispute.

He continues to make us appear weak in front of an enemy who is scoring political points by barking across the border every day. If Modi's rhetoric was matched, he'd be forced to either walk the walk, or be exposed for the fool he is. Instead these idiots, allow him to gain popularity and deflect from his own political failures by attacking Pakistan, completely unchallenged.

He is our Neville Chamberlain - thankfully he's just the FM.

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