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Secularism is not against Islam

Is your religion a Super-Uber religion that every one in the world should know about, exactly why you have so many problems, MY WAY OF THE HIGHWAY, For you its always, Every Non-Muslim can live, but under the relam of Islamic priciples, well tough luck, you aint going to get it. You follow your religion, dont come and tell me how to follow mine
Saudi UAe and Pakistan with its Russian gals and Mujra gals are pure as water..give me a break, I have had it with people like you!!!!Why the hell should i know about Islam or anyother religion; Practice it presonally and at your home and dont tell me how to do mine, again. You try to subjugate people, they will hit back and they will hitback hard. God doesnt want you to obey him, you fool; He want you to understand why he created you, You can ask satan or god wether he loves satan when you both of them, all i can say is GOd loves all his creations
Ha you keep squeeming that we declare its our way or the highway, but seriously man you've done nothing but look down upon Muslims from the start of this thread.

Get off your high horse man...

I myself am a secularist but unlike you dude I don't equate that as a negation of Islam. Islam is a religion, the personal choice of an individual. The state cannot run according to Islam in a secular society. But Islam is not very demanding. It is pro-democracy. Pro rights of minorities. In a perfect world, secular laws won't negate Islam. It's not a perfect world, so I don't ask for perfect Islam nor perfect secular laws. Just the best you can do.

Shariah is a concept. It's not a document of a divine constitution. It's a humanly adaptation of how laws should be based upon our current understanding of the religion.

We've had good and poor implementations of Shariah throughout the history. When it was good, it was better than anything else compared to it's time. In the Prophet's time, compared to the cruel Quraysh, Islam was a progressive, tolerant and a modern society. We had a good run under the 4 Caliphates and then a brief bad period.

In Al Andalusia, what Europe records as the Dark Ages. Islam was busy re-inventing the greek culture, even the hindu and budhist sciences. They peeked in architecture, governance, arts. It was the America of those days.

If you look at India we had various good and bad periods of mughal emperors.

So it's not Shariah per se with a problem, its just how the leader of the time understood it. You are demeaning an entire religion, all the while lacking a coherent understanding of all the facts.
Ha you keep squeeming that we declare its our way or the highway, but seriously man you've done nothing but look down upon Muslims from the start of this thread.

Get off your high horse man...

I myself am a secularist but unlike you dude I don't equate that as a negation of Islam. Islam is a religion, the personal choice of an individual. The state cannot run according to Islam in a secular society. But Islam is not very demanding. It is pro-democracy. Pro rights of minorities. In a perfect world, secular laws won't negate Islam. It's not a perfect world, so I don't ask for perfect Islam nor perfect secular laws. Just the best you can do.

Shariah is a concept. It's not a document of a divine constitution. It's a humanly adaptation of how laws should be based upon our current understanding of the religion.

We've had good and poor implementations of Shariah throughout the history. When it was good, it was better than anything else compared to it's time. In the Prophet's time, compared to the cruel Quraysh, Islam was a progressive, tolerant and a modern society. We had a good run under the 4 Caliphates and then a brief bad period.

In Al Andalusia, what Europe records as the Dark Ages. Islam was busy re-inventing the greek culture, even the hindu and budhist sciences. They peeked in architecture, governance, arts. It was the America of those days.

If you look at India we had various good and bad periods of mughal emperors.

So it's not Shariah per se with a problem, its just how the leader of the time understood it. You are demeaning an entire religion, all the while lacking a coherent understanding of all the facts.

I didnt demean Islam, I demeaned Rebel's version of Islam. There is a difference
Is your religion a Super-Uber religion that every one in the world should know about, exactly why you have so many problems, MY WAY OF THE HIGHWAY, For you its always, Every Non-Muslim can live, but under the relam of Islamic priciples, well tough luck, you aint going to get it. You follow your religion, dont come and tell me how to follow mine
Saudi UAe and Pakistan with its Russian gals and Mujra gals are pure as water..give me a break, I have had it with people like you!!!!Why the hell should i know about Islam or anyother religion; Practice it presonally and at your home and dont tell me how to do mine, again. You try to subjugate people, they will hit back and they will hitback hard. God doesnt want you to obey him, you fool; He want you to understand why he created you, You can ask satan or god wether he loves satan when you both of them, all i can say is GOd loves all his creations

Here we go again with 'adux guide to other people’s faith'! The truth is the so called secular people have thier favorites and non favorites inside. They are not neutral. The biggest terrorists are actually atheists, featuring such philosophies as communism, marxism, capitalism, nazism, racism! The reason why many politicians dislike Islam is because it exposes thier misdeeds. Muslims will hit back in thier own time don’t worry. God created us for a reason, and that was to obey him, those who don’t will go hell and those that do will go to heaven (or in other cases will go to hell and later heaven having replenished thier misdeeds) simple as. If you think someone can just massacre innocent civillians, die and get away with it, i have to say you’re wrong, its up to God whom he forgives and who he doesnt. Everyone is accountable for thier actions...
I didnt demean Islam, I demeaned Rebel's version of Islam. There is a difference

Please tell me my version of Islam, because im confused here! The whole debate began when you posted an article about why secular Islam is better than original orthodox Islam.
You are a zealot, Secular ISlam is better than orthodox islam for the very same reason there are other people living in this world, If all of them cant adjust with each other, Then you have bloodshed. To avoid bloodshed its quite neccessary. No religion should be the super-uber one, for the very fact that humans wont accept subjugation.Its necessary for a better peaceful world

[R]e[b]e[L];51122 said:
Here we go again with 'adux guide to other people’s faith'! The truth is the so called secular people have thier favorites and non favorites inside. They are not neutral. The biggest terrorists are actually atheists, featuring such philosophies as communism, marxism, capitalism, nazism, racism! The reason why many politicians dislike Islam is because it exposes thier misdeeds. Muslims will hit back in thier own time don’t worry. God created us for a reason, and that was to obey him, those who don’t will go hell and those that do will go to heaven (or in other cases will go to hell and later heaven having replenished thier misdeeds) simple as. If you think someone can just massacre innocent civillians, die and get away with it, i have to say you’re wrong, its up to God whom he forgives and who he doesnt. Everyone is accountable for thier actions...

Bring it on!!!! When should the Hindu's hitback for all the atrocities committed against them. Get over this attitude.
I have had it with people like you, Islam doesnt expose anything, its how you interpret it. Racisim, Arabs treat everyother muslim as second class. If it was just to obey him, he wouldnt have given us the freedom of choice and reason. He would have just made us zombie's, or do you think god is stupid.
Life is not black and white, the day you know it, you will understand the true sense of any religion you follow. Every religion has one basic trait, Salvation. You can say your way is right, I can say mine is right, but in the end it is just ways.
You are a zealot, Secular ISlam is better than orthodox islam for the very same reason there are other people living in this world, If all of them cant adjust with each other, Then you have bloodshed. To avoid bloodshed its quite neccessary. No religion should be the super-uber one, for the very fact that humans wont accept subjugation.Its necessary for a better peaceful world


You are intolerant of other peoples beliefs! There is no such thing as secular Islam. There is such thing as secular Muslims. I am not saying that other religions/beliefs should be stopped, where did i mention this? I am merely stating that with shariah law, people can still practise thier beliefs/religions but certain people cannot corrupt society with things such as indecent images, public insulting of other beliefs etc...
[R]e[b]e[L];51134 said:
You are intolerant of other peoples beliefs! There is no such thing as secular Islam. There is such thing as secular Muslims. I am not saying that other religions/beliefs should be stopped, where did i mention this? I am merely stating that with shariah law, people can still practise thier beliefs/religions but certain people cannot corrupt society with things such as indecent images, public insulting of other beliefs etc...

Who is intolerent in the world, everybody knows. So keep dreaming and play the victim card
Kissing in public is not ok with you nor hindu's does that mean it should be stopped, cuz chrisitians are ok with it. Practice your religion at home, Sharia law is from Islam, therfore it will never be accepted by people of other faiths. Who are you to decide what is decent or not, IF you dont like it, Dont look at it and go on your way
Sharia law is from Islam, therfore it will never be accepted by people of other faiths. Who are you to decide what is decent or not, IF you dont like it, Dont look at it and go on your way

If people dont like sharia law, then they have the option of moving to another country.
If people dont like sharia law, then they have the option of moving to another country.

Buddy then I would assume that you feel there is nothing wrong when non-Mulsims countries DO NOT give equal right's to their mulsim citizens?
If people dont like sharia law, then they have the option of moving to another country.

Exactly , and I respect, If you are a Muslim country and you want Sharia Law, By all means. But I hope the feelings in mutual when other countries dont accept sharia law where muslims are a minority. Just like most people have to adhere to Sharia laws in muslim lands, muslims better do the same in other lands, wether its democratic, christian, hindu or otherwise. Its a two way Highway.
Exactly , and I respect, If you are a Muslim country and you want Sharia Law, By all means. But I hope the feelings in mutual when other countries dont accept sharia law where muslims are a minority. Just like most people have to adhere to Sharia laws in muslim lands, muslims better do the same in other lands, wether its democratic, christian, hindu or otherwise. Its a two way Highway.

Adu the Sharia laws are implemented on Muslims only and as such the people from other religions are not forced to follow these whereas the other countries u are mentioning are forcing Muslims to abondon their religious beliefs and accept what they are forcing them to do to.
If they are secular thn why they are not allowng Muslims to carry their religion.
Adu the Sharia laws are implemented on Muslims only and as such the people from other religions are not forced to follow these whereas the other countries u are mentioning are forcing Muslims to abondon their religious beliefs and accept what they are forcing them to do to.
If they are secular thn why they are not allowng Muslims to carry their religion.

It doesnt matter to them or to me, wether its only on Muslims. As I said Muslims dont like it,they can move out of the place. They will be treated like anyother citizen.In the end ,they are humans, so laws are based humans not on religion. That laws made by them will be enforced on all Humans which will not have any religious undertones, and last time I checked Muslims are humans. Practice your religion at home, Laws will be equal and the same for everyone.
It doesnt matter to them or to me, wether its only on Muslims. As I said Muslims dont like it,they can move out of the place. They will be treated like anyother citizen.In the end ,they are humans, so laws are based humans not on religion. That laws made by them will be enforced on all Humans which will not have any religious undertones, and last time I checked Muslims are humans. Practice your religion at home, Laws will be equal and the same for everyone.

Ok put aside religion for a minute (though praying and fasting has nothing to do with any problem with them). come to the human rights so dont u think so its their right as human to dress up the way they want in these countries ???
and the laws they made how can u say are good for all human ??
as far practicing religion at home well they do practice it at home not enforcing them to do so.

BTW when did u last time checked Hinuds are also Human :).
Just like you are supposed to cover up in Saudi Arabia cuz according to them it is decent, In western countries the full niqab not the hijab the total black burqa is not allowed, they see it is subjugation. You as a woman would know very well the amounts of threats, beatings and other social evils, women from south asia has to face. So why should they take our word for it. The amount of honor killings, Sati's, child marriages, polygamy etc.I am sorry I am with them on this. I rather have human decency than religious decency
So if it is not good for all humans, you make special laws for them.Do you think..Sorry I dont think that is right.

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