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Secularism in its truest form

Haha!! And u lost it badly.

*shrugs shoulders and moves on.
No you fool.. Its you who lost half your country and now you don't even dare to look at the reasons behind that...

When I was doing my graduation as an engineer, my H.O.D used to tell me, identifying the problem is the first step of solving the problem and ignoring a problem is the beginning of a bigger problem.

I will let others to decide who is the big looser here. What a waste..
Thats uneducated hidus and muslims in rurel areas causing problems
any such news on urban areas
You can't convince people who don't listen to reasoning and stick to their point no matter what ... this phenomena can be described as below

No you fool.. Its you who lost half your country and now you don't even dare to look at the reasons behind that...

When I was doing my graduation as an engineer, my H.O.D used to tell me, identifying the problem is the first step of solving the problem and ignoring a problem is the beginning of a bigger problem.

I will let others to decide who is the big looser here. What a waste..
Basically its u who is a fool and idiot.

Cuz only those come down to name calling who have no logic and arguument left . And u are one such hopeless person.

And if u cant answer questions then dont dare start arguing.
Basically its u who is a fool and idiot.

Cuz only those come down to name calling who have no logic and arguument left . And u are one such hopeless person.

And if u cant answer questions then dont dare start arguing.

Ahh.. what can I say, Ignorance is bliss.. Did you drop out from school or what ?
Why not International court of crimes?? Why not?
How can I tell you that, it's not my decision to take in the first place.

I'll tell you - because of the issue of "temporal jurisdiction".

@Shamain, do you know when the ICC came into existence? It was in 2002. The principle of temporal jurisdiction (and a few other jurisdictions) dictates the admissibility of complaints to the ICC. Temporal jurisdiction means that only crimes committed on or after 1 July 2002 can be heard by the ICC. And that is only one of many reasons.

In short - the ICC did not exist when the Pak army genocided Bengalis, and the ICC cannot retrospectively admit cases - if so, India and Pakistan would be filing hundreds of cases against Britain, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey etc for every war crime in history.

Secularism isn't ideal kind of religion
Secularism is not a religion.

He says we lost half our country. Only shows what kind of history is taught in india

Pakistan lost more than half its country (by population) in 1971. That is, in 1972 there were less than half as many Pakistanis as there were in 1970. You can check the census figures if you don't believe me.
="ayesha.a, post: 7121042, member: 138553

Secularism is not a religion.

You replace religion with religion. How can you replace islamic ideology with secularism if secularism isn't religion.
I'll tell you - because of the issue of "temporal jurisdiction".

@Shamain, do you know when the ICC came into existence? It was in 2002. The principle of temporal jurisdiction (and a few other jurisdictions) dictates the admissibility of complaints to the ICC. Temporal jurisdiction means that only crimes committed on or after 1 July 2002 can be heard by the ICC. And that is only one of many reasons.

In short - the ICC did not exist when the Pak army genocided Bengalis, and the ICC cannot retrospectively admit cases - if so, India and Pakistan would be filing hundreds of cases against Britain, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey etc for every war crime in history.

[/B]Secularism is not a religion[/B].

Pakistan lost more than half its country (by population) in 1971. That is, in 1972 there were less than half as many Pakistanis as there were in 1970. You can check the census figures if you don't believe me.

If secularism is NOT religion you can't replace it with religion
I'll tell you - because of the issue of "temporal jurisdiction".

@Shamain, do you know when the ICC came into existence? It was in 2002. The principle of temporal jurisdiction (and a few other jurisdictions) dictates the admissibility of complaints to the ICC. Temporal jurisdiction means that only crimes committed on or after 1 July 2002 can be heard by the ICC. And that is only one of many reasons.

In short - the ICC did not exist when the Pak army genocided Bengalis, and the ICC cannot retrospectively admit cases - if so, India and Pakistan would be filing hundreds of cases against Britain, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey etc for every war crime in history.

Secularism is not a religion.

Pakistan lost more than half its country (by population) in 1971. That is, in 1972 there were less than half as many Pakistanis as there were in 1970. You can check the census figures if you don't believe me.

I know by population half of it was gone. but thisis the point Indians always lie and write abt it as if land mass wise half was gone. They better correct their knowledge of thia regions history.

Now icc. I checked true icc was formed in 1998 and Rome statute was promulgated in 2002.

I had known of international court's existence, didnt know there is ICJ and there is ICC. I had confused them both.

Ok ICC works under Rome statute, which is based on three jurisdictions,one being temporal.

Bangladesh is one of the earliest most signatories of this statute. When bangladesh had war crimes issue dating back to 70's then why she didnt show her reservations ? She quickly jumped at signing it. When u have ahistory of genocide u dont show such rush. Nonetheless.

Secondly, bangladesh could have pushed for justice under genocide convention. She didnt.

Bangladesh had even gotten its case listed with ICJ in 73 , but again bangla didnt allow any external body or un authorized investigative body to verify and count the genocide and rape victim numbers.....so the case never went ahead.

NOW MOST IMPORTANT of all bangladesh made ICT in 2009. And bangldesh's own minister of justice, parliamentary affairs Shaique Ahmed had said that tribunal will not try any Pakistani,..........?????now why???? Why he did that. Bangladesh itself backed out from trying Pakistan. This decision had drawn criticism too. Now obviously bangladeshs case against Pakistan is weak so they are backing out.

Lastly, bangladesh lies and claims the ict tribunal to be per international criminal court laws, but its in gross violation of it that even uno anf human rights watch groups have pointed out many times.

a links says a lot.
UN must stop Bangladesh tribunal's execution of opposition leaders and try perpetrators of 1971 genocide
Now icc. I checked true icc was formed in 1998 and Rome statute was promulgated in 2002.

I had known of international court's existence, didnt know there is ICJ and there is ICC. I had confused them both.

Ok ICC works under Rome statute, which is based on three jurisdictions,one being temporal.

Bangladesh is one of the earliest most signatories of this statute. When bangladesh had war crimes issue dating back to 70's then why she didnt show her reservations ? She quickly jumped at signing it. When u have ahistory of genocide u dont show such rush. Nonetheless.

Secondly, bangladesh could have pushed for justice under genocide convention. She didnt.

Bangladesh had even gotten its case listed with ICJ in 73 , but again bangla didnt allow any external body or un authorized investigative body to verify and count the genocide and rape victim numbers.....so the case never went ahead.
You need to learn about the ICJ. The ICJ has jurisdiction only upon consent - ie, it can arbitrate a case only if both parties (ie, two countries) consent to being judged. If Pakistan and Bangladesh both agreed to have the case heard by the ICJ, then the ICJ could have produced a ruling. (And then there would still be the question of enforcement.)

An example was during the 1979 embassy hostage crisis in Iran - the US wanted the ICJ to hear a case regarding that, but Iran did not. So the ICJ could not and did not hear the case. Only if two states willingly approach the ICJ to resolve a bilateral dispute, can the ICJ hear it.

In short, the ICJ does not have compulsory jurisdiction.

Lastly, bangladesh lies and claims the ict tribunal to be per international criminal court laws, but its in gross violation of it that even uno anf human rights watch groups have pointed out many times.

a links says a lot.

Maybe the current trials are politically motivated. But that does not mean that atrocities did not happen in the past. Here, this is what your respected ICJ itself has said about the genocide:

“The ICJ wholly condemns the atrocities committed in Bangladesh’s war of liberation in 1971, notably the widespread and systematic use of rape as a form of torture and the unlawful killings. It is paramount that those responsible should be held accountable,” said Sam Zarifi, ICJ Asia Pacific Regional Director.

That is what ICJ thought about the genocide in East Pakistan; if the ICC had existed back then, quite a few big guns in the Pak army would have been prosecuted, notably Tikka Khan. (He has the dubious distinction of being named the "Butcher of Bangladesh", as well as "The butcher of Balochistan".) Not to mention all the commanders of units that participated in the genocide, in tandem with razakars and al-badr.

I know it is painful to admit, but the entire world knows the rape, torture and mass murder committed by your forces in those years in (what was then) your country.
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