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Secret Indian Military Base in Mauritius Discovered by Aljazeera?

Mauritus should take the notice and shift del the same.
Pakistan has no capability or reach to Mauritius in case of war with India PN & Paf will have no long range assets left to even operate inside pakistan land or waters how you suppose to reach something over 5000 kms šŸ¤£

we heard the same BS before 27 Feb 2019ā€¦ the end results fkedup entire demoralized Indian army deterrence
Mauritus should take the notice and shift del the same.
Pakistan has no capability or reach to Mauritius in case of war with India PN & Paf will have no long range assets left to even operate inside pakistan land or waters how you suppose to reach something over 5000 kms šŸ¤£
as of now even india does not have anything to reach us from 5000 km way. so chill out there and enjoy the beach.
Itā€™s a P-8I base. Defeating the P-8 is a better use of resources then attacking this base, and creating an international incident. Considering itā€™s meant to contain China, if China builds a series of Over the Horizon Radars in Xinjiang and Tibet as well as uses its low observation satellite network, it could find a way to track these planes. Relaying that information to submarines in the area could help avoid this plane or in extremes cases fire a torpedo based Anti-Air missile. Future warfare is all about information and networks and tactics. The P-8 is as formidable as its ability to hunt without becoming the hunted.
You are overhyping a small skirmish, it has no value in the grand scheme of things. India would never have the guts to annex Kashmir on Aug 5th if it was demoralised..!!!
Also the lack of any action by Pakistan after Aug 5th indicates demoralisation of Pakistani state.
Weak economy, terrorism and weak military leadership keeps Pakistan demoralised.
What onground in IOJK has changed after your 5th Aug action?None
You guys on doing just self fellitio on relabelling something you already were having in your hand.
Ever heard of Agni 5, whose official range is over 5000 kms and has been tested with max range multiple times.
I suppose this base isn't meant for BM,rather would act as an outpost for SIGINT and ELINT.
not operational

Typically India does 3 succesful tests before deployment of a Ballistic Missiles Agni V completed that requirement a while ago.

The deployment news is not shared with media specially for system this sensitive but I still found this link. It might be the case Agni V is already deployed in numbers to tackle china threat few years ago but still going by this link from Jan its being deployed and currently in operation.

Typically India does 3 succesful tests before deployment of a Ballistic Missiles Agni V completed that requirement a while ago.

The deployment news is not shared with media specially for system this sensitive but I still found this link. It might be the case Agni V is already deployed in numbers to tackle china threat few years ago but still going by this link from Jan its being deployed and currently in operation.

you can say all you want but i know more about your missiles thn you do. its not operational
you can say all you want but i know more about your missiles thn you do. its not operational

Sure I beleive you šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.

If a crap tabloid like Times of India is saying that its in production which generally gets this kind of info. Years after deployments one should beleive you.

Anyway regarding over 5000 km reach we have operational SSBN with active nukes also. Now tell me your secret on same šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Sure I beleive you šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.

If a crap tabloid like Times of India is saying that its in production which generally gets this kind of info. Years after deployments one should beleive you.

Anyway regarding over 5000 km reach we have operational SSBN with active nukes also. Now tell me your secret on same šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
waiting for you to destroy us, goodluck.
If true this is security threat which should be answered through multiple means. ICBM along with Destroyers and Ballistic Missile carrying Submarines and SLBM and other things. Plus Mauritius should be put on notice that in case of war entire Mauritius will be considered legitimate target
There's a better way, simply threaten everyone doing business with India. Tell em to knock it off else fear the wrath of a nuclear power.

We'd starve in days ;) .
Mauritus should take the notice and shift del the same.
Pakistan has no capability or reach to Mauritius in case of war with India PN & Paf will have no long range assets left to even operate inside pakistan land or waters how you suppose to reach something over 5000 kms šŸ¤£
This only gave reason for Pakistan to develop ICBM and SLBM plus submarines and destroyers for it. Trust me if this gets confirmed those are coming. You are either too dumb or just one big chutya.
Itā€™s a P-8I base. Defeating the P-8 is a better use of resources then attacking this base, and creating an international incident. Considering itā€™s meant to contain China, if China builds a series of Over the Horizon Radars in Xinjiang and Tibet as well as uses its low observation satellite network, it could find a way to track these planes. Relaying that information to submarines in the area could help avoid this plane or in extremes cases fire a torpedo based Anti-Air missile. Future warfare is all about information and networks and tactics. The P-8 is as formidable as its ability to hunt without becoming the hunted.
You have to attack the base. You have no other option.
Nasheed and Solih have really turned Mauritius into an Indian colony.

That too for Narendra Modi, a Guajrati pervert who stalked women using state intelligence apparatus, and who slaughtered Indian Muslims in Gujarat. The genocide in Kashmir is another story altogether.
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