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Secret Diplomacy behind Mumbai Blasts

What a looser this chudhambaram is, this statement was said in one US channal about Pakistan, i watched it where one host said that "you won't find any single country in the world who's position is like Pakistan, Pakistan faces the most troubled & hostile neighbourhood as it's two huge borders are hostile one's & internal chaos multiply problems of Pakistan" He mean to say that none of the country in whole world faces next door threats like Pakistan is facing from Afghanistan & India.

For you in bold.
Why is it that stories emanating from india short of direct evidence are possibilities but when they are from pakistan they are conspiracy theories

Because Pakistanis do not have the access to the crime scene.
Unfortunate that some of our Indian friends are defensive, rather than critical -- We all know that powerful interests do not want to see peace and normalcy between Pakistan and India, agreed??? Should we not explore every reasonable area to see if we cannot shed onlight on who these interests are or represent?? I think we should keep an open mind on this

India is already exploring all possibilities (Read below). I agree all possibilities including some misguided right wing saffron extremists might be behind it should be investigated.

What is irritating is the fact that people in Pakistan keep referring to RSS, VHP and Shiv Sena terror groups. I'd like every Pakistani here to look at MQM and ANP and compare them to the Indian political parties referred to here as terrorists. They have declared "jihad" on your own people calling them Mujahirs! These are political parties we are talking about and they will indulge in Pakistan bashing just like political parties in Pakistan do.
Nothing aimed at you personally Muse but I hope Pakistanis here do a little bit of fact finding before coming out with such ridiculous statements.

Prithviraj Chavan: No, I have instructed that no theory, no group, no suspicious thing should be ruled out. And there is a tendency of late, and you have seen a number of incidents where we jump to a conclusion that a particular group would have done it. So, I told police not to do that, but to look at almost remotest possibility also should not be given up. There are many, many teams that have been created. We have ATS which is working at it. Mr. Maria is looking at the full process.

Full transcript: Couldn't contact police chief for 15 minutes after Mumbai blasts, says Chavan
India is already exploring all possibilities (Read below). I agree all possibilities including some misguided right wing saffron extremists might be behind it should be investigated.

What is irritating is the fact that people in Pakistan keep referring to RSS, VHP and Shiv Sena terror groups. I'd like every Pakistani here to look at MQM and ANP and compare them to the Indian political parties referred to here as terrorists. They have declared "jihad" on your own people calling them Mujahirs! These are political parties we are talking about and they will indulge in Pakistan bashing just like political parties in Pakistan do.
Nothing aimed at you personally Muse but I hope Pakistanis here do a little bit of fact finding before coming out with such ridiculous statements.

Prithviraj Chavan: No, I have instructed that no theory, no group, no suspicious thing should be ruled out. And there is a tendency of late, and you have seen a number of incidents where we jump to a conclusion that a particular group would have done it. So, I told police not to do that, but to look at almost remotest possibility also should not be given up. There are many, many teams that have been created. We have ATS which is working at it. Mr. Maria is looking at the full process.

Full transcript: Couldn't contact police chief for 15 minutes after Mumbai blasts, says Chavan

Wrong comparison. ANP and MQM are Secular political parties. Saffron Brigade is a Hindu religious extremist group that can go to any extent even to plant bombs and blast own people for maligning own Muslims.
Wrong comparison. ANP and MQM are Secular political parties. Saffron Brigade is a Hindu religious extremist group that can go to any extent even to plant bombs and blast own people for maligning own Muslims.

Saffron Brigade....?

Never heard of anything like that in India....is it in Pakistan?
Wrong comparison. ANP and MQM are Secular political parties. Saffron Brigade is a Hindu religious extremist group that can go to any extent even to plant bombs and blast own people for maligning own Muslims.

Secular??? :woot:. I'm sure your fellow countrymen in Karachi would disagree.
Do not generalize what some misguided elements did to political parties. Had there been evidence against the political parties, the Congress and left parties would've been all over them. There are enough people in India who want the right wing parties to be finished. Fact is there is no link between them and the people who perpetrate violence. They may be a pain in the *** political parties, that's it.
Wrong comparison. ANP and MQM are Secular political parties. Saffron Brigade is a Hindu religious extremist group that can go to any extent even to plant bombs and blast own people for maligning own Muslims.

You mean just like Pakistan Army and ISI plant bombs inside pakistan and blast own people for showing that they are also victims of terrror.
You mean just like Pakistan Army and ISI plant bombs inside pakistan and blast own people for showing that they are also victims of terrror.

No they are done by the same Saffron groupies along with RAW and Mossad.

The basic point is this - If Hindus are killed then it is Saffron groups who did it to malign muslims. If Muslims are killed then too it si Saffron groups as Muslims will not kill Muslims.

Solid Pakistani Logic on the overdrive !
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