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Second Chinese carrier construction announced; J-15 made carrier landing


Nov 13, 2009
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Both news are from official government media.

Firm that equipped the Liaoning is set for wave of new orders

The company that played a key role in equipping China's first aircraft carrier is ready to build more "seagoing airbases", its chairman said.

"China is the only one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council not to have an aircraft carrier wholly developed by itself," said Hu Wenming, chairman of China State Shipbuilding Corp.

The company is a major designer and maker of the aeronautical support system for the Liaoning, China's first aircraft carrier, which was refitted from the Soviet Union's Varyag warship.

The Liaoning was commissioned on Sept 25.

'We are ready to build more carriers' |Top News |chinadaily.com.cn

【环球时报记者 马 俊 刘 扬】“歼-15舰载战斗机今日在‘辽宁舰’上圆满完成着舰试验,成功降落。”20日,中国军事网站和微博上流传的这一说法引起网友的热烈欢呼。尽管该消息并没有透露确切来源,也尚未得到官方证实,但此前外界普遍猜测,中国航母距离“完成舰载机起降”这个形成战斗力的标志性事件只有一步之遥。《环球时报》记者20日就此向中国国防部求证,但直至发稿时,相关消息仍未得到确认。

???-15????????? ???????_??_???
Doesn't say they are building carriers. The shipbuilding company is claiming they are ready to build one.
Doesn't say they are building carriers. The shipbuilding company is claiming they are ready to build one.
In China, this is as close to official announcement you're going to get. Remember this is a state owned company. You don't announce you are ready to build unless you've been granted permission to talk by higher-ups.
The crew for carrier need some year to be trained, I don't think domestic Carrier can be inducted before 2015, the big mission among these time is that training encough crew for carrier and pilot that can fly from and land on the carrier, and learn how to manage the life and work, develop and improve it.
For me the domestic carrier, whether be mounted EMALS and Nuclear power is my concern, from the offical, it will be mounted EMALS, so the question is whether it will be NUCLEAR POWERED.
But, first, hope we can have encough and well-trained pilot for them first.
The crew for carrier need some year to be trained, I don't think domestic Carrier can be inducted before 2015, the big mission among these time is that training encough crew for carrier and pilot that can fly from and land on the carrier, and learn how to manage the life and work, develop and improve it.
For me the domestic carrier, whether be mounted EMALS and Nuclear power is my concern, from the offical, it will be mounted EMALS, so the question is whether it will be NUCLEAR POWERED.
But, first, hope we can have encough and well-trained pilot for them first.
What I'm thinking is that the crews on Liaoning will be transferred over to the new carrier once they learn the ropes of operating a carrier battle group. Since construction was just announced, it will be at least 3 to 4 years before the ship would be delivered. That's plenty of time to get the sailors up to speed.
We are not worry to get the new one inducted, cause PN is not an aggressive force.

Understandable but credible deterrence is what every Navy is looking for may it be in the Future. Chinese Navy need not waste resources to get 1 VS 1 ACCs to US but I would still put 5 ACCs to be the requirement of Navy in the Future. By default ACCs have been requirement for PLANAF.
Another STOBAR carrier (replica of Varyag) means that no carrier-borne AEW plane in forseeable
indians looking to get owned again. from this pic below and what the shipbuilder hinted out.. more than enough clues of of what type of carrier going to get built :lol

Hu Wenming suggested the country develop carriers using what he called catapult stroke technology on the flight deck.

Planes on the Liaoning utilise a ski-jump takeoff.

"It is very difficult for fixed-wing Air Early Warning aircraft to use a ski-jump takeoff, and on such a carrier you can only use helicopters for early warning, which actually compromises early warning," he said.

indians looking to get owned again. from this pic below and what the shipbuilder hinted out.. more than enough clues of of what type of carrier going to get built :lol


Probably a tech demostrator. Look at the rusted aiframe of metals, you seriously dont think
it can sustain a carrier landing do you?
congratz but how many China is looking to get as of now?
Probably a tech demostrator. Look at the rusted aiframe of metals, you seriously dont think
it can sustain a carrier landing do you?
You indian also claim varyag is an rusty hull when haul back from ukrarine. Look what happen today?

China is capable of anyhing in technology achievement.
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