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Seattle protects temples, mosques after 'hate' shootings



New Recruit

May 11, 2006
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SEATTLE, Washington (CNN) -- Seattle police were protecting temples and mosques Saturday after a suspected hate killing prompted fears of the Middle East crisis spreading to the United States.

Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske said a Muslim gunman killed a woman and wounded five others at a Jewish center in Seattle, Washington, Friday afternoon, and police were protecting mosques as well as synagogues out of fears of retaliation.

A U.S. citizen, Naveed Afzal Haq, has been arrested and booked on a charge of murder and five charges of attempted murder. (Watch armed police take aim as panicked women run -- 1:44)

The 31-year-old Muslim of Pakistani descent was angry at Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon, officials said.

In a written statement, the Council on American-Islamic Relations on Friday condemned the attack.

"The American Muslim and Jewish communities must do whatever is within their power to prevent the current conflict in the Middle East from being transplanted to this country," the Washington-based civil rights and advocacy group said.

Robert Jacobs, Pacific Northwest Regional director for the Anti-Defamation League, told CNN the group has been warning Jewish institutions to be wary and have adequate security because of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

If they cannot, he said, it would be better for Jews "not to congregate in one location that might be an obvious site."

Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels described Friday's shooting as "a crime of hate." "There's no place for that in the city of Seattle," he said.

"This was a purposeful hateful act, as far as we know, by an individual acting alone."

Haq, who lives in Pasco, 180 miles from Seattle, is being held in King County Jail.

Kerlikowske said Haq walked into the Jewish Federation building shortly after 4 p.m. armed with a large caliber semi-automatic handgun.

He asked for the manager and then started shooting.

One woman was killed and five others wounded, police said.

The five victims were hospitalized; three of the women were wounded critically while the other two victims, including a 37-year-old who is 20 weeks pregnant, were in satisfactory condition.

The wounded ranged in age from 23 to 43. Although all were women, nothing indicated that women were targeted, Kerlikowske said.

Marla Meislin-Dietrich, a co-worker who was not in the building, said staff members recalled Haq as saying: "I am a Muslim American, angry at Israel," according to The Associated Press. The AP quoted her as saying his shooting was described as random.

About 12 minutes after the shooting began, the man laid down his handgun and surrendered to SWAT officers, Kerlikowske said.

Kerlikowske said he believed the shooting was a hate crime, based on what Haq had said to a 911 operator and supervisor. Kerlikowske declined to divulge further details.

"We are also protecting mosques, because there is always the concern of retaliatory crime or retaliatory incident," Kerlikowske said.

Assistant Police Chief Nick Metz said police had no specific information about any threats, but his department had issued an alert on Thursday "reminding officers to be vigilant to monitor synagogues and mosques in the city."
Another report - same news

A man walked into a Jewish organisation here and opened fire, killing one woman and injuring at least five others before he was arrested, officials said.

While police withheld the suspect's identity, he was described as a US citizen of Pakistani descent between 30 and 40 years old.

The gunman who claimed to be a Muslim angry at Israel, forced his way through the security door on Friday afternoon at the Jewish Federation after an employee had punched in her security code, said Marla Meislin-Dietrich, a co-worker who wasn't in the building at the time.

"Staff members said they overheard him saying 'I am a Muslim American, angry at Israel,' before opening fire. He was randomly shooting at everyone."

Naveed Afzal Haq was taken into police custody late Friday for investigation of homicide and attempted homicide. The shooting ended shortly after it erupted about 4 pm. Employees fled the centre as police officers charged to the scene and blocked off several downtown blocks.

The gunman spoke with an emergency services dispatcher, a phone call that led police to call the shooting a hate crime. Mayor Greg Nickels said officers were moving to protect synagogues and mosques, but said there was no evidence of a broad threat.

"This was a purposeful, hateful act, as far as we know by an individual acting on his own," Nickels said. Laura Laughlin, special agent in charge of the Seattle FBI office, said the suspect is a US citizen not from Seattle.

Agents were working to contact his relatives. Authorities have been advising synagogues and Jewish groups to be watchful in the weeks since hostilities erupted in West Asia.

The federation's website describes its mission as "to ensure Jewish survival and enhance the quality of Jewish life by meeting needs locally, in Israel and worldwide." It was among the sponsors of a Solidarity With Israel rally last weekend.

Patti Simon was at work at the federation's newspaper on the first floor when she heard the commotion and what sounded like furniture crashing on the second floor.

"We heard this horrible screaming on the floor above us and shots," said Simon, 52, who sells advertising at the paper. "We didn't know what was happening." Simon called up to her co-workers on the second floor, but got no answer, so she called the police and fled the building.

"People got shot, some of our co-workers," Simon said. "I just got back from Israel and made it out of there half-an-hour before the rockets started."
I better post my 'opinion' before getting a warning from the MOD ;)

In my personal opinion, it doesnt matter what this individual's origin is - what does matter is the kind of rage that he must've felt to actually go through with this. I'm sure he must've known that him going on a killing spree isnt going to solve any problems, if anything, it will only create more problems for muslims in the states.

If only ppl would think before they act. world would be a li'l better off!!!
Naveed Afzal Haq left Pasco on Thursday evening intent on driving to Seattle, despite his mother's pleas that he stay home with his family.

His parents, who for years had witnessed Haq's struggle with mental illness, worried about his ability to cope in a place where he'd never had much luck making friends or holding down jobs, said Larry Stephenson, a Kennewick lawyer speaking on behalf of Haq's family.

Less than 24 hours later, the 30-year-old Haq forced his way into the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle's office and randomly shot six women, killing one. Prosecutors are expected to file charges this week against Haq, who is being held in the King County Jail in lieu of $50 million bail on suspicion of homicide and five counts of attempted homicide.

Haq's parents, Mian and Nahida Haq, released a statement Sunday expressing their shock and sorrow over the shootings. "We could not have imagined for a moment that our son would do this senseless act. This is utterly contrary to our beliefs and Islamic values," the statement provided by Stephenson said.

Haq family statement

"We are shocked and devastated with this tragic event. Our hearts and condolences go to the family of the deceased lady. Our deepest sympathies go to those who have been injured and we pray for their speedy recovery. We could not have imagined for a moment that our son would do this senseless act. This is utterly contrary to our beliefs and Islamic values. We have always believed and practiced in fostering love, peace and harmony with everyone, irrespective of religion, race and ethnicity."
Stephenson said that Haq's parents told him after the shooting that their son had obtained a handgun several years ago and that they had taken it away.

"They are pretty shook up. The shooting was every parent's nightmare," Stephenson said. "They are surprised, shocked and very, very hurt."

Haq was supposed to be in court on Thursday to stand trial on a lewd-conduct charge stemming from allegations that he exposed himself to young women at a Kennewick mall in March. The trial was postponed because Stephenson was tied up on another case in court.

Haq "was pretty indignant" about the misdemeanor allegations and "flat-out denied doing it," Stephenson said.

He said Haq's mother said her son was agitated about the case and she wanted him to stay close to the family.

"Call it a mother's intuition, but she didn't feel good about it, and Seattle was never a good place for him," Stephenson said.

Stephenson said Haq had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder 10 years ago and was taking several powerful medications, including lithium and Depakote. Haq was often depressed, couldn't hold a job and spent a lot of time sleeping, he said.

Haq's parents, who also have a younger son, "have been riding a roller coaster for years," Stephenson said.

He said Haq's parents did not know that in the weeks before the shootings their son had purchased two semi-automatic handguns from Tri-Cities gun shops.

"They were always worried his mental illness was going to act up, and they obviously never wanted him to be around guns," the lawyer said.

Haq's parents are desperate to see their son but they feel "like prisoners in their own home" because of intense media attention, said Stephenson, who is trying to arrange a jailhouse visit this week.

Haq, he said, was clearly troubled and had few friends: "He didn't belong anyplace and that was his problem. He was isolated and alienated. He just didn't fit in and saw himself as getting mistreated."

Haq also seemed self-conscious about his appearance. He wore elevator soles on his shoes to boost his 5-foot, 4-inch frame and often a toupee or ball cap to cover his bald pate, according to a former workmate, who asked not to be identified because he does not want his name associated with Haq.

And though he spoke almost incessantly about working out, Haq was "short and stubby" and not in very good shape, said the man, a 33-year-old actuary who now lives in Chicago.

He said he last saw Haq in May 2005 and spoke to him by phone a month later.

The man — the only friend Haq listed on the social-networking site, Friendster.com — met Haq when they worked at a math-tutoring center at Pasco's Columbia Basin College.

Haq's friend said he couldn't believe the timid, "geeky" man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.

"Are you sure we're talking about the same person?" he said Sunday.

The two would sometimes go to bars after work but Haq never drank alcohol. Haq would often bum Camel Lights from his friend but never bought cigarettes of his own.

Calling himself a "peripheral friend," the man said his own parents are Hindus from India, while Haq's are Muslims from Pakistan. Yet the two never spoke about religion, or world conflicts.

He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.

"I'm beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don't recall him hanging out with anybody else."
My sincere condolences to the family of the innocent victom, I'm filled with shame over my countryman in this!

An eye for an eye will make us all blind, there are other ways to deal with evil.

Its sad! :frown:
JSK said:
I better post my 'opinion' before getting a warning from the MOD ;)

In my personal opinion, it doesnt matter what this individual's origin is - what does matter is the kind of rage that he must've felt to actually go through with this. I'm sure he must've known that him going on a killing spree isnt going to solve any problems, if anything, it will only create more problems for muslims in the states.

If only ppl would think before they act. world would be a li'l better off!!!

Absolutely correct.

But why the rage?

One thing that makes me feel sad is that while the Arabs (the real custodians of Islam since Mecca is there and they think they are the true islamic people) are nowhere in the forefront and are instead laughing up their sleeve having abdicated the rage to Pakistanis.
What makes me sad is the fact that such incidents make headlines in a country where thousands are murdered every year, women get raped and many get killed in criminal circuit etc.

What Haq did was wrong, but since he's a muslim the case will be blown out of proportion.

How many muslims get killed in Israel each year...how many make it to the headlines?
Neo said:
What makes me sad is the fact that such incidents make headlines in a country where thousands are murdered every year, women get raped and many get killed in criminal circuit etc.

What Haq did was wrong, but since he's a muslim the case will be blown out of proportion.

How many muslims get killed in Israel each year...how many make it to the headlines?

Neo, I'm sorry but you're wrong. This case has NOT been blown out of proportion because this individual is a MUSLIM...Muslims do make a big deal of every incident making headline where there's a MUSLIM involved...

this is the US - every story makes a headline one minute and then forgotten the next minute...this story was no different!!!

what should make you sad is the fact that this guy was crazy enough to do this, he must've needed help, which he'll get now, but at the cost of someone's life, unfortunetely. and Yes, coincedently, he was a MUSLIM..go figure!!

Unfortunetely, Thousands are murdered everyday, around the clock, around the world and US is no exception. What matters is that they do everything they can in order to prevent it from happening ever again!
I think JSK has a point.

Anything sensational does find its place in the US media, including a lady wanting to sue because she found a finger in her hamburger and it turned out to be a hoax!
Sir, JSK certainly has good points but you know what I mean if I say that the issue will be blown out of proportion.

You know that there are other forums where some will be referring to this case five years from now...

Don't take the forums as the real world.

If it were so Raptor would be the President of the Moon!

I am sure you understand what it means.

Do use your Moderator's prerogative and delete this post because once you read this poost you will know what I mean.

And anyway, Daily Times carries the news that this Pakistani is a Christian convert, having abandoned Islam.

Technically, as per Islam, he should be killed.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006javascript:; http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/print.asp?page=2006\08\01\story_1-8-2006_pg7_3
Seattle gunman turns out to be recent Christian convert

By Khalid Hasan

Washington: Naveed Afzal Haq, the Pakistani-American who allegedly went on a shooting spree at a Seattle Jewish centre, it turns out, is not a Muslim but a Christian, having disavowed Islam last year.

The picture that emerges is that of a brilliant but very troubled young man who found it hard to come to terms with his environment. His conversion also seems to have sprung from the state of confusion in which he found himself. After dropping out from a dental college in New York, he returned to Seattle and obtained an engineering degree. Last year, he was arrested for “lewd” conduct at a shopping mall and bailed out by a member of the Islamic Centre.

A report in Seattle Post-Intelligencer newspaper described the man as an “enigma”, whose life was full of contradictions. He held a degree in electrical engineering and was the son of a successful engineer, yet he could not keep a regular job. He was smart, creative and skilled as a writer. He recently won an essay contest for a United States Institute of Peace scholarship. “Yet Haq was frustrated at his lack of friends and female companionship. He told friends he felt alienated from his own family, in part because his career had disappointed his father and also because he had disavowed Islam last year, converting to Christianity,” says the report. Haq had begun studying the Bible, attending weekly men’s spiritual group meetings, only to stop coming a few months after his baptism. He had told the group’s leader that he seen too much anger in Islam and that he wanted to find a new beginning in Christianity.

However, when he went on his shooting spree on Friday, he shouted that he was an angry Muslim because of Jewish actions. The newspaper said that he did not appear to be the fanatic religious extremist that he acted when he went on his rampage. Instead some of those who know him think his anger was really directed at problems in his personal and professional life. “Naveed had the profile of the guy who just couldn’t get things together,” Erik Neilsen, who let Haq live with him for three months in 2004, told the newspaper. He thought that several problems compounded for Haq, and he just exploded. “I wish I could have done something about it. I look back in retrospect and say ‘Is there anything I could have done?’”

Last winter, said the Post-Intelligencer, Haq began attending a weekly men’s group meeting led by a member of the Word of Faith Church in Kennewick. The group’s leader, Albert Montelongo, said Haq started studying the Bible and in December he underwent a baptism at the non-denominational church, performed by Montelongo. He said Haq accepted his new faith, though he knew that he would also be offending his own family and its deeply rooted culture.

Haq’s father, Mian Haq, was among the founders of the Islamic Centre of the Tri-Cities in Richland. Montelongo said Haq seemed depressed by the tension that had grown between him and his family. And he said Haq talked about suffering from bipolar disorder, but that he had seemed to improve in how he coped with what Montelongo described as ‘his own anger’.

A few months after he was baptised, though, Haq stopped coming to the men’s group meetings. Montelongo last heard from Haq in a message that said he was going to Seattle to find a job. He said he tried to call Haq several times but never reached him. “I don’t understand that. That throws me off from everything he was doing here,” Montelongo said. “That blew me away.”

Muhammad Kaleem Ullah, a member of the Islamic Centre of Tri-Cities, told the Seattle newspaper that Haq stopped attending regularly after he graduated from Richland High School in 1994. He said Haq would attend off and on while visiting his parents and that he surprised members on a Friday two weeks ago with a visit. “This is a totally sad day for us. This is the closest I’ve ever come to something like this,” said Kaleem Ullah. “What could have been going on in his brain has been very hard to figure out.” After high school, Haq enrolled in dentistry school at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York state, something his father encouraged. But after about four years of study, Haq decided to quit school and return home. That also created some tension between father and son, Ullah said. Instead, he went to Washington State University, where he earned a degree in electrical engineering. In March, Haq was arrested for lewd conduct at a Tri-Cities mall. It was Kaleem Ullah he called to bail him out of jail, because Haq was too embarrassed to call his own family, Kaleem Ullah said.

Haq was working as a security guard as he looked for a proper job. His friend Nielson said it seemed odd that someone with a degree in engineering had taken an unskilled job. It seemed to him that Haq had trouble keeping steady employment and that he often lacked focus in his career. His friend was of the view that Haq’s issues with family, his religion and even his social life just compounded. He said he believed his friend wanted desperately to fit into mainstream US society, but felt like an outcast in his own family.

Just what I wrote in my post.

He should be exterminated as per Islam unless he recants and reconverts.
Not that it changes anything, but Haq was reported to have committed the crime out of religious hate...muslim against jew...

I'm confused now...:confused:
I am more confused.

But I am not confused that the media makes good money by spinning confusion and chaos, be it in any country.

The media is the evil that is creating all these rifts.
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