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Search for Covid-19 origin 'poisoned by politics', says WHO expert

Did the virus started in Maryland or Wuhan? There's your answer.

Yes, that is the question.

Fort Detrick subcontracted their work out to Wuhan. I believe that the same (Chinese) female scientist who worked on the project in America, also worked on it in Wuhan. There was a transfer of funds to Wuhan from Dr. Fauci to pay for the research.
The non political move is for china to allow inspectors inside the wuhan lab & let them investigate it from there.
Already done. Over 20 experts from all over the world visited Wuhan and the lab. Report already out.
Now is US turn.
Already done. Over 20 experts from all over the world visited Wuhan and the lab. Report already out.
Now is US turn.

While waiting an entire year, shadowed by government minder, can't independently investigate & only given one sided data from the government.

Why do you think there's another call to check the wuhan lab again?

Prove it the virus started in Wuhan.

That's what the investigations are for honey.

Yes, that is the question.

Fort Detrick subcontracted their work out to Wuhan. I believe that the same (Chinese) female scientist who worked on the project in America, also worked on it in Wuhan. There was a transfer of funds to Wuhan from Dr. Fauci to pay for the research.

If only China would play along & help with the investigations to proves whether or not you're saying is true.
Politics or no politics,it has to be investigated ,millions who died and their families should get justice.it was not a natural virus as no virus has mutated multiple times in such a short time in recorded history ,it escaped from a lab intentionally or unintentionally.
You forgot to add your disclaimer:

*Of course that investigations exludes investigating ourself and our military axis members with a history of using chemical, bio and nuclear weapons against humanity and running hundreds of bioweapon labs and leaking bioweapons before and the verdict will be drawn based of a popular vote by us and key military axis members, not actual findings and logical reasoning, because we already presume innocence and absolutely honesty from us and our military axis members with a proven not just propagated recorld of lying about topics like these, before any investigation.

But go on pretending you guys arent just trying to shift blame and responsibility for your personal grudges that have nothing to do with the virus.
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Already done. Over 20 experts from all over the world visited Wuhan and the lab. Report already out.
Now is US turn.
Nonoo thats not how it works, honey! As per the criminal who appointed himself as judge, jury, police and witness, you investigate the victim until the criminal so many times again until the criminal either judges the victim guilty or gets bored and finds another topic to point fingers at the victim. Anything else is missing "the point"
Go to the moon, have a moon rover investigate moon land sites of the us to see if the Apollo missions were real or faked, a dummy lander could have been sent. However planting a flag would be difficult, without humans, any device that can plant flags would stand out as alien to the missions. Can the Chinese moon rover on the far side of the moon go there and investigate.

Expose the lie on the moon landings, and accuse the usa of lying more on this lab leak.
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