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Scythians - The Greatest Warriors of World

So are Pakistanis and Afghans (Pashtuns) descendents of greatest warriors of world? (who were defeated by few barbaric invading tribes and forcefully made to convert to a foreign religion)
Parthians, ossesitians and pashtuns are considered schythian or saka. Word saka means "blood brother" in pashto.

Parthians, ossesitians and pashtuns are considered schythian or saka. Word saka means "blood brother" in pashto.

does that come under 'Iranians'? Wikipedia says Afghans are Iranic people.
One more thing. Are they pure blood Iranians or a mixed race? I mean about the present day Pashtuns.

Iranian or more precisely indo-iranians is a broad linguistic group in which various ethnicities are included e.g iranis, pakhtuns, kurds, ossestiations, baloch etc. Here irani nationals are not some kind of standards and rest of indo-iranians are to be compared. If you ask me about purity of pashtuns then i dont know how to measure racial purity... There are certain groups which are considered mixed which resulted from admixtures of various groups e.g punjabis and hindkowans or urdu speakers are admixtures of various ethnicities and castes...but pashtuns are like one big family, all of the tribes are related to each other...we pashtuns also have arabs, gujjars, shiekhs etc among us but they are not considered "true pashtuns"...so i guess we are only group in the region which has maintained such distinct tribal lineage...more like arabs...
Iranian or more precisely indo-iranians is a broad linguistic group in which various ethnicities are included e.g iranis, pakhtuns, kurds, ossestiations, baloch etc. Here irani nationals are not some kind of standards and rest of indo-iranians are to be compared. If you ask me about purity of pashtuns then i dont know how to measure racial purity... There are certain groups which are considered mixed which resulted from admixtures of various groups e.g punjabis and hindkowans or urdu speakers are admixtures of various ethnicities and castes...but pashtuns are like one big family, all of the tribes are related to each other...we pashtuns also have arabs, gujjars, shiekhs etc among us but they are not considered "true pashtuns"...so i guess we are only group in the region which has maintained such distinct tribal lineage...more like arabs...

Kurds and baluch are not "iranic" people per say...! Also punjabi is not a race or ethnicity its more of a culture... Punjab itself has various races or ethnic groups.
Scythians are the forebears of most Indo- European nations today, and yet we know so little about them.

And yet claiming they are the fore-bearers of most IE nations today? The fore-bearers of Indo-European tribes/subraces were the Proto-Indo-Europeans

Scythians were merely one of many Indo-European ethnic groups. They lived on the Ukrainian steppes in the west and the Altai mountains in the East. Heck no did not live in Ireland or Scandinavia. You seem to be confusing them with Vikings, Proto-Celts and other Indo-European ethnic groups. The Proto-Indo-Europeans lived around the Black Sea basin, until they spread leaving descendents behind such as the Celts, Illyrians, Germanics, Slvas, Batls, Iranics (which Scythians belong to), Indo-Aryans (which Punjabis, Sindhis etc. belong to).

Indeed the languages spoken today such as English, Urdu, Punjabi are all derived from the Proto-Indo-European language (known as PIE for short) span from Iceland to the bay of Bengal and later on the Americas and the pacific (Australia, new Zealand etc.). Scythians were merely a part of the Indo-European family, nothing more. Scythian was an Iranic language.
Kurds and baluch are not "iranic" people per say...! Also punjabi is not a race or ethnicity its more of a culture... Punjab itself has various races or ethnic groups.

Of course they are Iranic? What do you mean they aren't? If you mean the brahuis who are assimilated into Baloch culture and language, those aren't Iranic, but the ethnic Baloch and Kurds are definitely Iranic, of the northwestern branch
Of course they are Iranic? What do you mean they aren't? If you mean the brahuis who are assimilated into Baloch culture and language, those aren't Iranic, but the ethnic Baloch and Kurds are definitely Iranic, of the northwestern branch

We baluch have arabic roots not persian... google it.
Scythian is a general term applied to nomads living on the northern shores of Black Sea. Herodotus spoke in his 4. Book about Scythians detailed. Scythians used to communicate eachother using seven (7) different translators.

If you are searching for ancient Pashtuns, search for Massagetae. They are the ones close to Afghanistan.
We baluch have arabic roots not persian... google it.

Where and when did i claim Baloch have persian roots? Do you know what the term iranic means? Let me explain. It's a term for ethnic groups closely related. Persians are just one of many Iranic peoples others include Pashtuns, Kurds etc. It also refers to the Iranic language family of which Baloch is a member of. Other Iranic languages include Farsi, Tajik, ossetian, Kurdish, Pashto. You should at least know what you're writing about. The theory of Baloch being Arabs was there. That Baloch were Arabs but switched to an Iranic language, however genetics doesn't support that theory.
Where and when did i claim Baloch have persian roots? Do you know what the term iranic means? Let me explain. It's a term for ethnic groups closely related. Persians are just one of many Iranic peoples others include Pashtuns, Kurds etc. It also refers to the Iranic language family of which Baloch is a member of. Other Iranic languages include Farsi, Tajik, ossetian, Kurdish, Pashto. You should at least know what you're writing about. The theory of Baloch being Arabs was there. That Baloch were Arabs but switched to an Iranic language, however genetics doesn't support that theory.

Correct. Genetically, Balochis aren't Arabs or Semitic. Although if I'm right, Balochis cluster more with Pakistanis than with Iranians.
The real descendants of those ancient warriors are the Ossetians, another Iranian people.
They still speak an Iranian language. ^

That's a strong theory but unlikely. Ossestians are most likely indigenous Caucasian people like the Circassians, Chechens, Georgians etc. but switched to an Iranic language. Like the Azeris, they are mostly Turkic by language, but not racially of Turko-Mongol descent, they are native Caucasians.

Question 1) what makes them Iranian? Did they emigrate from Iran to Russian steppes?
Question 2) which language did they speak? And what proof can you bring?
Question 3) if Scythians were a single clan, who are the ancestors of Finno-Ugric people living in And around Ural Mountains?
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