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SC to decide on Sanjay Dutt today, yr predictions pls

Place your bets: A) SC will acquit SanjayDutt B) SC will let him off on probation C) SC will dismiss the case D) SC will defer verdict......says mediacrook


Sanjay Dutt's conviction upheld, gets five years in jail.


1) Let's start with Sanjay Dutt : In 2009, you said this: “I was there (in jail) for 3.5 years and was tortured because my mother was a Muslim, and I was a Muslim's son.” in public. [link]

Sir, Are you not ashamed to say such a thing, after decades of love, affection and support given by the Indian society?

You are married three times and your first two wives were Hindus -- Richa Sharma and Rhea Pillai.

In spite of being caught with an illegal AK 56 gun at your home, that too during a very sensitive early 1990s of Mumbai, your loyal fans adored you as Munna Bhai during later years. They never deserted you. In fact, your loyal fans (yes, most are Hindus), prayed for you, putting your picture next to their beloved God Ganesha.

You have been exposed by media of having links with dangerous gangsters, but people have pardoned you. [Link]

You have admitted even in the Supreme Court that you had dinner with India's most wanted terrorist and gangster. But still people watch your movies. [Link]

Your father has been elected to Indian parliament 5 times and your sister is also a politician just like you.

So, sir, why play sick communal card bringing disrepute to your entire fan following, the system you has made you a celebrity and your own country? Fight a case by its merit in the court if needed, but not by playing victim in the public. Should we say shame on you?
He's not being tried on the 1993 blasts any more. Only illegal possession of arms.

5 years sounds harsh.
He's not being tried on the 1993 blasts any more. Only illegal possession of arms.

5 years sounds harsh.

:tdown: possession of ak-47 not some 9mm , he had connection with underworld too.
Burqa Dutt tweets:

barkha dutt ‏@BDUTT 16m
Sanjay Dutt has already served 18 months of his term in prison. For the remaining time of five years he will have to surrender in 4 weeks
:tdown: possession of ak-47 not some 9mm , he had connection with underworld too.

On the connection part he was acquitted... So you have to expunge that from the record and talk about possessing just illegal weapons.
SanjayDutt has met his fate.. Next will have to be media darling Salman Khan

On the connection part he was acquitted... So you have to expunge that from the record and talk about possessing just illegal weapons.

Acquital can be on the grounds that there was no enough prosecutable evidence at THAT time. It does not mean records being expunged for such criminal cases for later date trials.

"SoniaG man Congress member SanjayDutt to go to jail" ... LOL! I wonder why headlines arent reading like that....
On the connection part he was acquitted... So you have to expunge that from the record and talk about possessing just illegal weapons.

:no: well now SC orders cant be changed can it? he will enjoy jail meal , maybe some smart *** lawyer will find some idea.
SanjayDutt has met his fate.. Next will have to be media darling Salman Khan

Acquital can be on the grounds that there was no enough prosecutable evidence at THAT time. It does not mean records being expunged for such criminal cases for later date trials.

Acquittal means acquittal. Ba izzat bari.

Lack of evidence means not guilty.

There's no question of lingering seepage of an acquittal to add to an illegal weapons case.
Acquittal means acquittal. Ba izzat bari.

Lack of evidence means not guilty.

There's no question of lingering seepage of an acquittal to add to an illegal weapons case.

You are talking about a partial acquittal here.
Dont you see he got 5 years for his convictions...

If the judge ORDERED the expunging of records, then its entirely up to a judge. But have we seen that?
:no: well now SC orders cant be changed can it? he will enjoy jail meal , maybe some smart *** lawyer will find some idea.

There is a review process.

My understanding is that SC was handing out verdicts en masse and I think it couldn't show leniency to an actor and give hard time to the rest.

If the case is reviewed I think the 18 months he spent in jail are enough.

He's an old man now. Probably done with his youthful mistakes. He should be allowed to go free.
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