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Saving the Cows, Starving the Children

Well it is a choice you made presumably once you grew up. The other children are free to do so too. The state has not banned eggs outside of schools.

What of the NV families who cannot afford eggs but would like their children to eat them if the school provided ?

Once again, the point is why should everything be top - down ?

Make options available & let people decide.
Thats just an example.
The word itself is problematic because of its meaning in former times . Anyways, the point is that there is no evidence that there were Hindus 30,000 years ago

Actually there is limited evidence based on Hindu Religious records. Its quite another thing that you do not recognize it as evidence.
Religion is like a disease to this nation.... creating tension, misplacing priorities, holding back rural areas in the dark ages etc etc

Religion is something which keeps society togather (If religion is understood in the sense of ethical code of mankind and not for groups based on cast, creed, color or geographical area)., Religion is the main source of ethical behavior without which the society can not survive.
How unfortunate ...

What is life if without the following


What of the NV families who cannot afford eggs but would like their children to eat them if the school provided ?

Once again, the point is why should everything be top - down ?

Make options available & let people decide.

Those NV families should work hard to make enough money to give eggs to their children.

Alternatively they should vote for a govt. that promises eggs to their children. Look to check if the communist or the congress is promising that.

People have decided and BJP has been voted to power. They had an option, they chose BJP.
Open a thread named what have you eaten which you think is matter of bravery and masculinity.
All of egg , beef and pork hater would give you counting what they have which list have only humans spared.

I am vegetarian but I fully support the idea of egg due to bad quality of food provided in mid day meal. In this method we can pull out most of our under privileged children from malnutrition.
What of the NV families who cannot afford eggs but would like their children to eat them if the school provided ?

Once again, the point is why should everything be top - down ?

Make options available & let people decide.

Sorry, the state cannot afford a buffet lunch for school children.

NV families in India too eat vegetarian food and if they want to provide their children non-vegetarian food, it is better they provide it at home.

As to why everything is top-down, it is because we are a democracy and not an anarchy. We elected representatives to make decisions for us and they are making it fine as far as I am concerned.
Actually there is limited evidence based on Hindu Religious records. Its quite another thing that you do not recognize it as evidence.

Show it then, I`d like to know about 30,000 year old evidence
Religion is something which keeps society togather (If religion is understood in the sense of ethical code of mankind and not for groups based on cast, creed, color or geographical area)., Religion is the main source of ethical behavior without which the society can not survive.

He does not mean evolved religion like "christianity". He means pagan religion. :disagree:
Well it is a choice you made presumably once you grew up. The other children are free to do so too. The state has not banned eggs outside of schools.

Why does the state should do such a thing when it's a fact,established beyond any doubt,that children need atleast 2 gms of animal protein per each kg of their respective body weight,in order to properly develop their muscular and skeletal systems??Don't you think that by banning eggs in the mid day meal system,the government is actually purposefully depriving the poor students off their necessary nutrition??If the CM doesn't like non veg,then he can practice his vegan-ism at his home,who the hell is he to stop others from eating what they want to??Who is he to dictate his terms and conditions upon others??
Religion is something which keeps society togather (If religion is understood in the sense of ethical code of mankind and not for groups based on cast, creed, color or geographical area)., Religion is the main source of ethical behavior without which the society can not survive.
What about societies that are mainly atheist ?
LOL. Poor try.

Christianity and Paganism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Failure is probably a way of life for you. Especially when debating with me. :P

Are you really trying to claim that on a thread that says "saving cows, starving children" and debating eggs by a Hindutva govt., your comments on "religion" was not on "Hinduism" ? :cheesy: ............ how stupid do you think most posters are ? :P

Its rather sad that you have now been reduced to issuing "certificates" to me :lol: ........... Nothing says owned better than that.

I remain thankful that no pastor or Frier "educated" me. Looks like they did a good job on you. Your religious education is getting the better of you. Or maybe this is your best ? :azn:

Your frustration seems to know no limits. Funny how you havent answered a single point made by me..

But again, show us where I propagate my Christian campaign to turn you all into slaves of the Vatican!

Just give me ONE post and I happily accept each and every claim made by you
Thats just an example.
The word itself is problematic because of its meaning in former times . Anyways, the point is that there is no evidence that there were Hindus 30,000 years ago

Hinduism has not starting date and so there is no evidence that 30,000 years ago there was no Hindus either. As I said Hindus have always existed, the term Hindu is new, but the people are not.

This is the definition of Pagans: An adherent of a polytheistic religion in antiquity, especially when viewed in contrast to an adherent of a monotheistic religion.

We are polytheistic and have always been since antiquity. The word is not problematic for us but sure it is problematic for Christians given their history of persecution of pagans which they are continuing to this day.
Hinduism has not starting date and so there is no evidence that 30,000 years ago there was no Hindus either. As I said Hindus have always existed, the term Hindu is new, but the people are not.

Thats not how things work, either you have evidence to support claims or they remain hypothesis, myths, legends or sometimes simply nonsense.

I mean there isnt any evidence that there havent been airplanes 30,000 years ago as well....

This is the definition of Pagans: An adherent of a polytheistic religion in antiquity, especially when viewed in contrast to an adherent of a monotheistic religion.

We are polytheistic and have always been since antiquity. The word is not problematic for us but sure it is problematic for Christians given their history of persecution of pagans which they are continuing to this day.

Thats a very lose definition. You could fit any prehistoric religion or world view from some caveman into it.

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