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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

Dangerous accusations from Germany:

German intelligence chief: Qatar funds extremist mosques in Europe Former German intelligence chief August Hanning accused the State of Qatar of funding extremist mosques in Europe, especially in Germany, which led to terrorist acts that killed dozens in Germany and Europe, And the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in this regard.

According to Sky News, Hanning called for the suspension of funding of mosques promoting extremism in Europe as part of anti-terrorism efforts in European countries, citing Qatar and Turkey by name in this context, referring to foreign funding in general, especially from the Gulf region.

In an article in the newspaper Söddeutsche Zeitung entitled "We Are Against Them," Hanning criticized the currents of political Islam, especially the Muslim Brotherhood, which he said controlled the Manchester mosque, where the Manchester United suicide bomber had radicalized them. Hanning, which is dominated by hardliners and funded from abroad, In their communities and their acceptance of the values and ideals of the European societies in which they live. "This is done through donations from rich citizens and the granting of religious institutions and religious ministries from the Gulf states such as Qatar, Pursuing an agenda or strategic plan to carry out missionary work and spread Islam in Europe. "How does the religious establishment in that" small, rich state "follow a fundamentalist approach and support the Brotherhood and Hamas?

"The opening of the largest mosque in Malmö, Sweden, accommodates 2,000 people to be the largest mosque in Scandinavia, as well as the transformation of a stunning historic building into a 30 million euro mosque in Florence, Italy," he said. In Spain, Denmark, France and Germany, who pays is who usually sets all the rules. "

He points out that this funding appears to be a service to Europe, but on the contrary comes with values and ideas that are incompatible with European values.
"Another example known to all is Turkey, the strength and influence of the Turkish religious affairs presidency in Europe, and its branch in Germany, known as the Turkish Islamic Union (Ditib), which is in close consultation with Ankara on everything, not just Friday sermons."


Senator John McCain: Qatar funds terrorist organizations that kill US soldiers


Washington: Worst of Gulf crisis "behind us"



Director of the Information Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: # Qatar does not need food or medicine relief, but is still providing assistance to the affected areas.( in Syria and elsewhere)
Doesnt Saudi Arabia also "fund" mosques too? So how come no mention of them? Sorry, but the timing of all these "Qatar funds extremism" is very particular.

This is what am concluding- Trump's administration has put into faster gear, the formation of Arab NATO(to contain Iran),so that the US can focus on containing China in SCS. Same thing with giving EU peripheral states more "support",so that they can be less afraid of Russia and stand more successfully against her incase of any issues. All so that US can refocus on Asia and start serious containment of China.

Arab NATO will obviously take more time. Without serious participation of Pakistan or/and Egypt, this Arab NATO will still call on US to support them.
Doesnt Saudi Arabia also "fund" mosques too? So how come no mention of them? Sorry, but the timing of all these "Qatar funds extremism" is very particular.

This is what am concluding- Trump's administration has put into faster gear, the formation of Arab NATO(to contain Iran),so that the US can focus on containing China in SCS. Same thing with giving EU peripheral states more "support",so that they can be less afraid of Russia and stand more successfully against her incase of any issues. All so that US can refocus on Asia and start serious containment of China.

Arab NATO will obviously take more time. Without serious participation of Pakistan or/and Egypt, this Arab NATO will still call on US to support them.

Its like Mcdonalds is accusing KFC of selling chickens...:-)
The New York Times: The crisis created by Qatar could reshape the Middle East

The crisis in the Gulf, in which the United States and Iran are clashing and threatening to drag Turkey into it, could create a major dilemma for the man who toppled his father, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, the newspaper said in a report.

The newspaper added that the new prince thought that "Qatar" will find the security it sought only through the competition with the big countries, and the question was: how can they do it?

"His bold plan was launched from a regional cold war, in appropriate time, not only in the oil-rich Gulf policies, but also in the entire Middle East, culminating in last week's crisis."

The New York Times said: "It seems that Qatar's strategy announced its failure at last, last week, after the embargo imposed by the Gulf states."

The newspaper pointed out that Qatar in its pursuit of independence of its policy has established relations with Iran, and established business relations with Israel, hosted a large US air base, pointing out that part of this policy was aimed at challenging Saudi Arabia.

Qatar has established Al-Jazeera to use it as a soft power, through which it strengthens its influence. And used its history as a haven for exiled Islamists. When foreign governments wanted to deal with the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the Chechen separatists and even the Taliban, they did so via Qatar.

The newspaper said the United States had found Qatar a useful and sometimes troublesome tool, using it as a base for Afghan peace talks. And relied on its air base in Qatar for the war in Iraq and later on its raids in Syria, but even with its growing influence, Qatar was unable to prove its regional presence and its allies suffered setbacks despite its support for them with money and the media and sometimes weapons for the establishment of friendly governments, resulting in violence in Libya on for example.

The report concluded by saying that although few expect the escalation of the Gulf confrontation into violence, it remains unclear how this crisis can be resolved. It is not excluded that this crisis will bring another phase of instability and global alliances to an area that already has much.

Pakistan , Saudi Arabia created taliban , Qatar support for banned terrorist organization "Islamic State" , Turkey double game on ISIS, Iran operatives in Syria. Everybody supported terrorism. Everybody raising the question in democratic countries , Does the Muslim brotherhood has ties to terrorism.
About milking a cow:



June 14, 2017

Qatar Signs $12 Billion Deal to Buy 36 F-15 Jets From U.S.
Doesnt Saudi Arabia also "fund" mosques too? So how come no mention of them? Sorry, but the timing of all these "Qatar funds extremism" is very particular.
"Hanning called for the suspension of funding of mosques promoting extremism in Europe"..
Saudi arab, its ruler and its minion UAE are in deep trouble.
1) US senate approved selling F15 aircraft to Qatar. That means joint saudi and israeli lobby failed to block that.
2) US sent warship stating they will hold joint naval exercise with Qatar.
3) US secretary of state announced declaring "brotherhood" as terrorist organization is not possible.

As I was saying US left saudi arab in the middle of the road with utter loss of face in front of arabs and world. Even saudi funded terrorists will think differently about house of saud.
Saudi arab, its ruler and its minion UAE are in deep trouble.
1) US senate approved selling F15 aircraft to Qatar. That means joint saudi and israeli lobby failed to block that.
2) US sent warship stating they will hold joint naval exercise with Qatar.
3) US secretary of state announced declaring "brotherhood" as terrorist organization is not possible.

As I was saying US left saudi arab in the middle of the road with utter loss of face in front of arabs and world. Even saudi funded terrorists will think differently about house of saud.
Qatar will get 36 F15 for 12 billion dollars while KSA for 26 billion got this:


Now, that is what milking looks like for you all Ikhwanis.
Qatar will get 36 F15 for 12 billion dollars while KSA for 26 billion got this:
Now, that is what milking looks like for you all Ikhwanis.

Milking is the not issue that is true across all arab countries. Issue here is saudi arab is left with utter shame by its master US.

Did Saudi king ask US, if they are are with Saudis or with Qatar????
the Ex FM and PM of Qatar declared that his country received the American troops to conduct airstrikes against Iraq and other Muslim countries after Saudi Arabia kicked them out, but some naive PDFers still think that Qatar is playing a good role in the Muslim world with its current policies.


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