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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

The Saudis spread FITNA IN RAMADAN among the muslims !!! You are just a bunch of Western puppets including egyp,, UAE (israel lovers and behind the coup in turkey) ect. Be ashamed of yourselfs !
Western Puppet my a** , what about your NATO air bases.... What about you begging to enter EU..
Israel Lovers...!!
What about your direct military cooperation between Turkey and Israel...?!?

If you just read and educate your self to know that Egypt is the only country that defeated Israel and we get our land back by War and peace...and after 30 years others are following Egypt.
Turkey fought isis in Syria, weres Egypt? Yeah right nowhere to be seen...

We have too many MB and ISIS members traveld to ISIS in Iraq and Syria through Turkey... And if your country doesn't know that it is a problem..... And if they know The problem is even bigger.
As for Egypt we supplied Iraq with weapons, ammo and trained their troops....also we faught ISIS in Sinai and Libya who are supported by their counterparts in Syria and Iraq.
We have too many MB and ISIS members traveld to ISIS in Iraq and Syria through Turkey... And if your country doesn't know that it is a problem..... And if they don't ... The problem is even bigger.
Yeah well the problem is cherrypicking a couple thousands among 40 million tourists is quite hard, you as an egyptian should know that, or did your goverment approve the jet bombing last year?
Despite that thousands have been deported back to europe or jailed, even the brüssel bomber was repoted to European intellicence agencies by Turkey which still didnt help.
Anyways the wall and Operation Euphrates shield dried out that channel, Turkey did its duty to fight isis and stop their infrastructure in the country.

As for Egypt we supplied Iraq with weapons, ammo and trained their troops....also we faught ISIS in Sinai and Libya who are supported by their counterparts in Syria and Iraq.
You have isis presence in your country but moan about Turkey?
Your couple airstrikes and weapon help arent really comparable to Euphrates Shield.
You have isis presence in your country but moan about Turkey?
Your couple airstrikes and weapon help arent really comparable to Euphrates Shield.

Euphrates shield is all about securing your boarders against Kurds + some ISIS fights .... Try to read about that more from non-Turk sources......but good for you.
As for ISIS in Sinai ..... (Don't be so shocked) we destroyed them...just ask your government about TV channels from turkey (Arabic) that support ISIS.

As for Libya.....after our couple of Strikes.....Magles shoura Benghazi( a terrorist group) declared the defeat and dissolved it self.,
also a couple of Strikes killed 1 of the most important terrorist in Libya and his close group and guards.

A couple of Strikes allowed the Libyan Army to enter Gafra Oasis and take control of whole south Libya since the uprise in 2011.
That's how we deal.....we don't invade other countries.
Turkish warnings to the Emir of Qatar to meet President Trump's invitation to visit the White House for fear of a coup in Qatar

@Military_Secret June 13, 2017


Saudi Foreign Minister: "Qatar is not under siege its ports and airports are open"

AlAhram (@AlAhram) June 13, 2017

# America Ambassador in Doha leaves office.

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Turkish warnings to the Emir of Qatar to meet President Trump's invitation to visit the White House for fear of a coup in Qatar

@Military_Secret June 13, 2017
KSA will try everything in their power, with their American buddies to instigate a coup and bring forth a puppet a la Sisi.
This is what i fear will happen, but Turkey didn't bent down her knees to the NATO/CIA instigated coup last July. I hope this will serve as an example to the rest of the Middle Eastern people and boost their confidence. Turkish military presence in Qatar can play a pivotal role. If Qatar falls to the hands of the crooked KSA regime, the last Middle Eastern bastion of hope will fall. But we will do everything in our power to prevent this from happening.

True.we are grateful to Turkey Republic and its people.and We are looking forward for more happier days ahead inshalah.
All for the bettermen of our brothers and sisters everywhere. We don't expect anything in return other than living in dignity. Every human being deserves to live a dignified life void of the ills of the world.
KSA will try everything in their power, with their American buddies to instigate a coup and bring forth a puppet a la Sisi.
This is what i fear will happen, but Turkey didn't bent down her knees to the NATO/CIA instigated coup last July. I hope this will serve as an example to the rest of the Middle Eastern people and boost their confidence. Turkish military presence in Qatar can play a pivotal role. If Qatar falls to the hands of the crooked KSA regime, the last Middle Eastern bastion of hope will fall. But we will do everything in our power to prevent this from happening.

All for the bettermen of our brothers and sisters everywhere. We don't expect anything in return other than living in dignity. Every human being deserves to live a dignified life void of the ills of the world.
Middle eastern politics are extremely complicated.. I fear that we are all wrong about the outcomes..
Qatar has also been serving America for ages. It's not a holy land by the way. But Saudis and the allies did make a big mistake by cornering this small country. Unity is what is required by Muslims. Turkey has played a very intelligent and valiant role in the face of devilish America.
I hope reconciliation efforts will bear fruits and this crisis will be over soon.
Had Pakistan not been in chaos because of the Jewish agent Imran Khan, Pakistani political and military leadership could have been in a position to play their active part in the Middle East.
Qatar and Saudi arabia are two sides of the same coins. they both support radical groups like hamas, muslim brotherhood islamic jihad etc, they both should be treated the same along with Erdogan who is backing the muslim brotherhood terrorist. which is harming our country image.
A Qatari official was quoted as saying to an Israeli Magazine on Monday Qatar and Israel are two similar countries, two small states surrounded by enemies, and the arid desert in both countries has been turned into a fertile field, . "We are two similar countries," the Iaraeli daily Yediot Aharanot reported Monday.

The Qatari official added that his country is hosting Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, so that they can monitor and control them. They can not take one step without the permission of the Qatari authorities.



Qatar Natural Gas Tankers: One of the largest fleets in the world

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Australian demands to punish Qatar as a "terrorist incubator"
# Sky_News

Saudi Arabia has blocked the official website of Qatar TV after insulting the Council of Senior Scholars and the Saudi people.

News leaked from Doha indicates that Abdullah bin Khalifa uncle of Tamim will be the alternative that will bring out Qatar from the crisis

# 24 Reports The New York Times: Qatar considered itself a superpower
Euphrates shield is all about securing your boarders against Kurds + some ISIS fights .... Try to read about that more from non-Turk sources......but good for you.
Do you think i just read Turkish sources, it is a fact that ES has disabled a major route for isis smugglings which made them weaker, i dont need anyone to open my eyes, i see it clearly.

That's how we deal.....we don't invade other countries.
Yeah easily said when you dont border a civil war where isis was strongest (libya is nowhere comparable to Syria where there is a desert between Egypt and and Libya), Turkey needed foot on ground, anyone saying there were other options has no clue what he is talking about.

I dont know what you guys want, if Turkey does nothing it is supporting isis, if it does something its either still supporting or it was wrong again... :coffee:

Dangerous accusations from Germany:

German intelligence chief: Qatar funds extremist mosques in Europe Former German intelligence chief August Hanning accused the State of Qatar of funding extremist mosques in Europe, especially in Germany, which led to terrorist acts that killed dozens in Germany and Europe, And the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in this regard.

According to Sky News, Hanning called for the suspension of funding of mosques promoting extremism in Europe as part of anti-terrorism efforts in European countries, citing Qatar and Turkey by name in this context, referring to foreign funding in general, especially from the Gulf region.

In an article in the newspaper Söddeutsche Zeitung entitled "We Are Against Them," Hanning criticized the currents of political Islam, especially the Muslim Brotherhood, which he said controlled the Manchester mosque, where the Manchester United suicide bomber had radicalized them. Hanning, which is dominated by hardliners and funded from abroad, In their communities and their acceptance of the values and ideals of the European societies in which they live. "This is done through donations from rich citizens and the granting of religious institutions and religious ministries from the Gulf states such as Qatar, Pursuing an agenda or strategic plan to carry out missionary work and spread Islam in Europe. "How does the religious establishment in that" small, rich state "follow a fundamentalist approach and support the Brotherhood and Hamas?

"The opening of the largest mosque in Malmö, Sweden, accommodates 2,000 people to be the largest mosque in Scandinavia, as well as the transformation of a stunning historic building into a 30 million euro mosque in Florence, Italy," he said. In Spain, Denmark, France and Germany, who pays is who usually sets all the rules. "

He points out that this funding appears to be a service to Europe, but on the contrary comes with values and ideas that are incompatible with European values.
"Another example known to all is Turkey, the strength and influence of the Turkish religious affairs presidency in Europe, and its branch in Germany, known as the Turkish Islamic Union (Ditib), which is in close consultation with Ankara on everything, not just Friday sermons."


Senator John McCain: Qatar funds terrorist organizations that kill US soldiers


Washington: Worst of Gulf crisis "behind us"



Director of the Information Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: # Qatar does not need food or medicine relief, but is still providing assistance to the affected areas.( in Syria and elsewhere)
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