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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

What do you mean by that?
I don't think what T-Rex meant was that Putin's Russia is a model of the type of ideal Islamic state he wish for. If anything he is against Putin's Russia policies as much as he is against Irans.
I guess he mean Putin save Erdogan
I support a state where Islamic principles are implemented fairly which means upholding human rights of the minorities as well, where people are not persecuted for expressing their views, no matter how unpleasant it may be to some, where rulers can be peacefully removed by the majority if that is what they want, where there is highest level of transparency in the state affairs, where religion or any kind of ism is not exploited for filling pockets or maintaining certain type of lifestyle or holding onto power.
I see, so there is no muslim country in the world who adheres to your ideal model of what an islamic state should look like.
Hmmmm....... So which country do you think is close to your idea?
What do you mean by that?
I don't think what T-Rex meant was that Putin's Russia is a model of the type of ideal Islamic state he wish for. If anything he is against Putin's Russia policies as much as he is against Irans.
That China is on the all Sunni Muslims are jihadis bandwagon that Putin and his bots have been pushing since Syria began... the man needs chaos.

Also, I'm against S400.
UAE minister says country wants change of policy in Qatar, not change of regime.
That China is on the all Muslims are jihadis bandwagon that Putin and his bots have been pushing since Syria began...

Also, I'm against S400.
I see, but I don't think anyone believes all muslims are jihadist per se. Just that there's some islamic groups who have a very radical idea of Islam and believe in it.

Anyway, what's your take on the Syrian civil war?
How do you know they don't? Have you been to all countries in greater Sunni world?
Moreover, from what I have observed and red so far they have far more muslim(sunni or not) countries siding with them in many issues than otherwise. That's what matters in geo politics and shows the influence they have in the muslim world.

No offense buddy, but you have very limited knowledge of this topic's nuances.

T-Rex is exactly correctly 1000 percent.
@Manticore @waz @The Eagle
I just want to know who is moderating this section with unfair attitudes, letting Chinese members having not any interest in region/subject but playing superpower games as if countries in region care what China talks, provocating Turkey/related issued(read the previous posts please), while the messages kindly given as a response to those members without any insult/flamming/provocation are being deleted without any proper reason/reaponse?


No body is allowed to insult or mock anyone else so IMO, members need to be encouraged to report such member/post and move on without doing so in return so that the matter will be taken care of. Nobody let's anyone do as such.
We do have serious terrorism threat in China. It's our people, our country. So we will do what ever it takes to make sure our people safety.

Kindly keep both subjects separate and stay on topic in this thread which has no name mainly asking about China or Turkiye involvement. Yes, we can debate on different international subjects but on right time at right place. A different subject with no relation to xyz may not be used to point settling of ABC area.
By all signs Qatar has fallen in line.

Capitulated rather quickly.

The Deal is simple... no more Qatari independent seeking of infulence without the consent of the KSA.

The KSA is the only Power in ME... seems like Qatar has accepted its place in the Natural Order.

The current ruling elite of Qatar has just saved itself by a breath. Self perservation is indeed strongest instinct.

Iran has also been sent a message with the episode in thier parliment. Fall inline or else!

Let us see how Iranian elite reads this message and adapts to this reality.

After all the KSA and Iran tussel was going to be fought inside Iran as outlined by the KSA.

Sad and mad days ahead for everyone involved.

Pak and Turkey must prepare for some sad days as well.

China will also see madness in some ways...but the Chinese are prepared now.

Wish there was Peace and Shared Prosperity in ME...good for Pak and Turkey. Of course, for China.

The Wizard of the World has crossed the Threshold and overturned the Order of the Soul.

Prepare to mourn!

What is most fasicnating is the fact that this news about Qatar sponsorship of terror is all over the Western media and so many arab/muslim countries have broken ties with Doha....

How in the name of Justice/Reason can the UN not take this issue seriously?
Mr. Trump has tweeted and the Whitehouse has stated it to be the Truth.

Or with capitulation of Doha all will be well and dandy now..and everyone in the media will forget about this terror sponsorship...all under the rug. And there will be more bizzare terror acts in Europe with the loss of innocent lives of citizens. Funny?

@Arryn @Götterdämmerung @Serpentine @The SC @cabatli_53

There is something very unusual going on in the world. I am willing to believe this attack, the events with Qatar, and Trump's trip to SA are related. The Trump administration is filled with anti-Islamic elements who do have knowledge of the Middle East. I'm fairly certain they have norm only green lighted these actions, but have discussed this strategy with the Saudis and Israelis. The objective is to contain Iran in a multi faceted approach. This aligns with Israeli interests. And one of the modalities is to augment this Sunni Shia divide. Of course this aligns with the short sighted Saudi interests to contain Iran.

Saudi Arabia and UAE are in bed with the US and Israel to contain Iran in addition I believe to ultimately shape the Middle East to an environment that promotes Israeli security and US interests. SA, UAE, and Egypt are just a bunch of pawns who are smiling as they are being used for the interests of others.
I see, but I don't think anyone believes all muslims are jihadist per se. Just that there's some islamic groups who have a very radical idea of Islam and believe in it.

Anyway, what's your take on the Syrian civil war?
I Meant to say Sunni Muslims.

My position on Syria has been to steer it away from the Russian camp. My gripe with Syria, long before Erdy pissed every one off, was the Kurdish card it was know to use against Turkish Governments.
Since when I said all Islamists are Daesh? Funny! Sisi is not my appetite, you must get wrong.

Sissy is not your appetite but you do have an appetite to declare that somehow sissy is lesser of the two evils when compared to MB. If I were neutral I would simply stay quiet.
The simpsons (2014) episode.


You scare me. Is this really true? :blink:
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